New World, Whitebeard Sea ~~

Moby Dick

“Daddy, there’s someone on that boat!!” Looking at the golden Mellie on the big screen, the muse exclaimed.

“No…! That’s not human…” Bista’s eyes condensed, and the shock on his face became more and more intense.

“This…, is it really the legendary ship elf ???” Marko also grew a mouth.

“Damn!! Why are the eye sockets fever? ”

“Mad! So is Lao Tzu!! Lao Tzu has never experienced anything in his life, and now he can’t control his tears!! ”

“This little figure is really lonely and hardworking!!”

“Dry lady drops! Lao Tzu, a pirate, would actually hurt a little guy he never knew!! ”


At this moment, the white-bearded pirates could see the small boats traveling through the storm

Looking at the small boat deck said that the little figure who was trying to repair…

Everyone was in tears!!



Whitebeard took a deep breath and slowly spat it out.

His heart was a little heavy.

Walking to the railing next to him, he sat down on the ground.

Looking at the lone sail in the big screen of the sky, looking at the poor cute and respectable little boat elf, his eyes were full of envy!!!


That’s any captain’s first companion!!

It is also a trustworthy partner!!!

Many captains are willing to give their lives to protect their ships!!

But a ship willing to give its life for the captain …

Even with Such a wide range of experience and insights from Whitebeard, it is the first time I have seen it!!

Legend of the Ship Spirit ~~

The sea thieves of the old days have heard about it.

But…… No one would believe that kind of ridiculous thing~~~

It is said that –

Elves are produced only when a ship is cared for by its crew and cherishes its hull. In order to repay the favor of the ship, in order to repay the favor, the ship transforms into a “person” who holds a mallet and wears a raincoat, like a crew member.

This is the ship genie…

This may sound simple, but why hasn’t anyone really seen it in thousands of years?


Simple and ordinary conditions, but also the most demanding and difficult conditions!!

It’s not just asking the captain to do this, it’s asking all crew members to do it!


If you don’t do it well, there will be no ship spirits on your ship.

A pirate group can get the reward of the ship elves, even if it is not the right One Piece, there will be no regrets in this life!!!


Cake Island ~~

“Mom! That little man…, is it the legendary ship elf!! ”

Charlotte Bree’s eyes were larger, filled with disbelief.

Straw Hat Boys, how can Ho Tak??

How can you have the legendary ship spirit!!!

Charlotte Lingling: “Damn straw hats!! I was able to get the protection of the elves!! ”

Watching the Golden Mellie ride the wind and waves to rescue the Straw Hats, Charlotte Lingling gritted her teeth in anger!!!

Linked to the scene on the Island of Justice in the video just now, if there is no golden Melley to rescue, then the journey of the Straw Hats will end here!!

If that were the case, there would be no cake scene after that!!!

Spoiled the banquet cake…

This kind of thing is absolutely unforgivable!!


Redforce ~~

“Look! There are ship elves on Luffy’s ship!! ”

Rakiru laughed happily, nibbling on the big stick bone while dancing with his hands.

It was as if he had gotten more big sticks of meat himself.

“I’ve already said that Luffy must be a good pirate!!” The roaring Gabu looked frantic and laughed boldly.

Lyme Jones glanced at him, “Got it~ ~~!” Did you laugh at him for not being a pirate, thinking we all don’t remember? I’m the one who really looks after Luffy! ”

“Hey! You guys!! I used the radical method to give him encouragement, you know a hair! ”

“Why don’t you two have a fight?” Who wins is who is most optimistic about Luffy ~~”

“Hahaha !!!”


Listening to the cadres’ comic remarks, Shanks sat in the bow of the ship and looked at the figure of the Golden Merry on the big screen.

His eyes were full of longing

Luffy ah…

Are you the answer the world is waiting for…!


Naval Headquarters, Marin Fando.

The Warring States’ face was livid at this time!!!

He stared intently at the big screen, and the whole person fell into an unacceptable shock!!!

Ship Genie…!!

Why would a pirate’s ship have such a presence that is a thousand times rarer than the esper species demon fruit!!!


No matter how rare the Demon Fruit of the Phantom Beast Species is, it can still be found in the face of a huge human order of magnitude.

But the ship elves…

Since the establishment of the world government ~ ~ ~ ~ It seems that this is the only one!!!

Is this alluding to something?


That’s impossible!!!


Baldigo Island ~~~

The cadres of the Revolutionary Army were also watching this scene.

“Saab, the legendary ship elf has appeared on Luffy’s ship, and he really exists like no other!”

Kirla smiled at the iconic healing system and pulled Razabo’s hand.

Although he and Luffy do not have any intersection, in the previous barrage, she learns that Luffy and Saab are brothers who have drunk Jieyi wine.


Isn’t this guy her little uncle anymore?

What’s more, this guy is also the son of the chief dragon, and Kirra naturally develops a natural liking for Luffy.

“Worthy of being the son of the chief!”

Saab’s memory is still uncorrected, but he has accepted his relationship with Luffy.

Monchi D Dragon looked at the sky with a smile on his face


I thought the world was waiting for me…

Now it seems that the world is waiting… It should be you…!!

[Sc: This !!! Hell yes! There really is such a thing as a ship elf!!! 】

[Boyahan Cook: The legend has come true——]

Compare their legend of Hydra Island…

(False Gorgon legend ~)

This legend of the Straw Hat Pirates is true!!!

[Sculagemanap: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Actually own a ship elf? The Straw Hats guys are so lucky!! 】

[Trafalgaro: This has nothing to do with luck! Since the ship elves have appeared, it means that the straw hat is worth having! 】

[Munch D Kapu: Luffy, you bastard, even let the old man also open his eyes!] 】

[Porusalino: Wu ~~~,What a magical boy!] 】

In the picture ~~~

The footage of the split lens disappears.

In the main shot ~ ~~

Asbagu had finished telling the crowd about what had happened before, he looked serious, as if to say to himself, “This is the first time I have seen a miracle!” ——”

“Although I have been a shiphaul for so many years, I have never seen such a great pirate ship!!”

Espagu slowly raised his head and set his gaze on the golden Merley, as if looking at a presence that he respected.

“He… Live up to the mission!! ”

Simple words from the mouth of Espagu’s world-class shiprunner, what does it mean~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Everybody understands!!

The Golden Merry has gone through all his journey!!

All the crew members of the Straw Hat Pirates present were stunned!

Nami covered her mouth, her cheeks trembling, trying not to let herself cry.


When people are parting, crying will make the other party more sad and sad!


Didn’t want to make Mellie sad.

Usopp gritted his teeth and looked into the sky!!

Only God knows that he is the saddest of all!

Yamaji smoked silently and didn’t say a word.

But he didn’t find out that the cigarette had been smoked by him and only the cigarette butt remained…

“I see!”

At this time, Luffy’s voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears.

It’s not loud, but it’s full of determination!!

In such moments, this is a responsibility that a captain must have!!

Hula —

A torch is lit!

The rest of the Straw Hats didn’t stop them, they all understood what Luffy was thinking…

I also understand that Luffy’s mood at this time is no better than any!!


There are some things that must be done!!


Luffy held a torch and looked at the small sheep’s head at the bow of the ship, which symbolized the head of the Merley…

“The bottom of the sea is very dark, and you will be lonely—”

“So, let’s give you one last ride!!”

With that, torches lit the hull!

“You’ve been carrying us for so long, thank you, Mellie!” ——”

The flames burned, and with the golden beauty of the original dream, flew into the sky.

I don’t know if it was because the heat wave caused a sudden change in airflow, or because Mellie’s departure touched the heavens~ ~ ~ ~ Snow!

Piece by piece ~ ~

Quiet in the sky!

Spell out the fate of the Straw Hats and Mellie!

Mellie’s love, born of the Straw Hat Regiment.

In the light of the fire-

Snowflakes melt at the meli’s head, forming snow water that flows down the big cute eyes of the sheep’s head!

That was Mellie’s tears!!!

“I’m sorry!! I also want to take you further! ”

“I’m sorry! I want to continue my adventures with you…”

A light voice sounded between the sea and the sky, and Mellie’s voice was tinged with immense remorse and reluctance——

When Mellie’s voice appeared, Luffy looked like crazy, not caring about the serious injury, clenched his fists, and shouted at Mellie in front of him: “We are the ones who should say sorry!” ——”

“Blame me, I won’t take the helm, you hit the iceberg!”

“Blame me, I’ve broken your sails!”

“And Sauron and Yamaji, two idiots, who always do damage on you!!”

“Although Usopp tries to fix you every time, his technique sucks!!”

“To say sorry… It’s us!!! ”

Luffy’s cry, he wasn’t alone…

It’s the cry of all the Straw Hats!!

Mellie’s light voice came: “I know…, I know…, but…”

“I’m so happy!!”

“Thank you for always being so nice to me!”



“Very happy!!”

In the light of the fire, when the Mellie was completely reduced to ashes, the light voice left

“Mellie!! ——”

At this moment, the tears cannot be suppressed!!

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