Naruto: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 408: not enough!

Two hours later, Chiba left the Konoha Maruko shop. .

Hope, it can give them some comfort.

Chiba took a deep breath, looked back at the busy Guan Ye couple, and slightly loosened his clenched fists.

To be honest, Guan Ye's forgiveness gave him a sense of relief. Their grief would not disappear after the loss of Guan Ye, but after being forgiven by Guan Ye's family, Chiba somewhat relaxed.

It also made Qianye Meng think.

Go to see the family of Sasuke Aso and Masaru Nanki.

So, after talking with Guan Ye and his wife, he left the ball point, and after learning about their residences from some ninjas who were familiar with Aso and Masaru Nanki, he walked away.

Of course, Chiba is not seeking forgiveness, but wants to see their family.

However, Chiba couldn't deny that he did this to make himself easier.

But in fact, he found the family of Sasuke Aso and Masaru Nanki, but in the end he didn't contact them, just learned about them.

Sasuke Aso has an older brother and a younger brother, and Masaru Nanki has a younger sister... Both parents are still alive. Although they cover up their deaths very well, everyone is very sad. The atmosphere of the two families is very sad. Very heavy and depressing.

After that, without their knowledge, Chiba left the two houses.

In the end, he still didn't have the courage to step into their home.

After leaving, he felt a heavy weight.

The weight of life!

In front of the weight of this life, he felt a deep weakness.

The perfect version of the wound mode, the benefits of crossing, the super-fine Chakra control ability, the ninjutsu talent that can be learned at once, it can be said that the superb medical ninjutsu, the gradually proficient Chakra's nature and form changes... All this added up, and Chiba still felt powerless when faced with the weight.

In the final analysis, I am not strong enough!

Chiba was walking on the way back to the cabin with a serious face and her lips pressed tightly.

It's far from enough. Now I have the elite upper ninja level, even if the strength surpasses the elite upper ninja level, it is still not enough!

If I am strong enough, the Seven Ninja Blades cannot hold me back!

Do not!

Even, there is no need to implement the decoy plan at all, I can become the decoy and the main attacker alone, and annihilate everyone in one fell swoop!

not enough!

It's not enough!

Chiba walked and thought, and at the same time, he slowly condensed the weight in his heart and buried it in his heart.

Together with the three names of Guanye Satoru, Aso Sasuke, and Nanmu Masaru, they are deeply buried.

They have passed away, but there is still something to do now.

If he blindly indulges in grief and self-blame, he will lose everything, and the pace of fate is getting closer and closer, the battle of Shenwu Kunqiao, the attack of Nine Tails...the threat is approaching step by step.

No way!

This can't go on anymore, I need more time for exercise, no matter the task, or the daily training!

I need more practice, more ninjutsu, more methods!

In order to prevent all possible emergencies, I need more! More comprehensive ninjutsu! In terms of illusion, we must also study it!

My ninjutsu talent may be able to work on illusion, but not necessarily!

Too much to do!

I can't be satisfied now!

Self-made ninjutsu, powerful self-made ninjutsu, must be developed!

Chiba walked quickly, hurriedly toward the cabin.

A training plan, an exercise plan, and a conception of his own ninjutsu have already taken shape in his mind.

And when Chiba returned to the cabin, it was already 10 minutes at noon. But just as he wanted to walk into the cabin in a hurry, he stopped.

At this time, in the open space in front of the cabin, three people, one big, two small, stood impressively.

"Teacher Jiuxinai, Chiba is here!" Xuenai was the first to spot him.

Then, after this call, the red-haired beauty who was waiting impatiently turned around and looked at Chiba viciously.


Immediately, Qianye was almost shivering, and the whole person took a step back from the fierce look of Jiuxinai's eyes.

However, Jiu Xinnai did not ask the teacher as her eyes indicated, but asked: "Where have you been? It's all waiting for you to eat."


Chiba was stunned, only to find that there was a banner on his cabin that read "Happy discharge from hospital!"

Obviously, Jiu Xin Na and the others are here to celebrate his discharge.

It was quite grand, and Chiba knew that without guessing, they probably did it to let themselves forget some of their sadness.

"I...I wandered into Guan Ye's house without knowing it." After thinking of this floor, Chiba said.

He didn't want to hide.

After hearing the words, the expressions of the three of them changed. They even glanced at each other and exchanged their eyes.

Jiuxinai's vicious appearance also solidified instantly, quite at a loss.

"Don't worry, I have come out!"

Seeing the expressions and movements of the three, Chiba hurriedly said.

As soon as these words came out, the three of them all looked over, looked at Chiba carefully, and even approached them together, touched Chiba’s forehead, and made sure that he did not have a fever. After speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It made Chiba a cold sweat behind his head.

However, after confirming that Chiba had come out, the three of them pulled Chiba into the door.

After stepping into the small wooden house, a scent of food came to his face, and the small long table in Chiba is full of meat dishes, all of which he loves most.

Moreover, there are enough varieties, and the dishes are stacked.

It is estimated that cooking this table dish took them an afternoon.

"Well, Chiba is going to take a bath, Hirohiko and Yukina come to help me and prepare to eat! After eating, I have good news to tell you!" Kushina patted Chiba on the shoulder and said.

good news?

Chiba was taken aback, not only Chiba, but Hirohiko and Xuena were also taken aback. Obviously they didn't know what the good news was.

"What good news?"

In this daze, Chiba almost blurted out.

Jiuxina gave a mysterious smile and said, "I will announce it after the meal. Now you go take a shower."

And this mysterious smile, coupled with Kyushinna's tone, all of them, Chiba, Hirohiko, and Xuena were all in cold sweat behind them, and they couldn't help shivering.

How do I feel This good news is not good news!

There is an extremely strong ominous premonition!

The same thought emerged in the hearts of the three.

Then, like a conditioned reflex at a critical moment, the three said together: "Can't you know it now?"


While smiling, Kushina pushed Chiba out of the back door, then glanced at Yukina and Hirohiko, the smile seemed to be brighter.


This is definitely not good news!

Xuena and Hirohiko were sweating in their hearts.

When Chiba saw the slight changes in the expressions of Hirohiko and Xuena, the same thought came to him, and then another thought came to him.

No, why should I take a bath? (To be continued...)

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