Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 250 Artificial Intelligence Assistant Hinata Hinata

Rogge is not very concerned about how Vision wants to clean up all traces of Ultron on the network and turn off Ultron's networking mechanism.

When Vision started to kill Ultron, he silently ended the gravitational time dilation effect created by the reality gem.

The reason why he used the Big Jade Spiral Pill to hit Ultron into the basement was because the basement would not be as wide as the laboratory above, and because the light was dim, it was suitable for small movements.

And using the wooden dungeon to make a chair to sit down is not to create an atmosphere or to pretend, but to use the reality gem is really tiring.

From his own timeline, he and Ultron only spent a few minutes in this basement with gravitational time expansion.

But from the outside, he and Ultron stayed here for three days and three nights.

If it weren't for this small basement only affected by the Reality Gem, the Chakra in his body would have been drained by the Reality Gem long ago.

In the original timeline, why did Thanos take the Power Stone as the first target.

In addition to the clear location of the power gem, the main reason is because the power gem can provide him with enough power to drive other infinity gems.

Rogge doesn't have a power gem, so he can only use his chakra as an energy source to supply the reality gem.

The reason why he sat and chatted with Ultron was not because he was lazy, but because he really didn't have much strength to stand up.

At this time, for the first time, he felt that Erwei's chakra volume was not so sufficient.

Vision's head-to-head killing of Ultron did not last for too long. It only took a few seconds for Vision to clean up the traces left by Ultron on the Internet.

At the moment when Ultron was completely expelled from the network, Vision did not hesitate, and his hands suddenly forced, directly smashing Ultron's metal head.

"You go back first, remember to remind Tony to give me my reward as soon as possible."

Rogge sat on the original wooden chair and said slowly.

"Okay, Mr. Roger!"

Vision turned around and looked at Rogge before replying in a tone similar to Jarvis.

After Vision left, Rogge finally didn't have to maintain this calm appearance, and sighed tiredly.

Although I didn't do much, this feeling was more tiring than fighting for three days.

After resting alone in this dark basement for more than ten minutes, he used Flying Thunder God to leave this alternative battlefield.

Three full days was enough for the Avengers and the Konoha Intelligence Bureau to do everything.

Rogge only summoned two shadow clones after he came to Seoul, but when he left Konoha headquarters, he had already prepared five shadow clones in advance, and ordered the corresponding tasks.

He didn't know what Ultron's specific plan was, so he could only leave enough shadow clones to see one step at a time.

The Avengers, Punisher and others resolved the riots in Seoul, and Tony successfully imported the returning Jarvis into Vision's body.

Sokovia, the man-made giant meteorite, failed to fly in the end.

The shadow clone led the Wanda brothers and sisters and the desperate warriors to get the robot army of Ultron, and recovered a very objective amount of vibration gold.

In general, the turmoil caused by Ultron was resolved by the Konoha Intelligence Bureau and the Avengers jointly.

The Sokovia incident in the original timeline did not happen, but there was a Seoul incident, and the Avengers once again came to the forefront.

Compared with the visible extinction catastrophe of the Sokovia Meteorite, the potential threat in the Seoul incident is obviously less obvious, so this leads to a very embarrassing thing.

Ordinary people and most organizations only saw that the Avengers caused the Seoul incident, but did not know that there was a terrorist threat that could threaten the entire earth behind it.

In their view, it was because of the reckless actions of the Avengers that the riots in Seoul occurred.

Although Fulian has also announced some truths to the public, it has not been recognized by many people, but believes that Fulian is shirk its responsibility.

A pot that shouldn't have appeared, just like this, pressed on Fulian's head.

Although Fulian was dissatisfied with this, in the end they could only bear the responsibility that did not belong to them.

Fighting super villains, Avengers has rich experience.

But on the battlefield of public opinion, as superheroes, they are not much different from ordinary people.

Not to mention, there are also some brainless hatred of the rich and feel that they violate human rights, or trample the law.

Of course, these are all troubles that belong to the reunion.

As the director of Konoha Intelligence Bureau, Rogge is enjoying his leisure time at this time.

The day after he returned to Konoha headquarters, Tony sent his pay over.

Jarvis becomes part of Vision, and Tony replaces himself with a new AI female assistant, Friday.

So, Tony gave Rogge an AI female assistant called Sunday.

According to Tony, Friday is Sunday's sister, and Sunday and Saturday are twins.

For Tony's way of naming and personification, Roger directly replaced it without thinking.

Not only the name, but even the holograms were also changed.

Hinata Hinata!

This is Rogge's new name for his AI female assistant.

Of course, after changing the name to Hinata Hinata, the holographic image will naturally be replaced with Hinata Hinata's version.

However, when changing the hologram, he struggled for a while.

Is it the 16-year-old Hinata from Shippuden?

Or is it the 19-year-old Hinata from The Last theatrical version?

Or is it replaced by the 32-year-old Hinata from Boren Biography?

As a man, and an adult man in his early twenties, he made a decisive choice.

Only children can choose one of three, adults are all I want.

As a result, his exclusive artificial intelligence female assistant Hinata Hinata has three different versions of holographic images.

As for which one will appear, it purely depends on his mood and choice at the time.

It is worth mentioning that the artificial intelligence created by Tony himself is indeed very powerful.

On the first day of entering the Konoha headquarters, Hinata made a major update to the Konoha headquarters' system, especially focusing on updating the headquarters' defense system.

In addition, after Hinata's classification and statistics, the work that Rogge needs to deal with has been greatly simplified.

A lot of work that is not very important has been shared out one by one, and his free time has become more and more.

Even Skye and Sharon Carter were relieved a lot because of Hinata's appearance.

No wonder Tony has always relied on Jarvis so much. If he doesn't slack off with such a powerful artificial intelligence, he will really be punished.

Because of Hinata's outstanding ability, Rogge's life is getting better day by day.

PS: Thank you for the rewarding book coins for your beautiful books, thank you for the starting coins of 03141043wlw, thank you for your support~~

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