New White Snake Asking Immortals

Chapter 397 Continue to Sell Umbrellas

Those who count people, people always count.

Bai Yujun decided to go on a killing spree. Some people hid in the dark as a serious violation of the bottom line. They devised a conspiracy to destroy their morality and their luck. Although there was no loss, it was the cause of being plotted by others. The killing was the result. Jiao.

After the search, it was found that several surrounding villages, towns and cities were maliciously spreading rumors and making plans to frame Baijiao for flooding.

Bai Yujun was very angry after all the hard work in exchange for the knife in the back.

The matter of flood control has been postponed, and his face is frosty and murderous. Jiao can not only benefit one party, but also a ferocious monster and carnivore at the top of the food chain.

"It seems that there are not only violent storms and rains in the southeast, but also bloody storms."

A certain quaint town.

Xiaoxiao is cool and the rain is rushing, the road is clean and dusty. The girl in white is holding an oil-paper umbrella in her arms and stands in the middle of the stone road in the small town, as if waiting for someone. The hats are fluffy.

The ranger paused in his footsteps, feeling slightly curious, not knowing why the woman was caught in the rain on the street.

Getting closer.

"Do you... buy an umbrella? My umbrella is very good. I only need one tael of silver for an umbrella."

"Not buying!"

Passing by the girl in a hurry, after walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, lowered his head, and saw half of the bloody knife tip exposed on his chest. The strength of the whole body was quickly lost along the knife edge...

bass! The horizontal knife returns to its sheath.

The girl in white turned and left, and the martial arts ranger stood there until the cold wind blew and fell down with a plop, and the red blood on the stone road mixed with rainwater flowed into the gutter.

The same scene keeps happening everywhere. No one knows who is killing the people. The only thing in common is that it was raining at that time...

Somewhere in the southeast, where two rivers converge outside the city, there is a high mountain faintly shrouded in halo.

The temples are resplendent and incense-filled, the pagoda caves hide their holy faces, and the statues of Buddha are solemn and lifelike. Devotees and believers take boats up the mountain to worship Buddha and pray for safety. Cruise ships flock incessantly, and literati and poets leave ink marks to praise the holy mountain.

All the believers bowed their heads to pray, and the burning incense burnt their hands to sign.

In the quiet meditation room with the golden dome of lotus flowers, the scent of sandalwood, two old monks with white beards play Go to pass the day.

After a while, an old monk spoke.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This move will offend Chunyang and cause disputes, and it is inconsistent with the rules of the sect."

Another old monk gently put down the sunspot.

"You and I are like chess pieces. You are white and I am black. It is common for the two sects to fight and cause disputes. I am willing to give up my cultivation path in exchange for my sect's prosperity. This is the biggest variable that cannot be ignored."

"Oh... why bother..."

"If I don't go to hell, whoever will go to hell will always have to make sacrifices. The fate of Baijiao is chaotic and unpredictable. The dragon hunter's plan for several years should not be underestimated. I just need to cover up the secrets and senses so that Huashan will not know."

The sunspots fall, and the whites die.

People leave the tea to cool down, and the mysterious fluctuations spread in all directions, covering the secrets of heaven.

The river is raining, and the curtain is rolling in desolation.

The old monk who stayed behind looked confused and didn't know where the gods and Buddhas were in his heart. He had no choice but to deviate from his original intention. The mountain was still the same mountain, and the rivers and rivers had not changed.


Stormy clouds and rain pass over the green hills, the windows are closed, and the wind and rain enter the house and wet the drawing paper in the study room to draw a wonderful work.

More than a dozen people in the living room are plotting, with serious expressions telling who died and who could not be contacted, each name weighs heavily on everyone's chest, the death of the same person strengthens everyone's belief, they know their humble status does not show that they have no great ability , the plan has a long way to go, only the ambition to move forward.

"The evil dragon has already noticed us, but the plan cannot be stopped, and it may die in the future. If anyone wants to withdraw, they can raise it now."

Silence, no one exits.

"The fate of the human race cannot be controlled by an evil dragon. We cannot retreat, and there is no way to retreat."

"Eliminate the evil dragon!"

The Dragon Hunter wrote ancient books that recorded many major events in the past hundreds of years,

There is an extremely detailed record of what the dragon and snake did in it. The more you look at it, the more frightened you become. Inadvertently, the fate of the entire human race is controlled by a monster. Give your fate to the monster!

"All counties and counties launch at the same time, even if the evil dragon kills people, so what, it will die!"

The people in the living room were furious, and they were not afraid of death for the mission.

The living room of the old house with strong southeast features is connected to a high patio, rainwater falls along the patio and seeps into the cracks in the stone, and the other side of the patio is a thick wooden door.

The cool water vapor made the knees of those present uncomfortable. The continuous rain for two months caused floods everywhere. Only the rich and strong houses can ignore the rain. Compared with the Northland, the only advantage is that there is water to drink and wild vegetables to feed one's hunger, so as not to eat bark.

The windows on the second floor rattled and rattled in the wind, making the noise annoying.

Suddenly, there was an inexplicable knock on the door at the other end of the courtyard. Who would come to the door in a storm?

Bang~ bang~!

The wooden door trembled and the iron rings rang. It was unknown who was knocking on the door outside. With so much force, the knocking sound suddenly appeared abruptly.

The rain suddenly became heavier and the wind became more urgent, the windows upstairs were ringing rapidly, and the door was still knocking outside.

It was very quiet, only the sound of rainwater pouring down from the high courtyard, and the light in the courtyard of the deep house dimmed, which was indescribably weird.

"Who is outside the door?"

There was another knock on the door, but no response.

The person in charge frowned and beckoned the housekeeper to take a look, and at the same time invited the guard to wait in the courtyard.

Remove the latch.


The thick wooden door opened slowly with a grinding sound that made teeth sour, and the wind and rain outside suddenly swept in. The housekeeper guarding the door couldn't open his eyes, wiped his eyes, and found a girl who was dripping all over, wearing a straw hat and a coir raincoat, standing in front of her, His face was pale, his lips were flushed, and he held a delicate oiled paper umbrella tightly in his arms.

"Do you buy umbrellas? My umbrella is really good. You can buy one for a tael of silver."

The accent is melodious.

"Sell... sell umbrellas?"

The girl nodded, and the rain dripped down the stone bricks along her long hair. Seeing that no one was willing to buy an umbrella, she hugged the oil-paper umbrella tightly.

The servants backed away in horror. On this rainy day, a weird girl came in and asked if I should buy an umbrella. It was obviously a female ghost, okay? Look at that pale face, walking lightly and making no sound, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a human being!

In the living room, everyone stepped forward and looked at the girl across the patio, puzzled.

"We don't buy umbrellas, you can go."

"Really not to buy?"

"Don't buy it, one tael of silver is too expensive, you'd better leave quickly."

The girl lowered her head, and the straw hat covered her face so that people could not see her expression clearly. The butler urged her, but she remained motionless. A bold man stepped forward to push her out of the gate. Suddenly, the girl raised her head, her eyes glowing red...

"Ah... ghost..."

He wanted to run, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead and he couldn't move a single step. The housekeeper and housekeeper were lying on the ground in inexplicable horror, and those people in the living room deep in the courtyard couldn't move either!

Holding an oil-paper umbrella in your arms, you walk step by step into the deep living room, every time your footsteps fall, it seems to be stepping on everyone's heartbeat...

The girl with red eyes walked into the living room, opened her mouth, revealing sharp and sharp teeth...

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