Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 127 Sol's Request

"Look at what I do, I don't know the Chitauri?"

Because of Natasha's turning back, Rogers, Dr. Banner and others also turned to look at him.

"If Loki has an army from outer space, he also needs a stable space portal, so he kidnapped Dr. Selvig!"

Since meeting Rogge on the Helicarrier, Dr. Banner has been intentionally avoiding dealing with Rogge, so he brought the topic back to normal.

"Selvig?" Sol asked suddenly.

"He's a Ph.D. in astrophysics!" Dr. Banner explained.

"he is my friend!"

"Loki somehow controlled him, and one of our agents."

Natasha added silently.

"I want to know how Loki can be captured so easily, he can't command the army when he is locked here!"

Rogers has always felt that something was wrong with Loki's decision to surrender so easily.

On the Quinfighter, he asked Roger and Tony for their opinion, but they obviously didn't care about it.

"I don't think we should focus on Loki, this guy is a lunatic, you can tell at a glance!"

Dr. Banner expressed his opinion, and until now, he felt that Loki's previous meaningful smile was a little intimidating.

"Be careful when you speak, no matter how arrogant and unreasonable Loki is, he is all Asgard, and he is my brother!"

After hearing Dr. Banner's evaluation of Loki, Thor couldn't help but defend Loki.

"He killed eighty people in two days!"

Natasha silently added again.

"He's adopted!"

Sol explained immediately.

Rogge did not participate in the discussion between them. He is now full of why the commission was not completed, and why there was no Mind Stone in the scepter given by Thanos.

Or, throw Loki out and catch him back?

A crazy idea started to take shape in his mind.

Just when he was considering the feasibility of this plan, Tony and Coulson came to the bridge and said to Dr. Banner: "The iridium element can be used as a stabilizer to prevent the portal from collapsing itself, just like S.H.I.E.L.D. That's what it was before!"

"Big man, don't hold grudges, your two hammers are very powerful!"

When passing by Sol, Tony patted Sol's muscular shoulder, and then continued to walk towards the commanding position of the bridge.

"The iridium element allows Loki to expand the portal at will, and maintain it for a long time!"

Tony walked as he talked, and soon came to the commanding position belonging to Nick Fury, and then continued: "Raise the mizzen and turn the topsail!"

When the bridge staff all turned to look at Tony, he suddenly pointed at one of the staff and said, "That person is playing with little bees. He thought no one else could see it, but I did!"

Tony's gag immediately swept away the depressing atmosphere of the bridge.

"How can Fury see the screens on both sides?" Tony tried to cover his left eye with his hand, and then asked Agent Hill behind him.

"Turn around!"

"Agent Patton can easily get other raw materials. He only lacks one main component, which is energy. Some kind of high-density energy to activate the Rubik's cube!"

After a few random clicks on the screen, Tony said casually, and when he turned around, he installed a small instrument shaped like a nut on the pillar below the screen.

"When did you get so into thermonuclear astrophysics?" Agent Hill asked.

After hearing Agent Hill's words, Roger sighed helplessly.

You shouldn't ask this question, it will make everyone look like they didn't graduate from elementary school.

"Just last night!"

"The data set, Dr. Segwell's notes, and some extraction theory papers, haven't you done your homework in advance?"

Thor said in a slightly exaggerated tone.

"Does Loki need any specific energy?"

Rogers ignored Tony's exaggerated expression and asked silently.

"He needs to heat the Rubik's cube to more than 100 million degrees in order to surpass the Cullen barrier!" Dr. Banner answered immediately.

"Unless Selvig has figured out a way to stabilize quantum tunneling!"

Tony added, walking towards Dr. Banner at the same time.

"If he really figured it out, he could use any reactor to complete heavy ion beam fusion!" Dr. Banner continued.

"Finally someone to talk to!"

"You call this a human talk!" Rogers complained.

Compared with Tony and Dr. Banner, one of the people present was an ungraduated elementary school student.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Banner, your research in the field of anti-electron collisions is truly unparalleled, and I think the way you turn into the Hulk when you lose control is awesome!"

For the first half of Tony's sentence, Dr. Banner is still very happy, but the second half of the sentence is...

"Complimented!" Dr. Banner replied a little helplessly.

"Dr. Banner's purpose this time is just to track the Rubik's Cube, I hope you can find it with him!"

Nick Fury returns to the bridge, interrupting Tony's wild thoughts just in time.

When Tony and Dr. Banner went to the laboratory, Sol came to Rogge and asked Rogge, "Why did you come here?"

"I took the entrustment of others, so I came!" Rogge replied casually.

"Although Loki has done something wrong, he is an Asgardian anyway...he is my brother, so I hope you can help me bring him back!"

The purpose of Thor's trip was to retrieve the Cosmic Cube and bring Loki back to Asgard, but if Rogge stopped him, he felt that it would be difficult for him to take Loki away.

So he needs to confirm Rogge's attitude in advance, lest things develop in the worst direction.

"No problem! But after I complete the commission, and I happen to have something to help you with!"

The commission Rogge said was of course not a commission from S.H.I.E.L.D.

If it was a commission from S.H.I.E.L.D., it would have been completed when Loki boarded the Helicarrier.

The delegation he is talking about now is the delegation of the system.

He won't let anyone take Loki away until the system's commission status has become completed.

That's a full 200 Ninja Coins!

And he has never voluntarily given up the habit of entrusting!

"whats the matter?"

As long as Rogge doesn't stop him from taking Loki away, everything else is easy to say, it doesn't matter whether it is earlier or later.

"I want to know the whereabouts of the Mind Stone!"

As soon as Rogge finished speaking, Saul's face became a little ugly.

Thor knew very well what kind of thing the Mind Stone was, but he didn't expect that Rogge would actually want to know the whereabouts of the Mind Stone.

And with what he knows about Rogge, if Rogge wants to know the whereabouts of something, it often means that he is bound to get that thing.

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