Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 22: Apocalypse of the Stars

Genius to remember the address of this site in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Igna was stunned for a while, not expecting that Colonel Dilza would suddenly talk to him.

He also didn't expect Miss Fors to tell Colonel Hugh Dilchar about this.

It seems that the two of them are closer than they thought...

"Yes." Igna nodded.

"Come on." Hugh Dilcha said, "Protect yourself and don't endanger ordinary people in Backlund."

"I understand." Igna nodded and said, "Thank you."

"You are more diligent. So I will teach you the skills of hand-to-hand combat and how to use the triangular thorn." Hugh Dielcha said, "You can also practice shooting here with the letter of introduction I opened."

"Our tentative training time for the Cavaliers is Wednesday and Friday afternoon. You can choose other times you can practice shooting. Good candidates are fed with bullets. Don't despise them, and don't be willing to spend money." Hugh Dilchar said, "You are weak now. You should arm yourself as soon as possible."

"Okay. I understand." Igna looked down at Hugh Dilza, still accepting Hugh's advice without hesitation.

"The rest is over, let's continue." Hugh Dilza said solemnly.


The next morning.

Ignatius, who was lying on the bed, could barely lift his hands.

But he still gritted his teeth and sat up from the bed. Because last night he made a divination for the next day's itinerary before going to bed.

The astrological results suggest that if you choose to stay put the next morning, there may be some optimistic changes.

Originally, if it weren't for this revelation, Ignat had planned to go out to find some investment opportunities, and then drop by to practice shooting. After all, the task of earning 10,000 gold pounds assigned by senior Xiao Zhou is not something that can be easily achieved. He needs to find some projects with higher leverage.

But the astrology suggested that it was better to stay where I was this morning, and Ignat had no choice but to give up.

"That's how it really looks like a **** stick..."

Even if he didn't quite fit in, Igna forced himself to at least act like an astrologer.

Eating the Ruan-style breakfast provided by Mrs. Hudson, Igna sat on the sofa by the window and looked out the window.

It rained heavily in Backlund this morning. Pedestrians on the road are still in an endless stream. Everything looked foggy and had a mysterious beauty to it.

"Da-da, da-da-"

Igna, who was sitting by the window, heard what seemed to be a sound from the corridor behind the door. It sounded like two people were walking up the stairs.

One of them is Mrs. Hudson, her footsteps are a little trembling, and she likes to walk against the wall, and the sound of walking on the corridor will be a little dull. The other, most likely a man, walked steadily and leaned against the outer edge of the railing. But there seemed to be something wrong with his legs and feet, because Igner could still vaguely hear the sound of the crutches.

The b he rented included the second floor and above, and Mrs. Hudson lived on the first floor. So it sounds like Mrs. Hudson brought some guests?

Igna was stunned and glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was only half past eight in the morning!

This revelation also came a little too early!

"Tuk Tuk Tuk-"

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and as expected, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Please come in." Igna put down the teacup, straightened his clothes, and stood up from the window.

"Squeak..." The door was opened gently.

Sure enough, Mrs. Hudson appeared behind the door.

However, the guests following her surprised Igna. Although the clothes on his hair were slightly wet, Igna never thought that this "guest" he knew.



The two called out each other's names at the same time, both looking very surprised.

"Thank goddess. You know each other? That's great!" Mrs. Hudson was also a little surprised, but she smiled happily.

Igna hurriedly invited the two of them in. Looking at the huge suitcase in Jennings Wenzer's hand, Igna couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

"The situation is this..." Mrs. Hudson looked at Igna with an apologetic and embarrassed smile.

The general content is also simple to say. Even Jennings Wenzer was also a tenant of Mrs. Hudson. The room he rented was checked in the day before yesterday, but in the past two days, he found that the roof was leaking badly. Backlund was holding the World Expo again recently, and the rooms were relatively tight, making it difficult to find a hotel. So hope to be able to rent an empty room in Igna.

"He only needs to stay here for two days," added Mrs. Hudson, embarrassed. "I'll get the roof fixed as soon as possible."


This request is somewhat beyond Igna's expectations.

If, among other things, a soldier is renting at home for two days... Igna has no reason to refuse.

Also, he has a good impression of Jennings Wenzer.

Although it was only two short encounters, Ignatius found Jennings Wenzel's conversation to be extraordinary. Although a soldier, he clearly had a good college education. Although he retired, he should have held some important technical positions in the army.

He showed embarrassment and unease during Mrs. Hudson's speech, but he didn't stop it... Then, there is really no other way to make such a request.

Ignatius made a decision silently in his heart.

But at the same time, he wandered to the edge of the desk while thinking about it, and he tapped the crystal ball with a finger like no doubt.

Before you promise, you still need to do some divination.

Igna glanced at the changes in the stars in the high-level crystal ball.

——Should agree to this accommodation request, which will bring some optimistic changes.

Ignatius, leaning on the edge of his desk, replied in the affirmative: "If Jennings doesn't mind living with a that would be really appreciated." Jennings Wenzer apparently also He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled gratefully.


Eating the baked cookies provided by Mrs. Hudson and drinking Marquis black tea, Ignatius gradually got to know this person during the conversation with Jennings.

He is a retired army officer who used to be a military doctor. He came to Backlund because a friend introduced him to a job after retiring from the army.

"Being a forensic doctor at the Siviras Field can be considered to be able to continue to apply the knowledge I have learned." Jennings smiled and said to Igna.


Well, Jennings Wenzer (·r) is ..

Thanks to Miss Fireworks and Tail Swallows for answering my question about what is the nickname of the Backlund Police Department.


I'm back, thanks for your patience.

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