If there is no accident, maybe the old monk will not be able to grow vegetables today.

The corners of Bai Yujun's mouth twitched. It turns out that there are also such eminent monks who have devoted themselves to cultivating the Tao in the Western religion. Sure enough, people are different. The poisonous cobra talks about the scriptures and the law.

Finally, Bai Yujun couldn't bear it anymore.

The helpless old monk stepped forward and grabbed the cobra's neck, dragged the ten-foot-long cobra to the edge of the vegetable field and put it into the bushes, clapping his hands, everything was so smooth.

Looking back, the old and the young were stunned.

"Who is that, yes, virtuous old man, you are very good."

Bai Yujun nodded old-fashionedly, thinking that it is not necessary to poison the old man to death. People are different, and he doesn't seem to be the type who can run to Shiwan Dashan to die.

"The poor monk Huixian..."

"Almost, it's all the same. By the way, why don't you poop when you come here..." Before finishing speaking, a bird flew over the head, and a round and plump bird droppings fell between Bai Yujun and Hui Xian, which was unusual. dazzling.


"Why do you come to this place where the birds shit? There is a sloping field and three or four houses. The most valuable thing in the temple is the top doorpost. With your appearance, you can't get a golden body."

"It's good, everything is just passing by. I am not arrogant or impetuous, and I am contented. Look, isn't the poor monk very good now."

Monk Huixian is leisurely and leisurely.

Bai Yujun looked at Hui Xian's tattered clothes full of patches, and looked down to the shoes. One of the shoe holes exposed her big toe. Maybe she felt embarrassed, and Hui Xian tried her best to shrink her big toe in.

"to be frank."

With a slight breath of a snake demon, immediately, Hui Xian, who had doubts about Bai Yujun's identity, smiled wryly. He knew that he had encountered a demon today. How could a daughter of an ordinary family wander around the mountains and forests without being afraid of poisonous snakes? , I hope it will not eat people with kind thoughts in its heart.


Huixian sighed, and didn't know whether to lament the fate or secretly lament the unlucky encounter with the monster.

Hearing a sigh, Bai Yujun became very curious about the fate of the old monk, and she might be able to learn about Western religion through this.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

An old man, a young man and a demon came to sit down in the thatched shed by the field, drank the clear and sweet mountain spring to moisten their throats, and Huixian began to tell.

"When I was young, the poor monk was Chang'an..."

An old man with a story, the story is quite long.

Maybe the villagers in the mountains and fields don't want to listen to his useless nonsense, and there won't be any literati who come to Zhuquan Temple through mountains and rivers, so that Huixian doesn't mind if he meets a monster who can listen carefully, rather than remembering It is said that it is a new life, maybe Huixian, who is so absorbed in telling the past, has forgotten that the monster sitting opposite has forgotten his apprentice.

Decades ago, a certain young scholar got a good reputation in the exam. When he was in high spirits, he was suddenly replaced by an impostor. Then he saw through the world and chose to become a monk in the largest temple in Chang'an. He quickly understood the essence with his knowledge as a scholar. , became a well-known monk.

As the saying goes, the more you know, the more you know. He knew that the elders in the sect did many things against their will for the prestige. There is no second sect.

After all, he was still young and vigorous.

I couldn't help but speak out to dissuade and persuade my fellow disciples to practice meditation and enlightenment. However, he was just a little monk, and his words were soft. His respected teacher reprimanded his fellow disciples for ridiculing him, calling him crazy. The young monk resolutely left the bustling Chang'an with disappointment and loneliness, and traveled all the way south. Settling down in this Zhuquan Temple and concentrating on meditation, and finally realizing the essence, accepting a small apprentice to pass on what he has learned throughout his life.

Although the mountains and fields are rough and bitter, it is actually a place of great enlightenment.

Bai Yujun turned her head to look at the ruined temple.

"It's really a place where turtles are hiding and tigers are crouching. If you can't tell, there's an eminent monk living in seclusion here."

Xianhui... the old monk Huixian pretended not to hear the teasing.

Drinking the cool mountain spring, it is cool to the heart. Zhuquan Temple has good geomantic omen, otherwise the temple would not be built, but it is a pity that it is located in a remote mountain road and it is difficult to fire.

Little Shitou had already been sleeping soundly on the futon, blowing his nose with snot.

The old monk was still sighing, feeling that it was a monster who was willing to listen to his ramblings. Who said that monsters are terrible and like to eat people, there are bad people, and there are good monsters, but... I am still afraid.

Time passed in Huixian's rambling.

In a blink of an eye, the sun has set in the west.

Bai Yujun got up and said goodbye, the barren mountains and wild mountains can't stay in this Zhuquan Temple, not to mention the inconvenience, what can the dilapidated temple offer to entertain, the old and the young will learn how to eat bamboo like a panda.

He waved his hand and went down the mountain with the horizontal knife shaking three times.

Hui Xian breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, secretly thinking that fortunately he was eloquent, and he spent a whole afternoon talking to stabilize the monster, otherwise his sour and rotten old meat would be too hard to taste, what should I do, Xiaopi Tender meat, if not eaten by monsters, there will be no bones left.

Xiao Shitou woke up slowly, rubbing his eyes, but he didn't see that powerful tiger.

"Master, a tiger in white clothes."

"Also! If it wasn't for you to bring a monster back, why would I spit and use all my strengths to talk nonsense all afternoon! Our master and apprentice were almost eaten! Go back and read the scriptures and practice Zen!"


Xiao Shitou ran back to the ruined temple with his hands on his buttocks, and after a while there were bursts of immature chanting.

The old monk nodded in satisfaction, turned around, and saw the cobra staying in the vegetable field...

"Why are you back again..."

The days returned to calm.

Bai Yujun didn't go up the mountain again, she found a good place to sleep and continued on her way when she woke up, but no one knew how long she slept, maybe one day, maybe ten days and a half months, maybe a year .

The life in the ruined temple on the mountain has not changed because of the appearance of monsters. The old monk Huixian still talks about scriptures with the cobra in the vegetable field every day. .

The old and young couple worked hard to dig bamboo shoots. If they were lucky, they would pick up bamboo fungus. When they went home, they would stew a pot of steaming bamboo fungus soup.

At the foot of the mountain, there is still the lotus pond.

The lotus is in full bloom, and the frog is lying on the lotus leaf, croaking and screaming, and jumps away with a strong kick. The lotus leaf trembles and reveals the fine white snake scales between the green leaves.

With the talent of water control, sleeping underwater is no different from that on the ground, mainly because it is rare and quiet to hide underwater.

The water in the pool is not deep, just covering the figure, with the help of the lotus leaves, no one can see the underwater situation clearly.

The lotus pond is quiet, and occasionally a farmer brings a cow to drink water. Even the cows can't feel the smell of monsters after hiding their breath.

The dying frog didn't know which tendon was wrong, jumped up and down, and landed on the rock that seemed to it to be out of the water, croaking, completely oblivious to the movement of the rock below.

Under the water, the fish in the pond swim leisurely, bypassing a mysterious tail.

The sleeping giant snake occasionally moves slightly...

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