The picture lens turns ~~~

The Straw Hat One Piece and his gang have left the kingdom of Alabastan.

The Golden Merley has also sailed on the sea!

However, at this time, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment is full of one word… Mourning!! ——

Joba, Nami, Yamaji, Luffy, Usopp, five people lined up neatly at the railing on the second floor, five faces depressed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sauron, on the other hand, looked at them with disgust: “I said you… how come you are all weak and weak?” ”

“People are very lonely~~”

The five of them said at the same time with their heads down.

“Don’t cry and cry, if you are so reluctant, you can’t just forcibly pull him into the gang in the first place!!”

Obviously, the Straw Hat gang is because of the difference with Vivi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “Wow! What a barbarian! ”


“Green algae head…”

The five complained about Sauron.

“Okay, I get it. Die crying with you.”

Sauron’s forehead was sweating, and he planned not to meet these flirtatious guys like them

But at this moment, the door of the cabin suddenly opened, and out of it came out thinking that she was tall and tall.

“You have finally escaped from the day ~ hard work ~ ~ ~ ”

When such a sound reached the ears of everyone, all eyes of the Straw Hat Pirates were immediately focused on the woman

The person who came was not a bystander, and it was official Nicole Robin ~~.~

“Are you here to avenge the organization?” Let the horse come over!! Sauron instantly molded on the knife, and his eyes froze slightly!

Nami looked horrified, “Why are you here!” ”

“Oh! Beautiful big sister!! Yamaji’s eyes routinely turned into two little red hearts.

“Enemy Attack!! Enemy Attack!! ”

Usopp is ridiculous

Only Luffy looked calm and calm: “Huh? What, it turned out to be you, you survived! ”

[Nicole Robin: Aha ~~, now see your expression again, it is really funny as always~ ~~]

[Vince Mock Yamaji: Yes, look at Sauron’s nervous look, I have never seen the world! 】

[Loronoya Sauron: Stupid!! You look at yourself, what’s the difference between that idiot and an idiot!!! 】

[French: Haha, Usopp is going to die in the same place!! 】

French hadn’t been on the boat yet, so seeing this scene at this time really made him laugh and twist his mouth.

[Brooke: Or Joba is the cutest!] Nervous looks are so cute, yo huh huh huh ~】

In the picture ~~~

Watching Robin walk out of the cabin, Sauron and Nami subconsciously wanted to do something.

After all, this is the second in command of the Baroque studio!!

He is also a Demon Fruit Ability, and his strength is very strong!!!

The Straw Hat gang had to be nervous!

“Didn’t I say that before?” Don’t compare that dangerous thing to me~ ~~

Robin spread his hands as he walked.

Flower Fruit’s power was unleashed, and a new arm grew from Sauron and Nami’s hands, leaving to surrender their weapons.

“Hey! When did you get on board!!! ”

Nami asked warily.

“I’ve always been on the boat, reading, taking a shower… this dress on my body is yours, borrow me to wear it ~~,” Robin said with a smile.

At this moment, Namico was hysterical: “What do you, the demon girl of the Baroque work club, want to do!!! ”

However, Robin did not answer her, but looked at Luffy with a serious face: “Munch D Luffy, what did you do to me, should you not forget it?”? ”

[Munch D Cap: Poof——! Bastard Luffy, what have you done!!! 】

When a woman questions a man in such a tone, normal people will think about that aspect…

[Shi Ji: Oh, sleeper!! Straw Hat Kid can!! Was it not that when defeating the sand crocodile before, robin did not have the ability to resist, and took the opportunity to take a shot?? 】

[Wang Zhi: Eighty percent of this is like this!] Didn’t you hear this woman ask that? Aside from that, I don’t know what else I can ask like. 】

[Don Quixote do Flamenco: Furufuranfuro ~~!] Straw hat boy, I really can’t see it, it turns out that you are also an old color splitter! 】

[Crane: I did this kind of thing, and I was asked in front of the world’s live broadcast… Kapu, you Monchi family are going to lose people ~】

[Potkas D Ace: Luffy, don’t think about it!] Do it, do it, big deal to marry home is!! 】

[Nicole Robin: Poof…]

“Then the problem is produced.”

“Question 6: What did Luffy do to Robin Nicole before?”

Just then, the sixth question appeared.

Quinn: Nani!! Already the sixth question!! It seems that the inventory of the straw hat boy is also coming to an end, right? 】

The most frequent number of questions before was only 7.

Now that Luffy’s inventory has reached the sixth, no matter what, there will certainly be no more than 8 questions.

After all, there are only eight prize pools in total.

There can’t be 9 problems!

[Locks D. Gibek: It’s not fair!! From the inventory to the present, all the questions that appeared in this boy have happened!! It’s so good for them!! 】

Locks was badly upset.

In this way, he would not have a chance to grab the points!!!

Everyone who saw the sixth question was already there, and this sixth question could not even be guessed.

It’s like sending a score!!

[Sengoku: Indeed! It’s not fair!! 】

The Warring States were also angry.

He also wanted to take advantage of the last inventory to see if he had a chance to get another point.

If you look at it as it is now, even if you can really ask questions to reach 8 questions, then there is no chance to grab it!!!

[Scucky: That’s the truth. But, the two of you…, are you blaming the miracle video space? If yes, then please be loud and let the miracle video space notice you!! 】

Shi Ji deliberately provoked.

Although Locks and Sengoku complained, they were not stupid

At this time, if you really say bad things about the miracle video space, it is really a brain squeezed by the door!!

[Wang Zhi: Idle is also idle, it is better to guess! Make love (answer). 】

[John: Haha! Good fellow, you’re so direct! 】

[Nicole Robin:** (The respondent has set the answer to be visible only to himself)]

[Porusalino: Wu ~~~ Is this difficult to say? That seems to be true ~~】


“Countdown: 2!”

“Countdown: 1!”

“Countdown: 0!”

“When the time for question 6 is over, the answer will appear in the next video.”

As the countdown ends, the freeze-frame screen plays again.

A sub-shot appears on the big screen.

The footage is of the previous burial hall in the Kingdom of Alabastan.

After Klockdahl was defeated~~

Robin threw the only antidote to Kobra and said, “The one that can get rid of the poison from the crocodile’s needle.” Even if it collapses here, he’s a rubber man and should be able to take you out. ”

While feeding Luffy the antidote, Kobra looked at Robin and asked, “Although I can’t read the text on it, I know that what is recorded on this stone tablet is indeed the information of the ancient weapon Hades.” Why would you lie to the sand crocodile that the above is just a historical deed? ”

“Ah, you know.”

Hearing this, Robin leaned against the wall and shook his head, “I’m not interested in ancient weapons, and I don’t want them to appear in the world.” ”

[Marko: If I remember correctly, the Navy assigned the O’Hara scholars and Nicole Robin to try to resurrect ancient weapons and threaten the world,” right? 】

Bista: Yes. But in this picture, the information of the ancient weapon Pluto King is placed in front of Nicole Robin, and she does not pay attention to it, what does this mean? 】

Don Quixote do Flamenco: That, of course, means that the Navy is lying!] Furfuranfuran!!! 】

[Shi Ji: Hahahaha!! They weren’t just lying, they had also kept the explosive rock’s weapon that could destroy the island, which was ironic! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: So, the old lady is really curious, what is the world government so worried about trying to eliminate O’Hara and Nicole Robin? 】

[Sengoku: Who can guarantee that Robin in the video is not deceiving Kobra!! 】

Neferutari Kobra: I can. Nicole Robin didn’t lie!!! 】

[Gol D Roger: Hahaha!! This king, you slapped the Warring States by surprise ah ~~】

In the picture ~~

“Then why are you here?” Kobra did not understand.

Robin explains: “What I’ve been looking for is real history! ”

“Real history? What do you mean! When Kobra heard Robin say this, he showed a look of surprise.

Robin nodded, “Among the countless historical texts scattered in all corners of the world, there is the only one that records the real history.” ”

[Gol D. Roger: Here comes the funny thing!] 】

[Sengoku: Damn!! Does that thing really exist! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Recorded the real history? What do you mean? Isn’t the history as we know it today real? 】

[Don Quixote do Flamengo: Furufurfuran! History is just an ode written by the victors for themselves!!! 】

【Sengoku: Bold!! Doflamingo, you are looking for death!! 】

Don Quixote do Flamenco: Less there! Old Piff, I’m not afraid of you now!! 】

[Shi Ji: Can you please stop arguing and influence Lao Tzu to watch the video!] 】

[Charlotte Lingling: Right, right! Don’t argue, the old woman’s interest has also been hung up! 】

In the picture ~~

“Forget it, I’ve been looking for 20 years and I haven’t heard anything from me. Here was my last hope, but it fell through. ”

Robin was devastated, and she sat down against the wall, “Just let me die here.” I was tired and didn’t have the strength to continue down the road to black. ”

“I just want to explore the real history.” But…”

At this point, sadness and sadness made Robin burst into tears, “There are too many enemies trying to hinder my dreams!” ”

“Wait a minute! Could it be that the history we are now reciting is a fabrication…? Aren’t that real history!!! Kobra was shocked.

Suddenly, one arm picked robin up, the other grabbed Kobra…

“Okay, let’s go up!”

Luffy took one in each hand and walked forward.

“Wait a minute, put me down! There is no point in being alive for me anymore!! Robin shouted.

“Why should I listen to you…?”

Luffy said willfully, and the arm holding Robin buckled even tighter!

Then, take a big step!!!

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