Nautical Explosive Soldiers: The Five Elders, How Many Divisions Do You Have?

Nautical Explosive Soldiers: Five Old Stars, How Many Divisions Do You Have Chapter 176

At this moment, there is an impulse to restless will and thoughts!

They realized what Ryan was about to say.

The thought to be conveyed.

It will be amazing!

The faces of the five old stars turned black.

Feeling uneasy.

Maybe they shouldn't be curious, they realize.

Such a statement.

I'm afraid the object of the request is not the navy!

It's their world government!

Although expected!

But it was said in front of the people of the world!

But it still made them feel a little embarrassed!

"We are a group of victims of corrupt royal power. We have only one purpose, to overthrow the world government, destroy the Tianlong people, and end tyranny! Create a new world where the weak have human rights!" Wo.

102. Make the whole world crazy! Fear of the Five Old Stars! (Please subscribe!)

"Eight hundred years ago, the world government was jointly formed by 20 kings, who claimed to be creators!"

"But the true Creator should have brought peace and a sense of security to the world, but since the history has been recorded, in the past eight hundred years, there has never been any year that can be called peace!"

"According to statistics, the era known as the safest and most beautiful was the era when the world government was just established seven hundred years ago to eight hundred years ago, but even at that time, at least more than fifty kingdoms were in the flames of war!"

"More than forty countries among them are all countries that are forced to start wars because they cannot afford the high amount of money in the sky!"

"The most peaceful and safe year, the number of people who died in the war! Do you know how many people there are?"

Ren said and raised a finger!

At this moment, many people were attracted by Ren's words!

Because these are things that are well known to anyone with a little common sense in this world.

Except blank hundred years of history.

history after.

There are corresponding records in the world and in various islands.

Even the world government has allowed history books to be made.

In their view, this is harmless.

On the contrary, it is often a tool for them to promote some ideas.

It's just that they didn't expect that it would be used by Rennes at this moment!

"Ten million! Ten million people died in war in the so-called best era! Not because of natural old age, not because of accidents or diseases! But because of war!"

"Now, there are 176 countries that have joined the governments of the world, and 34 known non-joined countries. At present, more than 160 kingdoms are caught in the flames of war!"


"Are there so many?"


Whether civilian or naval.

Even pirates.

It's unbelievable right now!

Many people even think that Rennes is grandstanding.

But as soon as he saw the army clustered around him.

This idea was dismissed again.

There are enough people flocking to him!

"Although we are fighting near us, it shouldn't be possible in other places, right? If so, where else can we escape?!"

When the topic firmly resonates with everyone.

Ren went on to say: "Some people may think that this is brought about by the era of great pirates, but not all. Before Roger set off the era of great pirates, the number of countries at war was only a lot more than this!"

"Maybe some people say that I am talking nonsense! Then, please open your eyes! See if there is your country in these kingdoms!"

Ren's words sounded.

Pieces of screens appeared above the Navy Headquarters.

Every screen is basically filled with flames of war!

There are city battles, forest battles, ruin battles, sea battles,...

"In this country, a cup of fresh water now sells for 10,000 Berries. This is not a desert kingdom, it's just an ordinary kingdom in 727! People can't survive and can only resist with arms!!"

"That's my hometown..." A member of the Whitebeard Pirates said with a complicated expression.

"In this country, all kinds of taxes have been collected for the next twenty years. All families and everyone are in debt. They owe the kingdom and the nobles all kinds of debts! But the key is that they have never borrowed a penny. Now the whole country is at war! But sadly...they lost!"

"Because the king of this country asked for help from the world government, they are allied countries, the navy intervened, and they were treated as thugs!"

"There is also this country, but it does not want to become a member country. Countless generations after that have become slaves, working on bridges day and night. From birth to death, they have never left here in their entire lives!"

"No matter what crimes the ancestors committed! Hundreds of years have passed, and future generations should not bear the crimes they did not commit! Even the ancestors did not commit any crimes at all!"

"In this country, as they see, a massacre is going on here. Who can tell me, these common people, what crime are they guilty of?! What crime is a newborn baby?!"

Ren pointed to a shocking screen.

Angrily question the world!

People all over the world watched as a swaddling baby was chopped in half.

The soldier who looked like the king's army was laughing!

Many people's eyes are red!

Even if they are pirates, there are very few people who commit this kind of massacre.

After all, pirates of this era.

Many are due to the background of the times.

There are all kinds of difficulties, and they are really inhumane enough to attack babies.

After all, there are only a few!

Usually do this.

Even if you are in the group of pirates, you will be excluded!

The world of pirates is like a big dye vat, a river and a lake!

You can be aggressive, you can be mean and shameless.

But some basic morals also need to be talked about!

And now what they see is an inhuman massacre.

The perpetrators are not pirates.

It's an official soldier of the kingdom!

How can this not make people angry!

Even those people like Oriole of the Warring States Period saw this scene.

Anger also rose in his heart.

If they were there.

This army that slaughtered innocent people.

Absolutely cannot escape their sanctions!

But sadly like Wren said!

Passed from those to them.

It becomes the people who are the thugs!

It is the source of evil!

Then they might make the wrong move! !

Think about it.

Many navies fell silent.

For a moment, I doubted my behavior all the time.

Is it true that they all belong to righteousness?

"Countries like this, things like this are happening on the sea, and there are countless!!"

"I once had a good friend and a good elder who died under bureaucracy and the privileges of the upper nobles!"

"Such things, in this era, in this world, I believe you are used to it, you are used to it, and you are numb!"

"Some people will even sneer, saying that it is a dead person, who has never seen it!"

"But it is precisely because of your numbness that the so-called upper-class people become more and more unscrupulous!"

"I will never forget his numb face of disappointment in justice and human rights! Even at the moment of death, he was just telling me to leave, not telling me to believe in justice and the law!"

"Because these things no longer exist in his head!"

"Is such a world correct? No, it is wrong!!"

"And there is only one reason for all of this!!" Ren's voice was domineering.

No one even interrupted Ryan at this moment!

In this world, because the islands are not closely connected!

They don't really see the face of the world!

What Ryan said now.

It is to tear off the hazy veil of the bloody reality he has seen!

in front of them!

Force them to recognize the true face of the world!

Many people in this world have no formal education!

It is rare to suffer from such a frenzy of thought!

Under such empathetic inflammatory remarks from Rennes!

The anger in many people's hearts was gradually drawn out!

Numb heart, a little more thinking!

Why is the world the way it is?

Why are some people born without any right to choose!

How sad is this?

Why can the superiors slaughter innocent people so wantonly!

Many people, they just want to live!

As long as there is a mouthful of food to eat and a mouthful of water to drink!

people are less likely to have the courage to fight against authority

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