Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 274 Hikijaide Cave

"If I get caught, you must come and save me!"

Before leaving, Venom reminded Rogge again.

"Go, go, you are such a big man, why are you so timid."

I don't know if the previous arrests had left a psychological shadow on Venom, or if he was such an overly cautious character, Rogge always felt that the venom in front of him was completely different from the venom in his memory.

The venom in his memory is a guy who is not afraid of the sky.

Even if it is a leader-level riot, it is a fight.

Even if his physical quality is not as good as the riot, he has no fear.

After getting Rogge's affirmative answer again, Venom still looked uneasy, turned his head three times in one step, and kept turning his head to look at Rogge behind him.

When Rogge's patience was about to run out, Venom, who was nearly three meters tall, finally showed a domineering look that matched his own image. Like a hunter who preyed on his prey, he jumped directly to the Osborn Building dozens of meters away.

Rogge wasn't worried about Venom's jumping ability. Even if he couldn't jump over it, Venom wouldn't be killed at this height.

What's more, Venom is a guy who is very good at using various weapons and props.

I saw the black venom drawn a beautiful parabola in the air, and then crashed into a certain floor of the Osborne Building like a baseball that was hit.

Not long after Venom broke into the Osborn Building, a harsh siren sounded in the Osborn Building.

Along with the siren, there were gunshots one after another.

Perhaps it was because it was in the Osborn Building, or it was because the guards inside did not prepare heavy weapons with huge lethality at all. There was always only gunshots coming from the building, and there was no explosion of shells or bombs at all.

Time passed by, and the floor where the gunshots came from was constantly changing.

Within minutes, several police cars with their lights flashing appeared downstairs in the Osborne Building.

The first NYPD officers are here!

At the same time, a graceful white figure also appeared in the building in the distance, and quickly approached the Osborn Building where the sirens were ringing loudly.

Spider-Girl Gwen!

Since it was in New York, and the target of the attack was Osborne Building, it was normal to attract Gwen.

At this time, Spider-Woman was already a well-known superhero in New York.

In New York, whether it is the fourth generation of Hokage, or superheroes such as Iron Man and Captain America, the popularity is lower than that of Spider-Woman.

As far as Roger knows, the New York City government is even considering promoting Spider-Woman as New York's urban hero.

Gwen did not know that the riot this time was planned by Rogge. She thought that this incident was just like the cases she had dealt with before, it was just an ordinary criminal act.

However, when she saw Roger standing in the building opposite the Osborne Building, she knew that this time things were not as simple as she thought.

As one of the women who knew Rogge best, Gwen knew very well that, with Rogge's character, if it wasn't a particularly important matter, or the need for commissioning, he basically wouldn't be interested in these criminal cases.

Since Rogge was at the scene, and he didn't have any plans to take action, it meant that this time, it was very likely that he planned it on purpose.

"Why are you here? Is there something wrong with the Osborn Group?"

After swaying to Rogge's side through the spider silk, Gwen asked.

"It's not a big problem, just interested in something in the Osborne Group."

For Rogge, it really wasn't a big deal.

Whether it is Venom, who is now rampaging in the Osborn group, or the three symbiotes that have a high probability of falling into the Osborn group, they are not the targets of his particular interest.

Three or four symbiotes could not satisfy his ambitions, only thirty or forty thousand symbiotes or Gnar, the god of symbiotes, would meet his requirements.

"The actions inside won't hurt innocent civilians, right?"

Looking at the Osborn Building opposite, Gwen asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I told him!"

After hearing Rogge's answer, Gwen let go of some of his worries.

However, her eyes never left the Osborn Building where gunfire and alarm bells rang out.

Although Gwen has power beyond ordinary people, she is different from Rogge, and her concern for ordinary people is far above Rogge.

Although Rogge will not deliberately involve ordinary people into the battlefield when he acts, he will not let himself be tied down because of these ordinary people.

This is also the main reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. gave him a "lack of due sympathy for the weak" before.

But Gwen is different. She is like a real police officer, and she is the kind of police officer who puts the safety of ordinary people first.

Rogge had reminded Gwen many times before, telling her that this approach could easily expose herself to unnecessary threats and harm.

But no matter what he said, Gwen stuck to it.

In Rogge's view, Gwen's approach is completely unnecessary, but perhaps it is because of her persistence that she can gain more support and love than Rogge and the Avengers in New York.

"Don't worry too much, the guy inside is bloody and violent, but he won't take action against innocent ordinary people, and he also has principles."

Looking at Gwen, who was still worried, Roger opened his mouth and comforted him.

Although Venom doesn't look like a good person, there is one thing he will never do, which is to hurt innocent people.

The riots in the Osborne Building continued, and Venom also vandalized the Osborne Building in a nearly crushing manner.

At this time, Harry Osborn, who was in a secret research base of the Osborn Group, was observing everything that happened in the Osborn Building through real-time monitoring.

"Venom seems to have investigated something, and actually came to the door!"

As the chairman of the Osborn Group, Harry Osborn is very aware of the origin of Venom, or that he brought Venom and others to Earth.

According to the original plan, these symbiotes that come to Earth will become the latest research materials for the Osborn Group.

But no one thought that, when they were fully prepared, Venom actually broke out with a strength far beyond their imagination, forcibly broke through the encirclement, and successfully escaped several subsequent pursuits.

As a result, the symbiote capture plan that should not have alerted any organizations and forces turned into a special biological invasion event in San Francisco.

What's more troubling is that after the last capture failed, the Osborn group completely lost the news of Venom.

Watching the venom on the screen destroy wantonly in the Osborn Building, Harry Osborn's face became extremely gloomy.

PS: Thank you for the beautiful book coins for your book, thank you for your support~

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