Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 403 Secret Invasion Event

The big event that gave Tony and other Avengers headaches and caused Konoha to disagree, to a certain extent, is not a particularly serious matter.

At least in the eyes of Rogge, a traveler with a "prophet" halo, this major incident is not serious.

To put it simply, the big event happening now on Earth is the legendary Skrull secret invasion event.

As for why the secret invasion of the Skrulls suddenly broke out at this time, Rogge is not particularly clear for the time being because of the lack of sufficient information.

But one thing he can confirm is that the "evil version" superheroes now appearing on the earth are the Skrulls who use their own racial abilities and high technology beyond the civilization of the earth to create smoke bombs that confuse people.

Having said that, I have to mention what happened on Earth during the six months of Rogge's cultivation.

After Rogge returned Dr. Bruce Banner, who was kidnapped by the Slaves to Earth, Dr. Banner restarted his superhero career, fighting crime and saving the world as the Hulk. with the people.

These heroic actions of Hulk, in the eyes of the general public, have no problem, because he has done it before.

But no one thought that shortly after Hulk resumed his heroic action, Hulk's reputation dropped sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Now, Hulk is not only no longer regarded as a superhero by people, but is regarded as a violent vigilante who ignores the law.

The reason for such a huge word-of-mouth reversal has to start with a certain action of "Hulk".

It was a normal fire rescue activity. "Hulk" came to the fire scene and rescued the ordinary people caught in the fire.

If you just look at the results, this time the action is normal. After all, "Hulk" successfully rescued the affected people.

But the problem is that when rescuing the affected people, the thick-handed "Hulk" accidentally overturned the fire building.

Then, the collapsed building killed firefighters at the scene, as well as a large group of reporters on the scene.

If this kind of accident happened only once, people's reputation for Hulk would not have deteriorated so badly.

After all, it's just an uncontrolled accident.

However, since this "accident" happened, Hulk's next heroic action has continued to appear news of hurting innocents.

Not only the actions of "Hulk", but also the facades of the Avengers "Iron Man" and "Captain America".

They work hard to maintain justice and save people's lives, but their righteous actions have taken away more innocent lives.

For example, when "Iron Man" was organizing bank robbers, the missile he fired accidentally detonated a nearby fuel tanker.

For another example, when "Captain America" ​​was attacking black market weapons dealers, the bomb on the scene killed other surrounding residents.


These heroic actions on the surface are upholding justice, taking the lives of innocent people time and time again.

And this kind of "accidental" incident of accidentally injuring innocents in action does not only happen to famous hero teams such as Fulian and Konoha.

Even lesser-known groups of street heroes, such as the "Defenders" that just appeared in Hell's Kitchen, have had similar incidents.

With the continuous occurrence of accidents and the help of some people, the profession of superheroes has suddenly fallen to the level of rats crossing the street.

Now, basically every day there are protests against superheroes, demanding that the government regulate these superheroes with extraordinary abilities.

There are even many government members who took advantage of the situation to propose the "Superhero Registration Act", requiring every superhero to register their identity and accept the government's jurisdiction.

This kind of opposition from the people is not the first time Fulian has encountered it.

The Seoul incident caused by Ultron before has already made Fulian experience a similar opposition protest.

This time, however, the protest was completely different from the previous one.

Because these accidents that led to the death of innocent people were not done by the heroic teams such as Avengers and Konoha.

After the Hulk's first accident, Fulian found out that something was wrong.

Because at that time, Dr. Banner was conducting research in the headquarters of the Avengers, and it was impossible to appear at the scene of the fire to rescue the trapped people, let alone collapse the building and kill the firefighters and reporters at the scene.

In the same way, Konoha also found something wrong with the accidents caused by imitating the heroes of Konoha.

Although both Fulian and Konoha have announced this, it is a pity that those people did not believe the evidence they provided, but believed that it was evidence they forged to escape responsibility.

People's protests and distrust are only one aspect.

What's more troublesome is that the hero team represented by Fulian and Konoha has been protested and targeted from the official level.

Right now, around the headquarters of the Avengers and Konoha, there are a large number of protesters and military units arranged by the military.

People protested, the government targeted, and these superheroes on earth were suddenly the most unpopular beings.

Rogge saw the various evidences and materials that Hinata had sent, and saw at a glance what was going on.

Using high technology and their own ability to change, the Skrulls turned into superheroes on the earth, and gave the superheroes a black pot.

At the same time, those Skrulls who had long been hidden within the government used official power to further consolidate the blame.

Real superheroes are facing protests from people and officials.

And the fake superheroes of the Skrulls are constantly exacerbating this situation.

For example, just a week ago, the Skrulls pretended to be "Hulk" and suddenly broke into a protest scene of thousands of people, and they started killing people on live TV.

This kind of framing method of the Skrulls is not clever, and it can even be said to be very simple and rude.

But in the face of their innate racial talent and the high technology far beyond the earth, their actions have achieved unimaginable great effects.

Don't look at the rude methods used by these Skrulls, but until now, the Avengers and Konoha have not determined their true identities.

These Skrulls did not fight directly with heroes such as Avengers Konoha. Before the genuine heroes appeared, these counterfeit goods had disappeared.

Only Rogge, the existence with his own "prophet" halo, could see the truth at a glance.

Although it is somewhat different from what he remembers, Rogge can be sure that the incident this time is the secret invasion incident caused by the Skrulls.

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