New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 353 - Different Snakes

It was so hot that my whole body seemed to be turning into a red-hot soldering iron!

The muscles of the whole body are working at full strength, and they have performed explosive teleportation three times in a short period of time. The muscles are sore and about to catch fire. Athletes have a deep understanding of this feeling. The violent movements of the muscles accumulate a lot of heat and cause the blood in the whole body to boil, which is harmful to the heart and muscles. "Blood" caused a severe load.

A violent movement made Bai Yujun's pretty face turn pink.

Similar animals include cheetahs. Those who are familiar with cheetahs know that this creature can explode at a very fast speed in a short period of time. It can accelerate to a speed of 65 kilometers per hour in two seconds, and a high speed of 110 kilometers per hour. The disadvantage is that it can only It lasts for a short time, and you must rest to lower your body temperature after each burst of running.

Otherwise, the high temperature blood will burn the brain.

After getting into the hole, he endured the heat and suddenly turned back to his body!

Outside the cave, the four masters stood on the earth giant and looked at the cave before they could react. They didn't know whether to abandon the formation and jump in or continue to wait.

Suddenly, the ground trembled violently...


The leader glanced vigilantly, and slowly drew out the treasured sword at his waist. He knew that from now on, it was not only a matter of arrest, but also the possibility of being counterattacked by the dragon and snake, as long as he brought the dragon and snake back to Chang'an, even if he was seriously injured!

The four heavenly king earth giants searched around with angry eyes.

The violent trembling stopped in vain, and calm returned.

The hearts of the four were tense, the calmer they were, the more violent storms would be ushered in, and today's affairs could not be good.

Not long after, there was a loud bang not far away, mud and stones collapsed, dust filled the sky, and a huge snake emerged!

The different snake has a huge body, snow-white scales, hideous bone spurs and a weird snake tail. The snake's head is sharp and angular, and its eyes are like lanterns.

The yellow dust was like a cloud, and one of the huge monster snakes raised its head high, opened its bloody mouth and roared loudly.


The four people only felt that the oncoming sound waves were deafening, and the power of the ferocious beast made the four masters of the imperial court back unconsciously, stunned. They thought that the dragon and snake would turn back into their original bodies to fight, but they didn't expect the original body to be so shocking. They lived in the Central Plains all year round This is the first time I have seen such a huge creature.

" to fight...horrible..."

The leader gritted his teeth.

"For the sake of the world! Die without regret!"

"Death without regret!"

Everyone has a goal to fight for, it may be good or bad, humble or noble, and they will do their best or even their lives to fight for their beliefs. The four of them also have their own dreams and beliefs. To Bai Yujun, they are bad people. But for more people, they are good people, putting life and death aside for the peace of the world.

The giant snake is ferocious, especially the mutated one full of sharp teeth and the big mouth is the most ferocious, attacking instantly like a snake, accurately biting a base of the formation and violently destroying it!

The hearts of the four felt cold, and the dragon and snake rolled up and the yellow dust filled the sky and roared.

They thought of a word...

The dragon and snake landed.

The sky sends murderous intentions, the stars move to other places, the earth sends murderous intentions, dragons and snakes rise from the land.

This does not seem to be a good omen. If the world has the motive to kill, there will be dragons and snakes flying up, as if it indicates that the Tang Empire is about to face dire straits. I never thought that an action to save the empire would actually witness the dragons and snakes rise from the land. If the country is really over, what should the people of the world do?

The different snakes are not in the formation outside the formation, the earth giant formation cannot exert its power, and another formation foundation is destroyed.

Bai Yujun just roams around and launches attacks from time to time, holding the initiative firmly in her hands. Her huge body brings great destructive power. Although the possibility of being attacked is greater, the attack power returns to the maximum. A big body is not a bad thing. Powerful creatures basically have a huge size to store energy.

Four earth giants, and a huge snake, swam around and roared.

The fight of the giant monster was very shocking. The big palm hit the snake body, and the huge snake tail slammed an earth giant into pieces. The snake venom was corroded so that the earth giant couldn't recover quickly and started to smoke. The master who controlled the formation-based earthen had no choice .

"Third... be careful!"

One of the masters suddenly felt the strong wind coming, and before he had time to avoid it, his whole body tensed...

Several huge sharp teeth pierced through his body and let him struggle, and the other three stepped forward to rescue him. Bai Yujun stepped back quickly with a bite in his mouth. How could the prey in his mouth make him escape!

The third child in his mouth pulled out his arm and drew out his dagger to stab him! Even if the carnivore has a particularly strong mouth, it can't stop the damage caused by the desperate counterattack!

Fortunately, the wound is not a big problem for the giant snake.

The struggle was intense, like eating a popping candy in your mouth.

Spitting out the venom, shaking his head from side to side and shaking it vigorously, the prey in his mouth became dizzy and couldn't hold the knife. The other three abandoned the natives and attacked wildly. Bai Yujun was a little overwhelmed by the violent bombardment, and spit out the prey in her mouth...


The leader hastily stepped forward to catch the brother who had been spit out by the snake. Unexpectedly, after entering his arms, there was a pungent poisonous smell. He hurriedly picked up the brother with his cloak and fell to the ground.

How can there be a human figure, all in tatters, the snake venom is extremely corrosive, and the flesh and blood have been melted to expose the bones and internal organs, except for the neck and head, the whole body is completely corroded and black, it seems impossible to survive!

"Brother... be careful..."

The head tilted and lost breath, and the body quickly turned black and melted into blood...

The other two are about to be overwhelmed. They are not afraid that the monster snake is powerful, but they are afraid that the monster snake is educated. This dragon snake is well versed in pure yang skills and martial arts, and knows many "messy" spells. It summoned two giant snakes with spiritual power Fierce and vicious, the giant snake slowly rolled and danced in the yellow dust for a while, fearless of swords and swords, almost unable to hold on!

The leader closed his eyes and took a deep breath, forcibly letting go of his hatred. The dragon and snake cannot be killed, even if he is dead.

Turning his head, he didn't see that the third child had turned into a pitch-black rotting corpse.

Gritting his teeth, he took out the dragon-seeking plate and turned around to fly to the battle group, at the same time disintegrating the remaining earth giants and putting away the foundation.

"Second brother! Fourth child! You two hurry to Dongshan camp to gather troops! I'll stop this dragon and snake! Go! Take your badge and go!"

The ferocious attack forced Bai Yujun to change her offensive and focus on defense.

Is this old boy crazy?

Bai Yujun didn't know why this guy suddenly opened up and attacked fiercely. Did he take "medicine"?

Now that the opponent gave up the formation, the native Bai Yujun simply changed into a human form, the huge snake retreated and quickly transformed, and rushed towards the boss with a knife in one hand and kicking with both feet!


The sound of metal collisions was deafening, and the powerful sword slashed!

The leader, the boss, struggled to support him, looking for an opportunity to throw the Xunlongpan and the formation foundation to the youngest fourth child. He knew that today's mission had failed, and if he continued, it would only increase casualties. It would be better to send the Xunlongpan and others to continue Manhunt.

"Second and fourth, let's go! I'll stop the dragon and snake! Don't talk nonsense!"

Behind, the bearded second child patted the fourth fourth on the shoulder and smiled.

"Fourth, let's go, I'll help elder brother, you know what to do, don't be the love interest there."

The young man nodded and turned to leave. The handsome seven-foot man couldn't stop his tears...

The second child smiled, turned and rushed to the battlefield. New White Snake Asks the Fairy

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