Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 424 The battle between the genuine and the cottage

Daisy, Quicksilver, and Punisher, who followed Rogge to the press conference site, all took their copycat version as their goal for the first time.

The shock wave from Daisy's palms directly shook the copycat versions of her.

Quicksilver played a racing game with its copycat version.

As for the Punisher, his attacks are the simplest and crudest.

I saw that he directly pulled out the pistol around his waist and frantically shot his copycat version.

Although Daisy and the others were all entangled in their copycat version for the first time, there were more than these copycat heroes who appeared on the scene at this time.

Just when these cottage heroes were going to join forces to solve the three Daisy, two terrifying figures fell from the sky like meteorites, smashing two huge landing pits on the grass.

Abomination and Red Tank are here!

Because the two of them were too big, Rogge did not bring them to the press conference, but arranged them on the Quinfighter.

Abomination and Red Tank's domineering debut immediately attracted the attention of these copycat heroes, and also disrupted their plan of trying to besiege Daisy and the three.

Following the appearance of Abomination and Red Tank, Black and Venom are 95% similar in appearance.

They, like the two haters, were placed in the Quinfighter by Rogge.

Following Xiao Hei and Venom, appeared Moonstone in a gold and white uniform.

Although she is the last to appear, her appearance is the most eye-catching.

Before Moonstone herself flew to the scene, the shock wave of energy she launched had already descended on the crowd of shanzhai heroes.

boom! boom!

A huge explosion sounded suddenly, and the shock wave of the explosion directly blew away the smaller cottage heroes.

In addition to Dr. Lizard and Wanda, Konoha's main force, all debut!

As for those special forces and Anbu, Rogge did not assign them tasks, but let them stay at Konoha headquarters.

Today's battle is a battle between the genuine and the cottage!

Although the Skrulls have an advantage in numbers, Punisher and others rely on their own strength to forcibly make up for the disadvantage in numbers.

The deformation ability of the Skrulls is indeed very good, and the ability they use technology to copy is indeed very realistic.

But cottages are always cottages.

In front of the genuine versions of the Punisher, these knockoffs have no advantage other than the number advantage.

When Konoha's crowd entangled these copycat heroes, the Fulian people didn't stay idle, and quickly evacuated the reporters and other innocent people present.

Just as Tony and the others were evacuating the crowd, a tall green figure came to them.

The person who appeared was none other than the Hulk who practiced the eight-door Dunjia day and night in the training room.

"Hulk, you're here, it's great! Seeing that there are no people who are exactly like us on the opposite side, go up and beat them, and beat them hard!"

Tony said to Hulk.

"What about the others?"

Hulk pointed to those people in Konoha.

"You don't have to worry about them, you just need to beat up those who pretend to be the Avengers! Others, Rogge, will solve it, you should know that Rogge has such strength!"

Hulk nodded in approval to Tony's statement.

However, Hulk did not rush directly to the Skrulls as Tony imagined, but took a deep breath in front of him.

What does it mean?

Calm yourself down?

Because he has been busy with the Skrulls, Tony has no idea what Rogge taught the Hulk.

But in the next second, Tony saw a Hulk completely different from what he remembered.

Gamma energy emitting a strange green light appeared on Hulk's body, as if covering him with an energy coat.

Then, just when Tony was going to ask Hulk what was going on, Hulk said very seriously: "Eight-door Dunjia, the first door, open the door, open!"

With the sound of Hulk's voice, the gamma energy on his body also became more intense.

However, what really shocked Tony was that the Hulk exuded an amazing aura that was completely different from before.

The previous Hulk, although very powerful, always gave people a feeling of berserk and brainless.

But now, Hulk exudes a cold-blooded aura like a veteran of a hundred battles.

What exactly did this guy Roger teach the Hulk?

The Hulk now looks dangerous as soon as it looks!

No, after this incident is over, you must have a good chat with Hulk!

Just when Tony was amazed by the momentum Hulk showed, Hulk suddenly disappeared in front of him, leaving an afterimage in place.

Then, he heard a crash like an explosion.

After opening the first door, Hulk lifted the restrictions on his brain domain and used 100% of his physical abilities for the first time.

After exploding all his physical abilities, the Hulk showed an amazing speed far exceeding the previous one. The whole person crashed into the Skrulls like a locomotive, and knocked out the Skrulls who transformed into him.

Before Hulk opened the first door, Rogge had already noticed his appearance.

The white-eyed 360-degree blind spot vision allows him to clearly see everything that is happening around him.

If he wants, he can even see through the internal conditions of everyone present.

However, he didn't do that, but walked among these cottage heroes like a walk, and killed the cottage Black Widow and Captain America at will.

These changes became Black Widow and Captain America, all of them ordinary Skrulls.

Although they have worked hard to imitate the genuine strength, in front of Rogge, even the real Black Widow and Captain America will not last long.

At this time, Rogge is not picking soft persimmons, but clearing the battlefield as much as possible, so that the next battle will have a bigger stage.

After some searching, he succeeded in finding the Super Skrull that he had been obsessed with among these knockoffs.


Among these copycat heroes, there are only three copycat heroes transformed from Super Skrulls.

Hulk, Quicksilver, and Shockwave Daisy!

Although they were hidden in the fake products transformed by ordinary Skrulls, Rogge's eyes completely saw through his disguise.

After killing another copycat Hawkeye, he came to the "Daisy" that the Super Skrull turned into.

"Don't think about catching fish in troubled waters, I know you are a super Skrull, go all out!"

After cleaning up the winking trash around him, Rogge said to this "Daisy".

After discovering that he was completely exposed, this "Daisy" had no intention of continuing to hide, raising his hand was a strong shock wave that was not much weaker than the genuine Daisy.

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