Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 201 Talking Loki

this sound?

It's Rogge, the Rogge who calls himself a ninja!

Although Loki had only seen Rogge a few times, he firmly remembered Rogge's voice.

He will never forget that it was Rogge who ruined his plans time and time again, making him step by step to the tragic situation he is today.

The smile on Loki's face disappeared suddenly, and the whole person involuntarily took a few steps back, and his hands immediately burst into a strange magical light.

Kill this guy and wash his rage with his blood!

As soon as the thought came to his mind, it was thrown out of his mind.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to come, it seems that my brother is quite prepared this time!"

After watching Rogge vigilantly for a few seconds, Loki released the magic light that was surging in his hands and returned to his original expression of fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"I came here on purpose because I knew you were here, isn't it a surprise!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Rogge lifted the effect of the transformation technique and changed back to his original appearance.

"Next time, let's find a time to have a fair fight!"

That is to say, but Roger is very clear that what Loki calls fair basically means unfair.

"Whatever you want, as long as you can bear the consequences!"

Roger answered without showing weakness.

Although Loki has a lot of small tricks, his overall strength is limited and he doesn't need to take it too seriously.

"Those will come later, we're leaving Asgard as soon as possible now."

Thor knew very well the characters of Loki and Rogge, and he didn't bother to stop the two of them from dating.

Under the leadership of Sol, the three of them quickly left the dungeon and moved quickly in the Golden Palace.

"This kind of secret operation is too unlike your style, you even called Rogge, don't you really think about using brute force to make a bloody path, it will be much easier!"

I don't know if it was because of being detained for too long. Loki, who had left the dungeon, suddenly turned into a chatterbox and kept chattering in front of Sol and Rogge.

"What about your clone, why don't you just summon hundreds of clones to attract the attention of the guards, so that we can leave more easily."

After talking to Thor, Loki turned to Roger again.

Thor, who has been stern, began to warn Loki: "If you don't shut up, I will do it!"

"Well, listen to you, I'm not here!"

As soon as the words fell, Loki used an illusion to turn himself into the appearance of a palace guard.

"How about it, it's not worse than your transformation, I'm one of the best mage in Asgardry!"

"If you don't shut up, I'll do it too!"

Rogge also begins to warn Loki, and he begins to understand why Loki is being held in solitary confinement.

Not because of his ex-prince, not because he's too dangerous, just because this guy talks too much.

Locked up with him, the criminals in the same cell will sooner or later lose their minds.

"But I think we can be a little more low-key!"

Loki removed the transformation effect on himself, and then threw an illusion effect on Thor.

"My brother, you are so beautiful!"

Loki turned Thor into Sif's appearance, and he planned to give Rogge a transformation illusion, but he finally dismissed the idea.

"Even if it becomes like this, I can still make you die miserably!"

Sol looked down at his current appearance and said calmly.

"Well, maybe you want your new friends more, because you seem to like them after all."

Loki removed the transformation effect on Thor and transformed himself into Rogers.

"That's a lot better, but the dress doesn't fit a bit, it's too tight!

"But with that confidence, I can feel justice rushing through my body!

"Do you want to talk to me about the truth, or honor, God bless America..."

Before Loki could finish speaking, Thor pressed him on the stone pillar next to him and directly covered his mouth.

"what are you doing?"

Loki opened Sol's right hand that covered his mouth, and then followed Sol's gaze. It was two palace guards who were patrolling.

"You should at least give me a weapon, my dagger or something!"

As soon as Loki finished speaking, he saw two kunai appear in front of him.

"Hold on, if you babble again, I don't mind hitting you first and then taking you away!"

Roger didn't know how Thor had endured Loki for thousands of years, anyway, in these few minutes, he had had the idea of ​​dumbing Loki several times.

After seeing Rogge take out Kunai, Sol silently took back the handcuffs that had not been handed out.

After going to the predetermined location and waiting for a few minutes, Sif brought Jane to them.

The moment they saw Jane, the eyes of both Sol and Roger lit up at the same time.

Sol's eyes glowed because he saw the woman he loved.

Rogge was different. He felt the ether particles in Jane's body.

With the experience of the mind gem, he did not let his spiritual power go too deep into Jane's body.

But even so, he felt that indescribable power.

Aether particles, or rather, reality gems.

He began to understand why Malekith had been obsessed with ether particles after so many years.

This power is really tempting!

Jane ignored Sol and Rogge, but went straight to Loki and raised her right hand.


A crisp slap sounded.

"This slap is for New York!"

Although he was slapped, Loki was not as angry as they thought, but showed a charming smile, turned his head to Saul and said, "I like her!"

"Okay, don't make trouble, we don't have much time!"

Although Odin was deceived by Heimdall to the Rainbow Bridge, this time will not be long, and Odin may return to the Golden Palace at any time.

Sure enough, just as Sol finished speaking, two teams of palace guards appeared on the other side of the passage.

"There they are, catch them!"

"I'll hold them back, you go!"

Sif resolutely contracted the task that ended. Just when Loki was about to leave with Thor, the magical long sword "Gift of the Earth Goddess" in Sif's hand was placed on Loki's neck.

"If you dare to betray him, I will kill you!"

"Nice to meet you too, Sif!"

For Sif's threat, Loki didn't take it to heart and replied with a smile.

"I'll leave a shadow clone to help you, so you can buy a little more time."

As soon as the voice fell, a shadow clone appeared beside Sif.

Sif and the shadow clone stayed behind, and the four of them quickly rushed to the Golden Palace Hall.

There, with their vehicle to leave Asgard, the small ships left by the dark elves.

Before boarding the ship, Vostak also stopped Loki: "You dare to betray him..."

Before Vostak could finish speaking, Loki took the initiative to say, "Are you going to kill me, then you have to line up!"

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