Mystic Holy See

Chapter 37: hair loss

Aldrich came out of Mr. Black Cat's house without any delay and returned to his residence quickly.

As soon as the door was closed, he immediately ran to the opened box that originally contained the Black Mamba, and directed it to get out of the cuff with a black cloth wrapped in a stiletto, and return to the box.

"Thank you for your hard work, little guy."

Aldrich's body was shivered by the rubbing of its smooth body, and his arms got goosebumps, but he still saw that the Black Mamba was very friendly, so he hurriedly brought some beef for it, this time it was fresh.

Everything went smoothly today, thanks to the help of Strelling and the Black Mamba.

Thinking of the previous process, he couldn't help laughing.

After coming out of the forest bar, he immediately went to the Alva fighting gym to find Andrea. Fortunately, she did not go out today, but was training in the gym.

After embarrassingly getting 30 kinnars as a reward in her funny eyes, he ran to Ginkgo Street and spent 25 kinnars to buy an expensive black suit, of course, a top hat, leather shoes, walking sticks, There's even a pocket watch.

Then he went home, took out the Strelling snake rod and controlled the Black Mamba with its help - he finally figured out that the function of the snake rod is not simply hypnosis, it is the user's use of 'spirit' to impose on creatures Extraordinary items of influence.

This kind of influence has a significant effect on ordinary creatures, but it is not satisfactory to humans. The main reason is that human's "spirit" far exceeds that of most ordinary creatures, and the Extraordinary is stronger.

As a family heirloom item of the Strelling family, its Beyonder characteristics are powerful enough, but now Aldrich doesn't know the side effects of the snake rod, so it's not necessary that he doesn't want to use it.

Then Aldrich lays in ambush by the forest bar, waiting for Sunderland to appear.

The reason for choosing Sunderland is partly because Sunderland has such a need, and partly because Sunderland is definitely not bad for money.

A bottle of Halimea needs 3 silver nars, and Sunderland drinks more than a dozen bottles almost every day, that is, 3 gold nars!

Who would have guessed that the wait would be midnight.

In the dark alley, he hypnotized Sunderland with the Strelling snake rod, and asked his address, "mysterious" name, and confirmed that the rank of his rank was 0.

It is worth mentioning that due to Sunderland's drunkenness, his "spirit" as an Extraordinary was suppressed to a level similar to that of an ordinary person, and Aldrich completed the hypnosis with little effort.

Then he came to the unlocked residence and quietly posed for Sunderland to arrive home. Everything went well until the last moment when he used the snake rod wrapped in black cloth to hypnotize Sunderland again.

Um... The reason for wrapping the black cloth is that Sunderland is worried that Sunderland will connect the red light that Strelling activates with the red light that leaked out when he used it on him for the first time in the alley.

Although Sunderland is very drunk, he may not notice this, but he is a Beyonder after all, and Aldridge should minimize the possibility of exposure.

The results are undoubtedly remarkable, Aldridge has harvested a full 600 kinnars!

He was intoxicated by smelling the ink of the golden paper money, or he smelled the scent of Rank 1.

"It's a pity that this kind of thing can only happen once in a while, and it needs the right time and place, otherwise I can make a fortune on this."

Aldridge shook his head and sighed. If it wasn't for Sunderland's chances of getting drunk, he wouldn't consider doing it.

Of course, when he is officially promoted to rank 1, and when the "spirit" has further grown, he can start with the children of rank 0.

"I am bringing them hope. This is not an act of harming others and selfishness, but an act of benefiting others and selfishness."

Aldridge smiled slightly, thinking that Sunderland was unhappy every day because of the lack of potion formula, he actually had a special sense of mission.

Hmm... To be honest, that's a sense of mission for Kinnar.

Aldridge carefully took off the expensive clothing. The inner white shirt was rubbed by the black mamba, so he decided to send it to the laundry tomorrow.

He came to the bathing room, lit the candles on the wall, and prepared to take a bath.


Aldrich was stroking his hair casually, when he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his hand. When he pulled his hand back, he saw a broken hair on his hand!

He was startled, he used his other left hand to touch a handful of hair again, and the other hand was short and broken.

"Hair loss?"

He whispered in disbelief, I'm only twenty, how can I lose so much hair at one time?

Aldrich hurriedly leaned in front of the mirror, took a closer look with the light of the candle on the wall, and brushed his short flaxen hair from his head one by one, his heart twitching as he watched him.

Much thinner than the thick hair before.

"It turns out that the side effect of Strelling's snake rod is hair loss..."

Aldridge murmured in disbelief, to say what could cause this problem, he used the Strelin snake rod many times today is the only possibility.

Thinking back to Uriel, the previous owner of the Snake Staff, although his hair was neatly combed, it was indeed sparse, which made Aldrich more sure of his guess.

Thinking of this, Aldrich has a deep resistance to Strelin's snake stick, a man's hairline is very important!


Aldridge's eyes lit up, his 'super speed regeneration' ability was activated, and then his hair, which could be seen by the naked eye, sprang up like mushrooms after rain, and the hair grew thick again.

Ha, sure enough!

Aldridge is extremely fortunate that he has the extraordinary ability of 'super speed regeneration'.

It is a good thing to be able to determine the side effects of Strelin's snake rod, and the extraordinary ability to restrain the side effects reassured him. Aldridge took a bath in a happy mood, and then went to sleep.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Aldridge entered the gate of the Alva Fighting Hall on time, and he was about to usher in a new round of ordeal.

Of course, for the growth of his body, he is very happy.

"Andrea, good morning."

It was undoubtedly refreshing to see the beautiful Andrea in the early morning, and Aldrich greeted her energetically.

Suleya was not here today, and the only one in the stadium was Andrea standing at the door of the room.

"Aldrich, morning." After Andrea recognized his friend's identity, she naturally spoke a lot, and she asked calmly, "Is it done?"

Last night, Aldrich hurriedly came to her to get She guessed that Aldridge was in a hurry, and at this time, he had a sense of concern.

Aldridge nodded and said, "Thanks to you, things went well!"

"Well, that's fine, let's come in for dinner."


While sitting and eating, Aldrich asked with concern, "Have you felt uncontrollable these two days?"

Andrea was already leaning against the wall and replied seriously, "No, it's very stable, but the strength is much greater than before, I'm still getting used to it."

Aldridge nodded knowingly, and he was not prepared to ask how much the increase was, which was a bit rude.

Speaking of which, 'extraordinary power' is a kind of passive extraordinary ability, which will be blessed in Andrea's body for a long time after the secret deed ceremony, not like his extraordinary ability needs to be actively triggered.

"What are your plans after becoming an Extraordinary?" Aldridge asked himself casually, stuffing himself a mouthful of fried Dolan fish.

"Not yet, I still need to finish my studies."

Aldridge knew that Andrea was in her third year of college this year, and she would not graduate until two years later this year.


he said casually.

Andrea looked at him and said seriously after a moment of silence, "Aldrich, my extraordinary abilities need to be exercised. If there is anything interesting, you should come with me."

Aldrich turned to look at her, and Andrea's beautiful blue eyes were shining with some anticipation, and he couldn't help but agree, "Okay!"

Andrea smiled, her eyes beckoning him to eat quickly.

Aldrich suddenly felt a little regretful. Andrea, who was in a good mood, was full of firepower and was very serious about his fitness. Aldridge felt the smell of **** again after a few days.

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