Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 775: Stealing Fire 2

As soon as Lin Sheng put on his ring, he immediately felt a slight cold air flowing from his fingers.

‘Find unknown energy. ‘Sacred River Extension, the soul computer named by Lin Sheng as the Holy Shadow, quickly started to work.

After Lin Sheng mastered the materialization of the soul of the black hand, he mastered the technology of using the soul and soul to shape the energy computer.

Soul power can also be divided into many attributes. A little use of divine control can replace many materials in the computer.

Therefore, at this time, the Holy Shadow itself is actually located in the depths of Lin Sheng's soul.

‘Energy detection begins. Tentative testing in progress ..... ’

Without giving feedback to Shengying, Lin Sheng thanked his mother and Dyman and turned to leave the study.

It's getting late, he went back to the room to read the book, and then rested.

Early the next morning.

The analysis and testing of Saint Shadow also had results. A lot of analysis and parameter records of that energy poured into Lin Sheng's head.

Of course, these data are useless for the time being. After the future, with the standard power system of this world, these accumulated data will bloom brightly.

Lin Sheng didn't bother with the analysis results, but quickly changed to the tight-fitting clothes for exercise with the help of the maid, left the bedroom, and walked towards the training ground in the inner castle.

There are three training grounds of the Willie family, two of which are very large and are used by adult soldiers.

There is also a small one for children.

A small training ground is located behind the inner fortress, surrounded by tall black stone walls. If you walk slowly, it takes at least twenty minutes to walk from side to side.

The inner castle is actually out here, and belongs to the forest area on the side of the fort.

On the training ground, there are various clusters of shrubs in the east and west.

In addition to Lin Sheng, there was North Tans on the field at this time, and a dozen other children were standing here.

Unlike Lin Sheng, Bei Tansi and the other children were guided by another master.

Cohen, however, guided Lin Sheng alone.

Master, in the kingdom, only powerful warriors with a level of ten or more can qualify as masters.

The ten-level master has theoretically already broken through the extraordinary and reached a powerful level capable of single-handedly crusking the Yalong species.

If put on the battlefield, equipped with weapons and armors, it is at least a killing machine with one enemy.

Here, one hundred enemies refers to one hundred fully-armed veterans who have reached the limit of the human body, and are still operating in teams.

So it is conceivable that every master must have a once glorious experience and a strong combat literacy.

Cohen was about one and a half meters tall. At this time, he was wearing a strong black suit, a leather bag and two white cloth bags hanging on his belt, and a black cross sword in his hand.

"From today, I will be your teacher in martial arts combat. Therefore, I hope that during my class, you will at least ensure that you listen attentively, refrain from refuting, asking questions, and disturbing.

You must complete your homework carefully and remember every word I say. Understand what I want to convey. "

Cohen was calm, but faintly stern.

The young Count of Willie in front of him had good qualifications and talents. It is a material for martial arts training.

So he decided to use a little snack.

As a well-known instructor, he has often been invited to instruct the children of many nobles, but most of the time, he just took a set of standard textbooks prepared in advance to deal with things.

Only a child who is truly hopeful, qualified, and serious will use another set of his true core textbooks to carefully inherit it.

Now, it depends on what you are ...

Cohen glanced at Lin Sheng again. There was a glance in his eyes.

After saying a few digressions and notes.

Cohen's old-fashioned and serious began to guide Lin Sheng, starting from the most basic fighting posture.

Then there is the choice of weapons. Although Cohen has a sword in his hand, he has a lot of weapons. This is why he is so popular. After all, for many aristocrats, asking him for one is equivalent to asking many combat teachers.

"So, what weapon do you choose?" Cohen asked at this point.

Several soldiers, at this time, came together to hold a tall weapon rack with a large row of various weapons on it.

Various knives, various swords, spears, spears, various bows, crossbows, and even muskets, warhammers, sling hammers, tridents and more.

Lin Sheng hesitated to set aside the weapon rack and returned.

"Can I not choose?"

"Oh? Why?" Cohen raised an eyebrow.

"Because weapons can increase their power, but once they are lost, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. So I just want to rely on my own body." Lin Sheng casually said.

He also enjoyed practicing sword long ago, but later, he found that his hands were easy to use.

As long as the strength of the body is improved, the limbs can be the strongest weapon, and the body becomes stronger and the defense can keep up, which is much cleaner than using a weapon.

"Good idea!" Cohen didn't expect such a young child to have such a mature mind.

"Well, I'll teach you basic freehand combat. But freehand doesn't mean stupidity, so you need to wear protective gloves first."


After putting on the gloves, Lin Sheng began to listen carefully to Cohen's most basic freehand fighting foundation.

In this world, unarmed combat is mainly based on bursts. After all, unarmed combat represents a short attack range, so once you have a chance to get close, you must explode the maximum lethality as quickly as possible to solve the opponent.

What Cohen taught Lin Sheng was a basic trick called the White Lion School.

As a tenth-level master and a tutor invited by heavy money, Cohen naturally does not teach Lin Sheng some ordinary fighting techniques such as cross boxing and smashing legs.

The white lion genre of unarmed fighting is not the best fighting technique, but it is the best fighting martial art for laying the foundation.

This set of fighting techniques can exercise as much as possible to every musculoskeletal fascia of the practitioner.

Lin Sheng finished all the basic tricks with a single glance. There are only six styles. But these six types of foundations contain the core fighting concept of White Lion Fighting.

After finishing all the studies, Cohen stood aside and let Lin Sheng practice repeatedly.

The core of the foundation is repetition, repeated exercises, until the physical memory is completed.

"First style, lurking." The body arched slightly, his fists folded up and guarded in front of his body, his chin retracted, his legs flexed slightly.

"Second style, gain momentum." The whole body muscles squirmed, converging strength to arms and shoulders.

"Third style, gallop." .....

Holy Shadow quickly began to work.

‘Begin analyzing basic martial arts. ’

‘Start optimizing your workout. ’

‘Establish a project: to help stimulate cellular tissue. ’

‘Build a project: accelerate muscle memory. ’

‘Build a project: build a complete battle model. ’

‘Establish a project: Optimize skills and fit the subject. ’

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