Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 430: Voting Results

The fact that the Skrulls attacked the headquarters of the Avengers made headlines without any suspense.

Various news media have carried out detailed reports on this, and even those accidents that have long been "concluded" have been turned over one by one.

When the outside world was frantically discussing the Skrull incident, Tony in the Avengers headquarters frowned at the constantly changing numbers on the voting website.

In his imagination, the American people should be more in favor of the decision to imprison the Skrulls permanently.

However, it turned out that he thought too much.

It has been less than 24 hours since the voting began.

But the result of the vote has already appeared a fault-like gap.

Far more people voted for the death penalty than for permanent incarceration.

Over time, the gap between the two is still growing.

How could this be?

Am I really thinking wrong?

Looking at this huge gap in real-time data, Tony fell into contemplation.

While Tony was paying attention to the real-time data of the vote, Rogge, who was sitting in the Konoha headquarters office, also opened the page of the voting website.

However, unlike Tony who frowned, he didn't feel the slightest surprise after seeing the polarized data, as if he knew the result early in the morning.

Although Rogge has not lived in the United States as long as Tony, he is more aware of what ordinary people are thinking than Tony.

Tony is a rich second-generation born with a golden key. He has a superior living environment and receives a typical elite education in the United States.

Growing up in such an environment, even if he has the idea of ​​protecting the people and upholding justice, there is a huge gap between him and ordinary people.

The justice he understands is not necessarily the justice that ordinary people who are not of high social status but have an absolute advantage in numbers want.

Moreover, he also overlooked a very important thing.

That is, ordinary people are particularly vulnerable to the influence of public sentiment.

To put it simply, it is easy to copy what others say and lose the ability to think independently and objectively.

As a simple example, as long as there is a victim injured by the Skrull incident on the Internet, this victim can trigger thousands of ordinary people to vote for the death penalty.

It is completely different from the appearance and image, and compared with the Skrulls from other planets, these ordinary people are more willing to give their kindness to their compatriots with the same appearance.

So the moment Tony agreed to vote, Roger knew that the Skrulls were dead.

As it turns out, his guess was correct.

After a brief glance at the voting data, Roger closed the website page and put on the game helmet of the Kree Empire.

He recently found a game called "Kree Cyber ​​7702" in the Kree Empire's console game library, a high-score game that scored nine stars on the Kree Empire game rating website.

He would rather spend his time entertaining himself than caring about the Skrull's ultimate fate.


Three days passed in a flash, and when Rogge was addicted to clearing "Chrissybo 7702", he received a call from Tony.

"Bring your special forces over here!"

Tony's tone was a little low, and he hung up the phone without waiting for Rogge to answer.

The voting for the Skrulls ended yesterday. Although Tony and the Avengers did not agree with the final result of the vote, they could only choose to accept it.

Ten minutes later, Rogge came to the headquarters of the Avengers with a guaranteed six-person special forces team.

The people of the Avengers are not willing to end the lives of these Skrulls themselves, so this "dirty work" naturally falls on Konoha.

In this regard, Rogge did not object.

Fulian is unwilling to become a brutal executioner, but Konoha has no such concerns.

Even if the reunion does not say, Rogge will offer to let Konoha execute these Skrulls.

Konoha is different from Fulian, Konoha does not need any positive comments.

To a certain extent, Konoha even took the initiative to develop in a direction that people fear.

Word of mouth and positive reviews are just icing on the cake. Only strength is Konoha's true pursuit.

Unlike previous conferences, the execution of these Skrulls will not be broadcast live.

However, at the execution site, there will be reporters from various media and some witnesses from the government and the people.

The scene of the execution was arranged in a prison in New York.

The execution time passed quickly, and it only took less than a minute to completely end.

There is not much difference from the previous executions. The only difference is that this time, Konoha's special team used the blaster gun that Rogge purchased from Xandar.


"Did we really do something wrong? Why are people just reluctant to let these Skrulls go, they're obviously not harmful anymore."

Tony, who drank half a bottle of whisky by himself, said to Roger with a blushing face.

After the execution, Tony did not return to the headquarters of the Avengers, but dragged Rogge to the bar.

Moreover, he came to a bar under Rogge's name.

Although Rogge no longer lives in New York, he still has a lot of business in New York.

This bar is one of them.

Because he didn't care about making money or not, after coming to the bar, Rogge directly gave the clerk a day off, and completely cleared the bar together with the staff.

"Strictly speaking, you're right, you're just too idealistic."

Unlike Tony who was pouring wine into his mouth one after another, Roger just tasted at a normal pace.

"Ideal? Haha, do you think the world really needs us now?"

Tony continued to ask with drunken eyes.

"Whether you need it or not, it depends on what you think. At least in my opinion, the world still needs me."

Rogge is not as sentimental as Tony. For him, instead of thinking about these issues, it is better to study more about how to improve his strength.

"If you feel lost, I suggest you talk to Dr. Banner, he's a good listener, and he might be able to give you some good advice.

"If you ask me, my advice is that you can develop some hobbies for yourself to adjust your life.

"For example, I like to play console games. If you need it, I can send you a latest model console of the Kerry Empire."

Rogge offered his own advice.

"The Kree Empire? Is there such a country on Earth?"

"No, this is an alien country, one of the three major empires in the universe!"

When Tony heard the word universe, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he pressed Rogge's shoulder and said very seriously: "I'm going to the Kerry Empire!"

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