No Jokes Here

Chapter 72 Moving mountains, another dramatic change in the style of painting

After manipulating the game character to devour a part of 9501's cell tissue, the character icon of 9501 is also added to its [Devouring] ability.

[Whether to perform self-gene optimization with 9501 genes. ]


[Successful selection, genetic adaptation in progress.]

[Adaptive success]

[Current optimization options, unknown gene ability, progress 0.001%. ]

After the selection is successful, the physical strength of the game characters is also rapidly decreasing.

Lin Qianan understands that this is because a lot of energy is consumed in the process of genetic optimization.

However, this time, the speed of physical energy consumption was much faster than before, which was a speed that Lin Qianan could not even imagine.

According to estimates, at most one day will be exhausted to the bottom.

You must know that the attributes of the game characters are now at least a dozen times higher than at the beginning. Such a consumption level is almost comparable to the consumption required to optimize more than ten genes at the same time.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of food now, so Lin Qianan is waiting for the results of this optimization with peace of mind.

This time, the optimization speed of genetic ability was slightly slower, and it took ten days before the optimization was successful.

At the same time, a new icon has been added to the genetic ability of the game characters.

The icon looks like a cloud of transparent ice, and it doesn't stand out among the hundreds of genetic icons of the game characters.

[Unnamed genetic ability: can consume biological energy in the body, create low-temperature energy, and freeze objects in contact. ]

Lin Qian'an manipulated the game character to the edge of a tub filled with water, and then extended his hand to use this ability.

In the next moment, the physical strength of the game character dropped by a large margin, and immediately the entire basin of water froze centered on the water surface that the game character's palm touched.

The most interesting thing is that the palms of the game characters are not frozen together in the water.

Lin Qianan knew that freezing was essentially caused by the reduction of the heat of an object.

If this ability is freezing caused by absorbing heat, he can understand a little bit, but now he really doesn't understand the situation.

However, he didn't dwell on this issue for too long, and he just treated it as a game setting. It's pointless to think about it so much.

Obtaining a new genetic ability from 9501 made Lin Qianan postpone the idea of ​​exploring the outside world.

He decided to wait here for all five hundred seeds to awaken their genetic abilities, and then choose to go out to explore after obtaining all their genetic abilities.

Soon after, the three seeds 9502, 9503, and 9507 also awakened their abilities.

The game characters obtained the ability to create high-temperature flames, super digestion ability, and physical enhancement ability through [Decapitation].

The ability to create a high-temperature flame is very simple, that is, it directly converts its own biological energy into high-temperature energy and releases it. The release position is not fixed, and it can be anywhere in the body.

If it is directly condensed into a flame sphere and projected, the longest range can reach more than 30 meters.

The only problem is that the consumption is relatively large, and the game characters will use one-fifth less physical value.

But in contrast, it is its terrifying temperature and lethality.

A radiation dog turned to ashes in a few seconds in front of the ability of a game character.

The super digestive ability allows game characters to obtain nutrients and energy from eating soil, and the energy utilization efficiency of ordinary food has more than doubled.

If the conversion efficiency of ordinary people eating food is about 20%, then the game characters can reach more than 50% now.

The physical enhancement ability is a passive ability, which allows the cells of the game characters to store more energy, become more compact, and passively increase their own attributes over time.

There is a limit to the growth of the human body, but this genetic ability seems to have pulled the upper limit, and there are no side effects.

As time passed, batches of seeds began to awaken their abilities.

There are those that can release bioelectricity, those that gain spiritual power, those that strengthen the brain, those that have longevity genes, and those that have the ability to grow extra eyes between the eyebrows, and even those that can absorb plant energy and transfer it to other plants. spawned farming.

At the fastest, ten days can take crops from planting to maturity.

Among them, 9527 is the most terrifying. His genetic ability is the ability to copy and store genes.

It's a bit similar to the game character's [Decapitation], but it's not the same.

Because 9527's genetic ability is to use the other's genetic ability by simulating the other's genetic ability.

The ability of the game characters is directly plundered and turned into their own.

Not to mention that 9527 can only use one copied genetic ability at a time, which is completely incomparable to the game character's [Decapitation].

But even that is exaggerated enough.

This means that he is the same as the game character, a person is the Almighty King, able to use all genetic abilities.

And if he chooses to copy the genetic ability of the game character to use it, it may not be possible to achieve the level of the game character after spending some time.

These abilities enhanced the production efficiency of the village and produced a lot of black technology items.

It didn't take long for the village to collectively replace the wooden houses with concrete houses, and they were also dismantling the materials of the base and building some more sophisticated machinery to speed up the work progress.

In the second year of the game, the first batch of pregnant female seeds were produced one after another. They were naturally born children, and the number was more than 10,000.

And 10001 is the child of 9501 and 9502.

At the moment when the newborn was born, countless seeds were silent.

This means that the cultivation plan was successful.

At least initial success.

With the birth of subsequent children, Lin Qianan also had the idea of ​​exploring outward.

The construction will not be fruitful in a short period of time, and there are 500 people in the village with powerful genetic abilities. Lin Qianan felt that there would be no more accidents, so after saying hello to 9501, he set off with some things. .

At this time, the radiation value of the game characters has reached 12758.

There are more than 2,000 genetic abilities in one body.

The attributes are more than forty times more than the original.

However, his appearance is becoming more and more irrelevant to humans.

The huge size of up to ten feet, the muscles of the knot, the fine scales on the surface of the body, the extra vertical eyes between the eyebrows, etc., all make him look more like a monster than a human.

This is the result of having too much genetic capacity.

Of course, as a player, Lin Qianan only needs to consider whether he is strong enough or not. As for whether the talisman is in line with most people's aesthetics, this is not something he should worry about.

The characters of the game are like electricity, shuttle quickly between the jungles, and soon come to the edge of the canyon in the north.

With a jump, the game characters flew directly across the canyon, which was thirty or forty meters long, and came to the other side.

Manipulating the game characters to keep moving forward, Lin Qianan saw new species.

There are horses with scales all over their bodies and horns on their heads, and there are strange herbivorous creatures that are more than five meters tall and look like a ball.

The plants here also look weird, many of which have not been included in the brain chip. Lin Qianan needs to name them, record their approximate functions, and then include them in the brain chip.

Only at this time did Lin Qianan know how precious a simple edible sentence in his identification function was.

Not to mention, he manipulated the game characters to eat a lot of food here, and he has been poisoned several times.

If it weren't for the powerful poison resistance and personal attributes of the game characters, they would have died here long ago.

Just thinking about how difficult it was for people in the previous training program to obtain this information, Lin Qianan couldn't help feeling emotional.

This is all information and experience piled up at the expense of life!

After moving forward another distance, Lin Qianan saw the body of a huge bird that had died. It was at least five or six meters in size, and its wingspan was estimated to be more than ten meters.

I don't know how he died.

At this point it has been almost eaten, but it seems to have retained a certain degree of freshness.

So Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to eat a small piece of its meat and collected its genes.

After that, the game character optimized its genes, began to grow feathers on its body, and slowly extended a pair of huge silver-black wings behind it.

For a month in the game, the wings were completely fixed, and the game characters officially gained the ability to fly.

After sprinting for a distance and jumping, the seven or eight-meter wings were directly on, and the space bar was pressed continuously, and then the game characters desperately flapped their wings and flew up in the wind.

The feeling of flying on the road is completely different from before, and the speed is not sure how much faster.

A few days later, when Lin Qian'an flew to explore the world, he saw that the mountains in the distance were shaking, and at the same time, there was a huge roar.

He guessed that it was probably an earthquake.

So Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters and planned to take a closer look.

As he approached, Lin Qianan saw that the radiation value of the game characters was soaring rapidly, and it was getting faster and faster.

Before, the game characters were only more than 10,000 and close to 20,000, but now they have reached the value of 30,000 in this short period of time.

Such a rapidly soaring radiation value shocked Lin Qian'an, and at the same time, he was even more curious about what the mountain range was moving ahead.

Finally, he came to the sky above the mountain.

This is an inexplicably wide mountain range, and there are many mutant beasts of huge size living on it.

Lin Qianan noticed that there were countless huge arthropod-like legs at the bottom of the mountain range. They were densely packed everywhere. According to the proportion, they might be nearly 100 meters long, and they were rapidly moving forward.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qian'an couldn't help but feel a hint of disbelief.

He manipulated the game character to fly to the front of the mountain, and he saw a huge flat head.

And even the head has a hard rock shell, densely covered with various plants, and some animals live on it.

Where are these mountains?

It is clearly a living animal!

Lin Qianan was shocked.

He felt that the style of the game seemed to have changed again.

If it is said that at the beginning he played a survival construction game, after the genetic ability mutation of the game characters and seeds awakened, it became an adventure game in which the ability to collect genes continues to grow.

But now, he suddenly felt that he was playing Shanhaijing! ! !

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