Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1034: Jindan Realm

   These spirit beasts practice in the cave on weekdays, and the aura of the cave is more than double the outside. If you are lucky, you can find a piece of spirit stone to absorb, and cultivation can increase a lot.

   Therefore, every time the clan of Miluo Village accidentally excavates a spirit beast, a large group of people will die.

   "This...I don't know."

  Menghai shook his head and said. These natural caves are not accessible to the tribes, so Dream Sea doesn't pay much attention to them.

   Moreover, even if there are people who want to practice, they will not come to this natural cave.

   "Don't you know? If you don't know, let the patriarch enter? What do you want you to eat!"

   Hearing Menghai's words, Mengkun scolded Menghai for a while. Guan Da first crushed the dead, listening to Meng Kun's rebuke, Meng Dahai bowed his head, and his face was wronged.


   At this moment, the cave shuddered, and the endless gang wind roared from the cave.

  Mengkun changed his face when he saw these winds. I don't know what happened to the cave, but now these gusts of wind are spouting, even if I have to face it carefully.

   Scolded Meng Dahai as Meng Dahai, but knowing Meng Dahai is certainly not an opponent of these gangs. And there are other tribes who are staying here, and then Mengkun stepped in front of Menghai, and saw Mengkun's hands in the air.

   Two surging auras came from Mengkun's hands, and then the two auras condensed into a barrier in the air, protecting them in front of Mengkun and Menghai.


  The endless gang wind roared and hit the barrier with one end.

   Just listen to the bang, the barrier is full of cracks. But this terrifying gangster wind has also dispersed.

  Feeling the power of these winds, Mengkun's heart tightened. He must be careful to deal with these gangs, and the general strong in the late Jindan Realm may not be able to deal with it.

   And Li Mo did not know that stepping into Jindan Realm was entering Jindan Realm. It is also the early stage of Jindan Realm, how to face these raging winds?

   Then Mengkun stared at the dream sea fiercely

   "Come back to you after you come back!"

   Let's go, Mengkun took a big step towards the cave.

   is strange to say, these gangsters have been tossing in the sky for more than half a month, just now the power reached its peak. Meng Kun originally thought that the wind will be stronger now.

  But since Mengkun entered the cave, he found that the wind was too weak. Now I am afraid that it is the early strong in Jindan Realm who can contend with these gangs.

  Like Li Mo, Meng Kun lit up the cave with aura as a torch.


   The misty Mengkun shouted cautiously as he walked into the cave.


In the distance, you can see a figure looming. This figure is wearing clothes. Isn't Li Mo anybody else?

   Before the wind had turned tenfold, Li Mo still needed to practice. So Li Mo's clothes were all shattered under the wind, and now Li Mo stepped into the Jindan realm.

   finished the training, so he pulled out a shirt in the storage bag and put it on. The aura of Jin Dan Realm was protected on the clothes, even the wind that would be turned over before, and Li Mo's clothes could not be torn.

   And the power of Gangfeng before reached its peak, and Li Moxiu stepped into Jindan Realm.

   Li Mo, who is absorbing the wind and the aura of spirits as usual, cultivated his way to the Jindan realm. For a time, Li Mo could not control the aura in his body.

   This caused Li Mo's body spirit to overflow uncontrollably, and the wind was originally poured into Li Mo's body frantically.

   But now Li Mo does not absorb the gang wind, and it is overflowing with auras and contends with the gang wind.

   Gangfeng and Reiki burst into burst, and endless waves of air appeared. Qilang and Gangfeng rushed out of the cave together.

   is also fortunate that Li Mo's aura is pure, otherwise the aura can't compete with the wind. Li Mo, who had just broken through, was caught off guard by the wind and was seriously injured even if he didn't die.


  Mengkun cautiously shouted when he felt the breath of Li Mo's body. Mengkun's face was suddenly happy

   "Patriarch, you have entered Jindan Realm!"

  Because Li Mo still has aura to protect his clothes, Mengkun can clearly feel the purity of Li Mo's aura. This level of innocence, even in the late Jindan Realm, is not as good as it is.

   "Well, it's a lucky break. It's still early, I want to go in and see."

  Li Mo nodded, looked at the depth of the cave, and said.

   This cave goes directly into the depths of Jinshe Mountain, and no one has come in to mine. Therefore, there should be a lot of spirit stones in it. Anyway, the tribes of the Miluo tribe can’t get it out, so it’s better to use it by themselves.

   "Then let me go in with the patriarch."

  Mengkun nodded and said.

   These caves are already full of danger, especially these natural caves, so Mengkun is not worried that Li Mo will go deep alone.


   Li Mo nodded, tied the storage bag around his waist, and walked deeper into the cave with Meng Kun.

   The depth of the cave is dark, just like a huge mouth of an abyss. The two who walked in the distance could not see the depths at all.

Along the way, Meng Kun carefully held the torch in front of him, protecting Li Mo behind him, and Li Mo was cautiously looking at the stone walls around the cave.

The deeper the    walks, the more intense the wind becomes. Correspondingly, Reiki is increasingly pure. The two carefully walked all the way for an afternoon. At this moment, the degree of mellow wind is that of the general strong in the late Jindan Realm, they can all be said to tear.

   Fortunately, Li Mo and Meng Kun were pure in spirit, otherwise Li Mo would have torn up his clothes like before, and the clothes looked embarrassed.

   "Now take a break here and absorb the aura."

  Li Mo said slowly, one afternoon. Both of them used Reiki to fight these gangs all the time, and it was also a big consumption.

   Then Li Mo and Meng Kun took out some dried meat in the storage bag, simply took a few bites and began to meditate.

   Of course, when you meditate with your eyes closed, you must use your own aura to fight against these gangs. It's just that meditating can restore some aura.

   And these gangster winds, more and more violent, even the dream of Jindan Realm's Great Consciousness did not dare to absorb. But when Mengkun saw Li Mo, he suddenly opened his eyes and almost shocked his chin.

   I saw Li Mo sitting opposite Meng Kun at the moment, as if it were a rhino drinking water. This overwhelming gang wind was centered on Li Mo, and instigated Li Mo's galloping away.

   Faced with these raging winds, it was already strenuous enough to fight against it. But Li Mo was not afraid at all, as if it were the absorption of nutrients.

  Mengkun knew that it was very dangerous to do so, and he would be blown up by the violent wind if he failed. But Li Mo can't be stopped right now, people who are practicing are stopped.

   lightly bite back to get some internal injuries, and heavy ones get into trouble.

   "The patriarch...shouldn't do things that are not sure."

   looked at Li Mo seriously, Meng Kun muttered to himself. Now Mengkun puts all his hopes on Li Mo. After all, Li Mo’s current cultivation level is higher, and his cultivation spirit is stronger.

   So before, Mengkun thought he could save Li Mo, but now Mengkun is not sure when Li Mo was just in danger, he saved Li Mo in time.

  In a blink of an eye, Li Mo sat there for three days. After practicing the Great Dream, he has more control over the body's physical fitness, so even if the current practice is not to break the valley, but still not hungry for three days without eating.

   In three days, Li Mo absorbed the aura in the wind by virtue of heaven and earth's creation tactics to consolidate the cultivation base to the peak of the early stage of Jindan Realm. The gang winds, which were very dangerous for the powerful people in the late Jindan Realm, seemed to Li Mo as nourishment.

   After all, who can think of a kid in the early days of Jindan Realm. Can you get here, can you even absorb the gang wind that cannot be absorbed even by the powerhouse of the Golden Perfection?

   "The patriarch is the patriarch, great."

  After three days, when he saw that Li Mo was safe, Meng Kun was also quite relieved. Now Li Mo is doing something that is out of the ordinary and impossible, and Meng Kun thinks it should be what he should.

  Many years of fighting experience made Li Mo have an accurate hunch about the crisis. So at this moment, Li Mo, who was meditating, burst into a cold sweat on his back, and a sense of danger came back from behind.


   Li Mo, who was meditating, flashed, using the shrinking ground to turn into a magical power and disappeared directly in place. Because Li Mo's speed is too fast, Li Mo's figure disappears, but the afterimage is still meditation there.


   A golden figure passed through Li Mo's phantom, the golden figure was like lightning. The speed is fast, and silent, even Meng Kun, who is in the golden perfection, has not found him.

   If it wasn’t Li Mo’s perception of danger over the years, it might have been the Li Mo looked carefully, it was a golden snake less than three feet long. The whole snake body is as thin as a grass rope, but the pressure on the body has already reached the perfect practice of Jindan Realm.

   Cultivation is high, the body is small, and it is difficult to find because the golden snake clan spirit is born with a fast speed.

   This golden snake originally wanted to attack Li Mo, but did not expect Li Mo to be so fast. But this Golden Snake's combat experience is also rich.

   After the Golden Snake failed to attack Li Mo, the Golden Snake did not change direction. Instead, he directly changed the target of the attack and attacked Mengkun.


  Li Mo was moved, and Mengkun couldn't find this golden snake and would not be worthy of being a strong man in Jindan Realm. So I only heard Mengkun shout a long gun in the storage bag and attacked the golden snake.

   but one inch long and one inch strong, one inch short and one inch insurance. Mengkun’s spear is really powerful, but it is a battle with this golden snake, which is only three feet in size.

   is a bit catching the wind and catching the shadow, and the overbearing spear cannot catch the golden snake at all. Even a few times, the golden snake almost bitten Mengkun.

  Know that the venom of this golden snake is also very powerful, even Mengkun, who is in the golden circle of the Great Realm, dare not touch it.

   But looking at the scene of the battle between one person and one animal, I am afraid that Mengkun will be bitten by the golden snake. ...


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