Omnipotent Data

Chapter 121: After 10 Years of Cold Window, No One Asked, Once He became Famous and Known All Over t

Exam subject: Chinese

Exam time: 9:00~11:30

The subjects and time of the exam are written on the blackboard in the exam room.

Candidates can enter the examination room half an hour before the examination starts. It is forbidden to enter the examination room 15 minutes after the examination begins.

But every year, due to various reasons such as getting up late or traffic jams, many people cannot arrive at the examination room within 15 minutes after the start of the examination.

In the past, such news could attract the attention of netizens. But's commonplace!

The first round, Chinese!

This was the subject Cheng Nuo had the least grasp of.

Although Cheng Nuo had already mastered the method of memorizing words. However, it can be said that there is no such thing as a pure test of memory in the subject of Chinese.

Even when filling in the blanks with ancient poems, you have to understand the requirements given by the question before you can answer correctly.

Otherwise, it is useless even if you memorize all the ancient poems in and out of class.

"I hope the questions in this language test will not be too difficult." Cheng Nuo prayed in his heart.

Cheng Nuo can guarantee the other subjects, but for the Chinese subject alone, Cheng Nuo can only depend on the difficulty of the test questions.

In simple terms, it is not impossible to score 130 points.

If it is difficult, it can only swing around one hundred and twenty.

National No. 1 Scholar...

To be honest, Cheng Nuo still hopes to get this title!

After ten years of cold windows, no one asked, and once he became famous, the world knew it!

Since Cheng Nuo wanted to leave something besides his ass print on the sofa, the title of the National Number One Scholar was the closest opportunity to him!

Two male teachers, one old and one young, were in charge of invigilating Cheng Nuo's classroom.

Five minutes before the exam, the invigilator distributes the test papers.

After showing the examinees that the test papers had not been unpacked, the sealed bags were opened, and the two teachers began to distribute the test papers.

Answer sheets, test papers, and draft papers must be handed in after the exam.

In some places, even stationery is uniformly distributed in the examination room.

In other words, except for some documents and the clothes you are wearing, nothing can be brought in!

Signal jammers are placed in each classroom, and the invigilator holds a metal detector to check the students one by one. Minimize the possibility of candidates cheating.

As for putting an end to must be another lifetime series.

The test paper was handed out to Cheng Nuo.

"I'm a top student, I'm a top student, I'm a top student." Cheng Nuo kept hinting to himself.

As a top student, how could he be cowardly?

It is the nature of a schoolmaster to know men first!

Cheng Nuo took a deep breath and slowly opened the test paper.

No answering is allowed until the exam bell rings. So Cheng Nuo now turned the test paper to the back and looked at the composition topic.

This was Cheng Nuo's long-standing habit. For the language test, first turn to the last to look at the composition topic, so that you have a score in your mind.

According to the normal speed of doing the questions, it takes about an hour to an hour and a half to complete the previous choices, classical Chinese, and reading these questions. Then write the composition for the remaining one hour or so.

If you look at the topic of the composition first, you can conceive the composition while doing the topic while doing other topics. In the end, when there is more than an hour left to write the composition, it will be at your fingertips.

Of course, there is also a downside to doing so.

If the composition questions are difficult, your mentality will start from the exam and will collapse until the end of the exam. It was a hopeless breakdown.

This year's essay title is as follows.

Read the following materials, and write an article of no less than 800 words based on your own perceptions and associations:

Recently, such a "wonderful" question appeared in the exam of an elementary school.

"There are 75 cows and 34 sheep on a boat, how old is the captain?"

It is clear,

This is a problem that cannot be solved at all.

Netizens have mixed comments on this strange test question.

Some people think that this is grandstanding and does not meet the real purpose of the exam. Should not be appreciated!

And some people think that this is a good way to cultivate students' questioning spirit. Worth encouraging!

(I predicted the essay questions for the 2018 college entrance examination. You don’t have to thank the third parties in high school. If you do good deeds, you will not leave your name. Please call me... Leifeng Tower! If the prediction is wrong, come to me after the college entrance examination!)

"Uh... this question should be able to be calculated." Cheng Nuo muttered to himself.

Obviously, this question about the age of the captain is not unsolvable.

The ship that can hold 109 cattle and sheep is a ship with a full row of less than 500 tons. The captain needs to have a Class C certificate of competency, at least 48 months of professional qualifications, and a college degree or above.

So the age of the captain is at least 21 years + 4 years = 25 years old.

Last year, the per capita income of Chinese people was 6,914 yuan.

The cattle weigh 300 catties and cost 7.5 yuan per catty. The sheep weighs 80 catties and costs 12 yuan per catty. The total weight of 75 cattle is 22500 Jin, 11250 catties, 11.25 tons.

The total weight of 32 sheep is 2560 Jin, or 1280 catties, and the total weight of 1.28 tons of cattle and sheep is 12.53 tons.

A 55m motorized cargo ship is about 3 million. A total of 168,750 cattle and a total of 30,750 sheep. A total of 3.1995 million yuan is needed for cattle and sheep boats.

In addition, it is impossible to make money before the age of 16, 3199500/6914=462.8≈463+16=479 years old!

So, the age of the captain is... 479 years old!

This is obvious, there is an answer, okay! However, it seems that the captain is a little...too old!

Forget it, forget it, that's not the point. Now that I am taking the college entrance examination, no matter whether there is an answer or not, let's finish the test paper first.

The teacher of the college entrance examination this time can still understand the sufferings of the majority of candidates. Compared with the color of butterfly wings in previous years, the composition of the college entrance examination this time, loofah vines and nutmeg must have no conscience.

Cheng Nuo looked at the topic ahead while conceiving his writing ideas in his mind.

The first question: "The following words, one item with typos is

A. Raging, withering B. Gathering, day and night

C. Territory, immature D. Yanran, sorry to quit”

Second question: ...

Question of conscience, teacher of conscience!

While doing it, Cheng Nuo sighed in his heart.

This set of test papers was exactly as Cheng Nuo had expected before. The difficulty of this set of language test questions was indeed much easier than previous years' test questions.

At least, Cheng Nuo felt so.

Cheng Nuo basically completed the twelve multiple-choice questions in one go. He didn't encounter any difficulties and completed it in more than 20 minutes.

Appreciation of ancient poetry, anyway, is what kind of rhetorical techniques are used, what emotions are expressed by the author, and so on. Take the template directly and put it on top.

Soon, Cheng Nuo came to the topic of filling in the blanks with ancient poems.

(1) The two sentences in "The Analects of Confucius" that compare the mentality of "gentleman" and "little man" are: "_____________, _____________"

(2) The two sentences "_____________, _____________" in Cao Cao's "Duan Ge Xing" compare the talents to the bright moon that shines in the universe, expressing the desire for talents.

(3) The two sentences "_____________, _____________" in Su Shi's "Nian Nujiao" (The Great River Going East) describe the magnificent scenery of the stormy sea.

They were all very basic questions. Cheng Nuo brushed a few strokes and filled in the answers on the answer sheet.


More than an hour passed by.

The time came to eleven thirty in the morning.

The bell rang.

Close the paper and leave!

Cheng Nuo walked out of the examination room gracefully.


PS: On the first day of the new year, Hong Chen is here to wish everyone a happy new year! !

Wishing everyone a prosperous Year of the Dog! ! ! !

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