Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 236 Battle of Ideas (1/5, please subscribe, please subscribe)

Chapter 236 Idea Controversy (15, please subscribe, please fully subscribe)

The members of the Avengers are all discussing the matter of Ultron.

For example, Jarvis is the first line of defense, what if Ultron gets the nuclear weapon code, and how to face the alien invasion again.

In the end, this postwar summary turned into a battle of ideas.

Captain America Rogers believes that the Avengers should not study uncontrollable forces like S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony believes that they need all the power they can use to fight against the alien enemies who are eyeing the earth. The last battle of New York was a good example.

"Then how do you think we are going to face this time?" Tony asked Rogers.

"Unity!" Captain America gave his answer.

"We're going to lose!" Tony demanded.

"Then we have to fight side by side!" Captain America still gave the same answer.

From their current dialogue, it is not difficult to see that the two of them have completely different perspectives on things.

Tony is a rationalist, while Captain America is an idealist.

This may also be the reason why the Avengers later had a civil war.

Watching the debate between Tony and Team America, Roger was very fortunate that this situation would never happen to Konoha.

Because Konoha will always have only one person who has the final say, that is, he has the final say.

"I hope to take the initiative before Ultron is ready, the world is big, start narrowing it!"

Captain America made his concluding remarks.

For the US team's decision, Rogge did not express any views.

This is a dispute within the Fulian family, and it has nothing to do with him, the director of the Konoha Intelligence Bureau.

He wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Tony's request.

When Rogers left the lab, Tony took Roger to another office.

"The Ultron program is correct, but this time Ultron made some mistakes and deviates from the original security protocol."

Tony said to Roger with a serious look.

If he didn't know enough about Tony, Roger would have thought of Tony as a mad scientist like everyone else.

"I know! Ultron's design concept is of course correct, but you just mixed uncontrolled power into it."

Ultron is a brand new earth defense system carefully developed by Tony, and the design concept is definitely without any problems.

If it wasn't for Tony's clever use of the operation matrix analyzed in the Mind Stone, but a serious study of a new artificial intelligence and operation matrix, this evil version of Ultron would never have been born.

However, there are not so many ifs in the world. Under the influence of the Mind Gem, the current Ultron has distorted the definition of peace.

The procedure set by Tony is to let Ultron protect the peace.

And the peace that Ultron now understands is to destroy all human beings to achieve world peace.

Humanity is extinct, so naturally there will be no war or anything.

To a certain extent, Ultron's peace plan is similar to Uchiha Madara's infinite monthly reading plan.

It's just that one is simpler and cruder, and the other is more bizarre.

"I knew you would definitely agree with me!

"Ultron's networking mechanism allows him to escape through the network at any time, so in order to eliminate him, we need a new perfect Ultron.

"Only in this way can we completely cut off the threat posed by the evil Ultron!"

When members of the Avengers did not recognize their own ideas, Rogge's recognition was particularly precious, which also gave Tony a feeling that he was worthy of being a confidant.

Fortunately, Rogge doesn't know what Tony is thinking now, otherwise he will directly pierce this beautiful fantasy of Tony.

He knew Tony was right, simply because he had seen the future.

This has nothing to do with confidants.

"I support your approach, but the problem now is that we have nothing on hand.

"Whether it's hardware or software, we don't have it right now."

Don't look at the fact that Ultron is jumping around outside now, that's because Ultron has a super-computing matrix that is comparable to a real brain.

Without this crucial operation matrix, Ultron is at most a robot that can act according to instructions.

"I will handle the matrix operation, but I need you to lock Ultron's position during this time and prevent him from further destruction.

"The system on the Fulian side has been completely destroyed by Ultron. We can't locate Ultron now, but your Konoha can."

Tony didn't mention the hardware issues with the Justice Edition Ultron because it was the easiest one to fix.

It's really not possible, and it's okay to upload the operation matrix directly to a certain steel battle suit.

"Uh... Konoha can't locate Ultron now. Not long after Jarvis notified me, Ultron invaded Konoha headquarters. The situation on Konoha's side will not be much better than that on Fulian's side."

After listening to Rogge's explanation, Tony realized how serious the problem is now.

They have become accustomed to the convenience of life brought by the Internet. Once they lose this right, everything will seem out of place.

This is very similar to the disconnection syndrome mentioned on the Internet.

The only difference is that the sequelae of their disconnection are more serious.

"You may be able to start with Zhenjin."

Rogge didn't ask Tony to go directly to Ulysses Crow. The ghost knows whether Ultron will make a deal with Ulysses now.

"Why?" Tony couldn't react for a while.

"If I were a robot, I would definitely want to build my body out of the hardest metal."

If Tony couldn't react like this, Rogge would seriously doubt his IQ.

"I will let them pay attention to the whereabouts of Ultron as much as possible on Konoha's side. When I solve the two Maximov brothers and sisters, if you still need my help, you can contact me."

As soon as the words fell, Rogge used Flying Thor to leave the Stark Building and return to the Konoha headquarters in Washington.

How the Fulian side solves the problem of Ultron is their own business.

Compared with Ultron, what Rogge wants to solve now is Wanda.

The Wanda brothers and sisters don't have a good impression on Tony now. If Ultron finds them at this time, they will know what happened without thinking.

So Rogge decided to remove this potential threat in advance.

Ultron returns to Fulian, Wanda belongs to him, and everyone gets what they need.

When Ultron finally intends to cause a world-annihilating disaster, it is enough to stop Ultron depending on the situation.

After Skye and the technical department's emergency repairs, the communication system destroyed by Ultron finally went online again, and Rogge finally contacted the Punisher far away in Sokovia.

Then, he got some bad news.

The Punisher finds the Wanda siblings, and then it's a horribly unfair fight.

No one died, but the Punisher and the team of desperate warriors he led were all out of combat.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, the Punisher and Desperate Warrior!

PS: Today is still the fifth watch, continue to ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets...

Thanks to 03141043wlw and book friend 141023150059369 for the starting coins, thank you for your support~~

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