Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1018: The power of punishment


   But soon, the smile on Ge'an's face gradually dissipated. It turned out that Ge'an no matter how hard his legs were, not to mention cutting Li Mo's head, it was impossible to twist Li Mo's head.


  Knowing that Ge'an had killed, Li Mo snorted again. This time Li Mo didn't keep his hands anymore, only to see Li Mo's fist covered with aura in his hands.


  The fist wind roared like a fierce beast, an amazing fist wind rushed out of Li Mo's fist.

   This boxing style took the amazing aura between heaven and earth and coaxed to Ge'an.

  Ge'an was close to Li Mo in order to attack Li Mo before. But now, at such a short distance, Ge'an can't retreat.

  The wind of the punch was violent, and he immediately rushed to Ge An's chest. The clothes on Ge'an's chest were torn and torn apart, and together with one was Ge'an's skin.


  It was just in the blink of an eye that Ge An's chest was penetrated by Li Mo. A big **** hole appeared in Ge'an's chest.

  'S lifeless Ge'an figure fell to the ground, his face still maintaining the consternation and regret before death.

  Ge'an seems to be saying that he has to come out to provoke this Shaxing!

"you wanna die!"

  Even if it is a powerful Godot cottage, the strong man in Jindan Realm is very important. So seeing Ge'an was beaten to death by Li Mo, Gron suddenly became furious.

   The immortal is angry, and the sky is falling apart!

  Since the celestial body is called an immortal, it is of course far beyond what other monks can understand. For a time, a cloudless sky appeared out of nowhere.

   This dark cloud is full of lightning, even with the meaning of heavenly punishment, even the immortal cannot have the power of heavenly punishment. But the immortal can use the power of heaven punishment, only to pay a great price.

  Glong now really wants to kill Li Mo, but knows that Menglin and Li Xue are here. I am afraid that it is not easy to kill Li Mo, so in the first time, Gelong lent a trace of punishment at all costs and wanted to kill Li Mo.


  Yinfengfuran, a lightning bolt as thick as an adult's arm struck. These lightnings, with the punishment of heaven, do not enter the fairyland, after all, they can't compete.

"you dare!"

  I want to say that without preparation, I might be able to watch Li Mo chopped to death by Heaven's Punishment.

   However, when Li Mo and Ge'an were fighting, Meng Lin's hands kept aura.

   Now Gelong shot, only to hear Meng Lin scream, the figure appeared in front of Li Mo. Then Menglin's palms were taken forward, and a barrier formed by all the spirits of the strong people in the early stage of Earth Fairy appeared in front of Menglin.

  At the same time, the heaven penalty falls!


   The amazing lightning swept through, with a punishment of destruction. Even though the people of the two tribes are still some distance away from this place, one by one, oppressed by the punishment of heaven, can only creep on the ground. Where is the ability to contend.

   Li Mo stands behind Meng Lin, and there is a relationship with that barrier. So Li Mo did not receive much coercion, but the punishment with a heavenly atmosphere fell from the sky. If you were someone else, would you be afraid if you saw it?

   But Li Mo was still straight, and looked up at the thunder in the sky with contempt.

  Previous generations of quasi-imperial emperors, where would they be scared by this array?


   This thunder sounded like a fierce beast roaring, and hit the barrier in front of Menglin.

   "Click! Click..."

   It was just such a collision that the barrier was suddenly covered with cracks. Seeing this scene, Meng Lin gritted her teeth and mobilized all the auras in her body into the barrier.

  As the spiritual energy in Menglin entered the barrier, the barrier gradually stabilized.

   But before he could catch his breath, the sky thundered again and thunder came.

   Two thunders hit the barrier one after another.


   The barrier shattered at the first moment, and the rest of Thunder's power rushed towards Menglin. Menglin's expression changed greatly, but Menglin hadn't had time to make anything.

   saw a piece of white silk falling from the sky, blocking it in front of him. The power of the thunder remaining from the punishment of heaven was hit on this seemingly soft white damask.

   But this white damask looks soft, but in fact it is extremely hard. Heavenly punishment only the remaining energy, slapped on Bai Ling, but was a little faded away.

   However, although the punishment of the sky disappeared, the collision between them still produced an endless wave of anger, and the first one, Meng Lin, was hit. Of course, Li Mo was also hit with the same one.

   I saw that the two of them fell to the ground like Luohan, and the unlucky Li Mo was under Meng Lin. Fortunately, the barrier blocked most of the day penalty, and then the white silk blocked it.

   Some of the remaining waves were blocked by Meng Lin in front. So Li Mo and Meng Lin only suffered some shocks, but fortunately Li Mo is now physically powerful, otherwise he will not be smashed into flesh now?


  Menglin coughed and spit out a white smoke. Then Meng Lin pulled Li Mo behind him, and Li Mo looked at Meng Lin's face.

   At this moment, Meng Lin's hair was scorched, and the hair without scorching stood up. The face is completely dark, like the bottom of the pot.

  Meng Lin’s palms are constantly dripping with drops of blood. It can be seen that Meng Lin also suffered some injuries in the fight against the punishment.

   But Gelong, who borrowed the punishment from the sky, was also uncomfortable. At the moment, Gelong's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood. But looking at it this way is much better than Meng Lin's situation. It can be seen that Menglin's cultivation practice is still some distance away from that of Gelong.

   But even if Gron is now weak like but Gron still has no intention of letting go of Li Mo.

  Gordo's cottage defeated today because of Li Mo. Moreover, Li Mo also killed a tribe in the Jindan realm of their Gordo village, so with a groan, Gron rushed to Li Mo very quickly.

  Menglin stood in front of Li Mo and was ready to defend. But Menglin was not sure in her heart and could stop Gron.


   It was at this time that a cold cry came from the sky. Immediately, I saw that the white damask swaying in the air stretched infinitely and wrapped around Gron.

  Gloan made all his strength, and it was still difficult to move forward even under the restraint of Bai Ling.

   "The cottage villain loses, so you have to do it. When I don't exist?"

   Before you borrowed the power of punishment, the injuries left by your body made you never recover to the peak in this decade. So I didn't cure your sins with you, now you still want to do it, you want to die? "

   asked Li Xue, who was in the blue spirit bird's hand, holding Bai Ling. In the cold voice, there were bursts of murderous intentions.

  The battle between the powerhouses of the fairyland is still very rare. Glenn's cultivation in the mid-land of Wonderland is limited by the power he can use to punish him. However, serious internal injuries will still be left in the body, and it will take ten years of rehabilitation.


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