Naruto’s Strongest Bloodline

Chapter 190 The Days of Physical Training

Although Shigure always felt that something was wrong, learning Bamen Dunjia would definitely improve Shigure's own strength, so Shigure had no reason to refuse.

Shigure felt that Sandaime and Mattai had some other purpose in letting him learn Bamen Dunjia, but it seemed that they were sincerely treating him well.

"Forget it, maybe I'm thinking too much." Shi Yu threw out those strange thoughts, and then made a decision.

"How about it! Shigure! Take this task and train with me!" Matt Dai raised his thumb again, showing his white teeth.

"Okay! I'll learn!" Shi Yu finally nodded, he accepted the task, or the request was more appropriate.

Afterwards, Shigure bid farewell to the third generation, and directly started the preparatory training for Hachimon Dunjia with Matt Dai.

"Mr. Dai, I would like to ask, did you not go to the front line?" Shi Yu asked on the road.

"No, after you participate in the two main battles on the front line, you will be considered victorious. In this kind of war, the general ninja will be sent to complete the task after all the zhongnin and jnin are dispatched, so our Konoha's ninja basically did not participate in the battle. , and even some Chunin and Jonin didn’t have time to join the battle.”

"That's right, I remember that Matt Dai joined the battle, and the reason for the explosion was because he rescued Kai and his squad. It was time to fight Kirigakure. It is estimated that Konoha was fighting on multiple fronts at that time, and then was suddenly attacked by Kirigakure."

"However, it's a bit of an exaggeration for one person to face the seven people of Kirigakure Ninja Saber, and finally killed four of them.

While thinking about it, Shigure had already arrived at Maitedai's house unknowingly.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard his own voice cheering him up.

"In order to surpass Uchiha Shigure! And Hatake Kakashi! One thousand and eighty-two! One thousand and eighty-three! One thousand and eighty-four!" Teke would do that.

"Kai! I brought back your best opponent!" Dai suddenly became emotional, tears welling up in his eyes.

And Kai immediately burst into tears: "Really! Is this true! Dad! Is Shiyu coming!?"

Then Shi Yu appeared in front of Kai, and was immediately embraced by Kai passionately.

"Shigu! You are my best opponent! You are really willing to accompany me! This is the real passionate youth!"

Shi Yu avoided Kai in an instant, and said in embarrassment: "I am also very happy to see you, let's see how to train?"

"What a serious and dedicated boy!" Matt Dai was also extremely satisfied with Shi Yu, and others avoided him. He never expected Shi Yu to have such expectations for his physical training.

"Great! First of all, you and Kai will finish the daily routine exercises first. By the way, don't use any chakra, otherwise it will not achieve the effect of exercise." Matt Dai reminded.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"What is the routine practice every day?" Shi Yu asked.

Matt Day and Matt Kay began to explain in turn.

"Every day's training starts in the morning. The morning training starts with 10,000 push-ups, and then runs around Konoha ten times in a handstand."

"That's right! Then I have a good lunch, and after taking a nap, I immediately start the task of supporting the family every day. After finishing, the last thing is waterfall training."

Shi Yu shook his head and said, "Push-ups, handstand running, I know all of these. What is the task of raising a family and waterfall training? I haven't heard of it."

Matt Dai said solemnly: "It's like this. The task of supporting the family is to complete the D-level task, and the money earned is used to support the family. Of course, our efficiency must be higher. When others complete one task, we have to complete two." items and even more!"

Shigure was a little speechless, isn't this the task of completing Ninja? Will I be short of that mission reward?

"Don't underestimate the D-level missions. It's very important to find cats for others and protect the crops! The rewards we get for the missions have to be paid to ourselves!" Matt Dai educated.

"Understood, what is waterfall training?" Shigu asked again.

Maitekai replied: "Self-cultivation, that is one of the most important trainings every day! When the time comes, Shiyu, you will know!"

"Dad! Shigure, the Shining Light of the Ninja World, has come to learn from you! I'm so touched! I will definitely work harder!" Maitekai started the push-up practice again like chicken blood.

"I was lazy just now, and I did it again, one, two, three, four. Kai lay down on the ground very seriously and did the push-ups again.

"Kai!" Dai Ye burst into tears again.

"I'm convinced, I'll come too!" Shi Yu knew that Dai and Kai were the kind of people who were not very good at talking, but only serious about doing things, so he started the physical training without saying a word.

Shigure didn't use chakra, so when he was doing push-ups, it was naturally not that easy. It would take nearly three hours to do one of 10,000 push-ups per second. It can be done within hours.

"No, you can't let Maitkai surpass me." After that, Shigure also desperately practiced martial arts, leaving behind the fact that he was a ninja, and even completely forgot the strength he had before.

"Start from the most basic! Ten thousand push-ups! You can do it!" Matt Dai cheered up beside him, and finally moved himself to do push-ups with Kai and Shi Yu.

Beads of sweat flowed from Shi Yu's forehead, he had never been so tired before.

"It seems that my physical fitness should really be exercised. In physical arts, I have mastered the soft fist, and the essence of the three major schools of saber arts. One is to use oneself to control Chakra."

"And for physical training it seems that there is really no

"I rely on great strength to fight those tailed beasts head-on with Chakra, not relying on physical strength. If my body is as strong as a tailed beast? Then how strong will I be?!"

While looking forward to it, Shigu continued to persevere.

Shi Yu didn't expect that Maitekai finished it first, and then did it again. By the time he finished 10,000 pieces, Maitekai had already done it at least three times.

"It's amazing! You can complete 10,000 on the first day of training today! How old are you!? 6 years old?! Kai only makes 1,000 a day at your time." Matt Dai said to Shi Yu Very satisfied.

"So he is the strongest opponent in my life! I have already achieved such a good result the first time! Dad! Let's hurry up and start the second training!"

"Haha! Okay! Stand on your head and run around Konoha ten times with your hands!" Matt Dai burst into tears again.

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