Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1023: Sun Wukong

"Stinky 狢! You have a set of wind beads!"

Seeing that Sun Wukong didn't respond, Niu Dewang's eyes changed, and he remembered the reason. Dingfengzhu is really not very useful for combat.

But its only function is to set the wind. Isn't it the nemesis of the banana fan?

Sun Wukong, the jaguar monkey, scratched his neck and smiled triumphantly. In his hand, the golden glittering wind beads.

"Brother, sister-in-law. As long as the banana fan is used by the younger brother, the younger brother will definitely retreat! No harassment!"

"Ding Fengzhu!"

Looking at the Ding Fengzhu, Li Mo's eyes lit up. Although he has been looking at these little demon before, Li Mo believes that the fragmentation of the origin into a treasure is more likely than the adult.

Since the banana fan is not a fragment of origin, see this set of wind beads. Li Mo immediately hit Ding Fengzhu with his idea.

"Smelly monkey! You first lied to my wife and children, and now I have the idea of ​​beating my baby! Find death!"

Hearing Sun Wukong's words, the Bull Demon suddenly violently mooed. For a time, a mountain-like wild cow appeared, and white smoke pierced through the wild cow's nose, and the heat wave was amazing. It is the body of Dali Niu Demon!

Seeing the change of the Bull Demon King, Zhu Bajie on one side wanted to step forward to help. But the iron fan princess holding the banana fan was staring at Zhu Ba Jie, so she saw Zhu Ba Jie stepping forward.

The Princess Iron Fan immediately pointed the banana fan at Zhu Bajie and saw this scene. Pig Bajie shrank his neck and backed away.

Just kidding, the master brother has the Ding Fengzhu of Lingji Bodhisattva. He doesn't have it, he really wants to go up, don't look at his body is quite fat, but also have to blow to do not know where to go.


The Niu Demon King was like a peerless demon. He roared, lowered his head, and showed his own horns to hit Sun Wukong.

As the Bull Demon rushed, the whole earth trembled.


Sun Wukong also shouted, and his dexterous figure flew into the air, and the gold hoop in his hand hit the horns.

But the gold hoop that was once unfavorable, this time did not show great power. Sun Wukong has a dexterous figure, but his strength is not as good as the Bull Demon King.

Moreover, Sun Wukong was pressed under the Wuzhi Mountain for five hundred years before his sutra, but he couldn't practice. Sun Wukong can't practice, but the Bull Demon King can practice.

So this is equivalent to Sun Wukong stepping on the spot, allowing the bull demon king who has been practicing for more than 500 years to surpass. Just now, there is Pig Bajie, Sun Wukong can still break the wrist with Niu Demon.

But it's not working now, so Sun Wukong and Niu Dewang played a few times. Found that he was not invincible, Sun Wukong didn't wait much and flew away directly.

Pig Bajie, who was staring dry on the ground, saw Sun Wukong fly away. Pig Bajie anxiously shouted in a hurry

"Brother wait for me!"

With that, the wind at the foot of Zhu Bajie chased towards Sun Wukong.

"Count you run fast!"

Niu Dewang appeared in person, said angrily. Although Niu Demon and Sun Wukong have the upper hand in singles, they have not won the strength of Sun Wukong.

But Sun Wukong, who has a cloud of clouds, cannot even win him.


Just when Sun Wukong had just flown out, a majestic bodhisattva slowly came from the distant sky.

The bodhisattva's body is covered with sacred golden light. I don't know why, the speed of the bodhisattva flying is so slow.

"Lingji Bodhisattva?"

Sun Wukong said with amazement that this Bodhisattva was the Lingji Bodhisattva who set the wind beads by himself. But Sun Wukong's intuition feels a little wrong.

So Sun Wukong's eyes flashed a fine light, and his eyes were shining on Lingji Bodhisattva. Fire eyes and golden eyes were photographed for a moment, and Lingji Bodhisattva was still Lingji Bodhisattva.


The solemn Lingji Bodhisattva looked at Sun Wukong displeasedly.

Sun Wukong hurriedly closed his eyes and jumped towards Lingji Bodhisattva, said familiarly

"Hey, I don't know why the Bodhisattva is here? Are you going to help me take down the wild cow?"

Lingji Bodhisattva shook his head and said

"That man is in charge of it. I came here to get the treasure back and forth."

This Lingji Bodhisattva is exactly what Li Mo turned into. Just kidding, let him fight the bull devil? Now, the strength of this Dandan Realm is to give the Niu Demon a head.

Just now Li Mo used the rod of origin to control the speed, so no Sun Wukong could see the cultivation. In addition, here is the world where the original fragments are transformed.

Therefore, the Lingji Bodhisattva, which was transformed into the rod of origin, is Sun Wukong's flaming eyes, and they are all impenetrable.

"What treasure?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, Sun Wukong turned his eyes and asked with a smile.

"You monkey? Are you guilty of recurring old problems? Quickly return my bead."

Li Mo, who turned into Lingji Bodhisattva, tweeted to Sun Wukong and said.

"Bodhisattva, I haven't won the barbarian cow. Or I won't wait until I get it, and I will return the Dingfengzhu to the Bodhisattva."

Sun Wukong scratched his head and jumped from Li Mo's right to the left.

"You monkey, take Ding Fengzhu first. I had some feelings before retreating. I need Ding Fengzhu to learn for a while. After the end of the enlightenment, I will naturally lend you Ding Fengzhu."

Li Mo said helplessly, this Monkey King, but your wild cow is harder to deceive.


Sun Wukong hesitated for a while, then took out Ding Fengzhu to Lingji Bodhisattva, scratched his face, said with a smile

"The bodhisattva also needs time to come back and forth. Or should the bodhisattva find a cave house to learn from here?"

Even if he was convinced that this one was the real Lingji Bodhisattva, Sun Wukong was afraid to return Ding Fengzhu to this one, so he could not borrow it, so he played a little clever.

"it is good."

Li Mo said helplessly, yes, this is for himself. Now Li Mo just wants to run, but he can't.

"Lingji Bodhisattva, when I flew just now, I found a cave underneath, which can be used as your temporary cave house."

Pig Bajie stepped forward and said.


Li Mo nodded and then walked into the cave with Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie to Zhu Bajie. Along the way, Li Mo's speed is very slow.

Although Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were a little puzzled, they took the initiative to slow down and followed Li all, they still had to borrow wind beads from this'Lingji Bodhisattva', so their attitude was very polite .

"I can't bother to retreat, you should protect me from outside."

Li Mo said lightly and walked into the cave. The cave is very dark, but after Li Mo turns into Lingji Bodhisattva, the Buddha light that comes with his body illuminates the whole cave.

"Grandma drops!"

Li Mo, who entered the cave, could not help but scold, and this Monkey King is too refined! Looking outside, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie both stayed outside.

You can't get out from the hole, if you use the escape method to escape. Li Mo's earth escape technique is to be more proficient, but the cultivation of the Jiedan Realm is limited.

So Li Mo knew that even using the earth escape technique, he could not escape in the eyes of Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie. Moreover, Sun Wukong will also escape from the earth.

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