Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 432 Sol's Entrustment

Hela, the goddess of death, was the greatest hero who helped Odin conquer the Nine Realms thousands of years ago.

In addition to being the first child of Odin, the father of the gods, and the eldest princess of Asgard, Hela was the executioner of Asgard at the time and the owner of Thor's Hammer.

The Valkyrie Legion, which was sent by Odin to conquer Hela, was completely destroyed by Hela and became a legion that only existed in legends.

Of course, Rogge temporarily has reservations about the statement that the Valkyrie Legion was wiped out.

Although he did not meet the last Valkyrie in Saka, his intuition told him that Valkyrie did not die at the hands of Hela.

If Odin hadn't personally taken action to deprive Hela of his divine power, Hela would definitely be the first person in Asgard under Odin.

Although Hela was defeated by Odin at the time, Hela had a terrifying talent that even Odin had a headache.

As long as Hela sets foot on Asgard, her power will increase with each passing day, without end.

It is precisely because of this that Odin imprisoned Hela on the earth far away from Asgard, preventing her from breaking through the seal through Asgard's strengthening.

Hela already possessed such terrifying strength thousands of years ago, and now she will only be stronger than before.

But there was one thing Rogge couldn't understand for the time being.

Judging from Thor's current appearance, Odin should not be dead yet.

Since Odin is not dead, it means that the seal he laid is still there, and Hela is still being imprisoned.

"Odin, is he okay now?"

After thinking for a few seconds, he asked Sol.

Out of respect for Thor and Odin, he switched to a more euphemistic way, instead of asking directly if Odin was dead.

"Father, he... Father should not last long."

Seeing the uncontrollable sad expression on Sol's face, Rogge also fell silent.

"I'll take you to see your father first!"

After a few minutes of silence, Sol spoke again.

Under the leadership of Thor, Rogge came to Odin's bedroom and saw the sleeping Odin lying on the golden bed, wrapped in a golden energy cover.

Besides Odin, Rogge also sees another old face here.

I don't know if it was Odin's order or Sol's idea. Loki, who was imprisoned in the dungeon, was also in the room at this time, and he was standing beside Odin's bed.

After seeing him coming, Loki didn't say anything, just nodded to him.

Rogge also nodded slightly to Loki, who said nothing, as a greeting.

Then, he looked at Odin seriously.

From the outside, Odin is just asleep now, and there is nothing strange.

But as long as he was a little closer to Odin, he could clearly feel the divine power that was constantly radiating from Odin's body.

Do not! This is not divine power.

This is the divine power is collapsing!

As a ninja who usually releases energy attacks in battle, Rogge can clearly distinguish the difference between the two.

Energy distribution is the result of active selection.

And energy collapse is uncontrolled performance.

For a powerful existence like Odin, the uncontrolled collapse of the energy in his body basically means that his life has come to an end.

"Since the death of the mother, the father and the king have been in a bad state. A few hours ago, the father suddenly began to lose his power and fell into a coma.

"We have exhausted all the methods, but only a little wake up the father.

"After waking up, the father told us about Hela, and then asked us to contact you immediately, saying that there is an agreed commission between you and you, and you know how to deal with all this."

Sol said in a low voice.

"Let's go out and talk!"

Watching a heavenly-father existence like Odin gradually die, made Rogge, who had always been pursuing power, suddenly feel a sense of impermanence.

After leaving Odin's bedroom, Thor took Rogge and Loki to the conference hall where he usually works.

"You can tell us what kind of commission your father has agreed with you."

Rogge only briefly explained to Thor what Odin had told him that night, but did not tell Thor the specific content of the commission.

He is also struggling now, whether to tell Sol the specific content of the entrustment or not.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, he finally made a decision.

"Odin hopes that I can help you stop Hela together, and don't let Asgard fall into Hela's hands. If possible, he hopes that after we defeat Hela, he will save her life."

Rogge told the content of Odin's commission at that time.

"What about the reward?"

Sol, who has signed several commissions with Rogge, is very aware of Rogge's workflow and immediately asked.

"After the task is completed, in addition to the universe cube, I can choose any treasure from the palace treasury."

"Give me the scroll, and I'll help the father sign the commission."

Sol didn't think Rogge would lie about such a thing, and immediately extended his right hand to Rogge.

"Forget it! No need to sign the scroll this time.

"Even if I gave Odin a favor, if he hadn't arrived at Warnerheim, I might not have survived from Niold."

Although when Odin appeared, he still had some spare energy.

But in the end, it was really uncertain who would win or lose between him and Niold.

"Bring it here, I don't want my father to leave with an unfulfilled promise!"

As Thor spoke, Rogge saw a look of pain on his face that he had never seen before.

The current Thor, rather than saying that he is the regent of Asgard, Thor, is better to say that he is a big boy who endured grief.

Looking at Sol's slightly trembling right hand, Rogge didn't say anything, and directly channeled an unused commission scroll.

After taking the entrusted scroll handed over by Rogge, without any hesitation, Sol picked up the pen and wrote on the scroll.

Soon, a new delegation will appear on the system's delegation page.

"Commission content: Help Thor and Loki to prevent Hela from taking Asgard; commission status: unfinished; commission reward: 350 Ninja Coins!"

This commission, which was supposed to be signed by Odin, eventually became Thor's commission.

Because it involved Hela, the goddess of death, Sol's commission passed the system's judgment without any suspense, and the system gave the highest commission reward so far.

The last time to rescue the Hulk, the system gave a reward of 300 ninja coins.

This time, the system directly refreshed the highest reward record.

"Entrust, I take it!"

In fact, no matter whether the system passes the judgment or not, he will accept the commission this time.

Passing the judgment only allows him to obtain higher returns.

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