Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1038: Level 1

   "This guy, something interesting."

Among the crowd, a woman dressed in a green shirt and a hair shawl looked at Li Mo's figure and smiled. The woman's facial features are exquisite, and she smiles with a faint smile. Just this laugh, I saw a lot of young men around.

   "Why, Sister Liner is interested?"

  The woman named Liner was surrounded by more than a dozen young men and women, and heard Liner's words. A young woman a little older than one or two years old joked next to her. Although the woman is older, her identity and practice are not as good as this woman named Liner. So I want to call my sister.

   "Interested? I am really interested, but I don't know if he can hold on for a few breaths under my charm technique."

  Lin'er looked at the woman next to her and smiled charmingly. The smile alone made the young men around me intoxicated.

  Don't look at Lin Er's words and deeds, but Lin Er specializes in charming. Over the years, I have seen too many real faces of men, and I am increasingly disappointed with men. Even Lin'er sometimes wonders, are there any good men in this world?

   noticed his gaze, Li Mo couldn't help turning his head to look. It was exactly the same as Liner's eyes, but Li Mo just looked at Liner and turned his head.

From beginning to end, Li Mo's eyes are calm as water. There wasn't even a glance at Lin Er's beauty and the charm in her bones.

  The appearance of Jin Qiaoxin did not lose Liner at first, compared with the two. A young and beautiful, a charming and charming. However, so many things happened with Jin Qiaoxin, and the other party had a life-saving grace for himself.

   But Li Mo still treats him as a sister, but in the end Jin Qiaoxin finally moved Li Mo with his own heart. That stupid girl can leave the golden cow tribe where she grew up for her own sake.

   Facing the powerful Wudu tribe, he dare to move forward and backward together with Li Mo. Dare to give his life to Li Mo, such a silly girl Li Mo no matter what appearance. If Li Mo no longer cherishes it, Li Mo will regret it all his life.


   Liner, who is facing Li Mo's four eyes, also saw Li Mo's gaze, in Liner's memory. No man has seen his eyes so clear, and there is no man who can look away from him at a glance.

  Seeing Li Mo Gubo's appearance, Liner couldn't help but looked down at her clothes, and the delicate jade hands sorted out the light makeup on her face, suspicious self-talk

   "What's going on? Is it that I have been neglected to practice recently, and the charm technique has deteriorated?"

   thought for a long time, Liner only guessed this possibility.

   sorted out the clothes, Liner couldn't help but said quietly

   "No, clothes and makeup are the same as usual."

   said, Liner couldn't help but look at Li Mo again. Want to see if Li Mo is pretending to be pretending to be high, after all, Lin Er’s suitors over the years. It's true that all the strategies have been used, and there are many who deliberately pretend to be high.

   But after watching Li Mo for a long time, he found that Li Mo didn't even mean to peek at her.

  When Liner looked at Li Mo with a pair of beautiful eyes, he didn't know the eyes of young men around him who were "jealous." Of course, that ‘evil’ refers to Li Mo.

   Let Miss Lin'er look at you? Why don't we have that life!

   "Brother Demon! Look at that kid and Miss Liner!"

  In a group of exactly 20 young people, a sturdy young man pointed at Li Mo and said to the sturdy young people around him. Jin Batian, the youngest son of Jinshan's village patriarch Jin Gang, cannot be underestimated.

   "I'm not blind!"

   Jin Batian was so angry that his nose was smoky, and when he heard the tribe, he immediately roared. Then Jin Batian looked at Li Mo and said

   "Who will see this kid in a while! Give him away!"

   Just let Lin'er take a look, Jin Batian is about to abandon Li Mo. It can be seen that the domineering and domineering of Jin Batian.

   "Good Big Brother!"

   "The boy named Li Mo will leave it to me!"


   The identity of the young master of the cottage, a group of people from the Jinshan cottage responded.

  Li Mo in the crowd, don't know yet. This competition has not yet begun, but at least three parties have locked him.

   Of course, there must be a lot of young men in the crowd who also remember Li Mo in their hearts, but they haven't shown it.

   "The first competition, the strength of the competition! This is the strong mountain stone. Each strong mountain stone has the power of a small hill. The tribe who can lift the strong mountain stone and maintain the three breaths, promote! Otherwise, eliminate!"

  Yu Xiao said while taking out a slap-sized, golden and heavy stone in the storage bag.

"This strong mountain stone is a sacred object of the forge, don't look at it is not big, but the density is not small. When the forge is added to the weapon a little, that is, weapons made of ordinary rust iron can have iron cutting mud. Efficacy. If you add it to a superior weapon, you might be able to create a magic weapon."

   "This kind of treasure can be found by the elders. Congratulations to the elders."


  Several patriarchs around Yu Xiao looked at the strong mountain stones in Yu Xiao's hands and said enviously.

   But it seems like Li asked them these patriarchs, but stood silently, without any meaning to speak. Like their identity, there is really no need to please Yu Xiao.

   There are people who please Yuyu Xiao and those who come to mock Menglin. I saw that Gelong and Mo Yang were left and right between the two sides of Menglin, you said one sentence to another sentence

   "If you want to raise a hill, some people in the middle of Jindan Realm can't do it."

   "Yeah, I think Li Mo is not so eloquent, maybe the first level will be eliminated?"


   Just when the two were talking, a team of more than 500 people had come to Yuxiao here in an orderly way, one by one, ready to take the Lieshan Rock.

   But in the hands of Yu Xiao, a violent mountain stone as light as a small stone was put into the hands of those young people, but it was terrible. I saw that the ten people who went up first, seven of them had just entered the early stage of Jindan Realm.

   As a result, there is no doubt that none of these tribes has passed. The remaining three people were all cultivated in the middle of Jin Dan Realm. But even so, one person is still eliminated.

   "Look! It's Brother Gehao!"

   "Brother Gehao!"


  One tribe has one chance, so a team of hundreds of people, but this assessment is still very fast. When it was Gehou's turn, a crowd of young people from the Godot cottage shouted happily.

   Their Gordo cottage is now finished except for Gehao. Nine people eliminated only four and five passed. Including this Gehao, it is six, which is a good chance.

   After all, several people from one or two tribes have been sent out, and all have been eliminated.


  Gehao snorted and glanced at Li Mo in the crowd. The eyes are full of complacency, and now hundreds of people have tried it, that is, all the strong men in the middle of Jindan Realm have been eliminated. Therefore, no one in the early stage of Jindan Realm has passed this first level.

   Thinking of this, Gehao handed Li Mo a provocative look. Ge Hao also believed that Li Mo was unlikely to pass this first pass.

   Then in the eyes of everyone, Gehao bowed down to Elder Yu Xiao. Then Ge Hao grabbed the slap-like big mountain stone in Yu Xiao's hand with one hand.

   "What is he going to do?"

   "Take the Lishan Stone with one hand?"


   Watching Gehao's movements, a group of young people went crazy. They held Lieshan Stone with both hands before, and begged Grandpa to sue Grandma, so they could pick it up. Many people have even been eliminated. The one in front of him is very good, just pick it up with one hand!

   But Gehao took this strong mountain stone with one hand, obviously it was not easy. I saw that Gehao's hand was trembling, and slowly took Lieshan stone in the air, out of Yu Xiao's palm.

   saw Gehao's complexion turned red, and he silently read three numbers. As soon as the three counts were reached, the stone in the hands of Yushan was placed in the hands of Yu Xiao. Don't look at Ge Hao's movements are a little far-fetched, and even his arms shake from head to tail. But others actually raised the Lieshan Rock with one hand.

   "The cultivation of Ge Haoxian's nephew has improved a lot, just entered the late stage of Jindan Realm. With such arm strength, the talent is good."

   Mo Yang grinned to the right of Meng Lin and said.

   "Oh, Mo Shaowu's nephew is not bad."

Although    is humble, the proud color between Gron's eyebrows is revealed.

  Mo Shaowu is Mo Yang's son. It is also the strongest candidate in the Dora cottage this time, but the overall strength of the Gordo cottage is better than that of the Dora cottage. Therefore, Ge Hao Mo Shaowu entered Jindan Realm a few months earlier, and the corresponding strength should also exceed Mo Shaowu.

   Just when the two were Shaowu lined up in front of Yu Xiao. Originally, Mo Shaowu wanted to learn how to pretend to be like Gehao, but when Mo Shaowu used the power of breastfeeding, he insisted on the time of two breaths.

   Eventually, if Mo Shaowu handed his other hand up at a critical moment to firmly hold Lieshan Rock, maybe at the first level, Mo Shaowu would be eliminated.

  Looking at the appearance of Mo Shaowu, Yu Xiao said unpleasantly

   "Young people need to know how to do their best. Well, next."

   The voice fell, Mo Shaowu backed away, and another young man came up.

   "Did you see Meng Lin? Shao Wu is called strength. The strength in the later stage of Jin Dan Realm is better than Li Mo in your cottage?"

   "Not necessarily."

  Meng Lin didn't even look at Mo Yang, and said lightly. In Menglin's psychology, are Mo Shaowu and Li Mo comparable? Although Li Mo's cultivation is worse now, but when he first thought of Li Mo, he didn't even step into Dan Realm.

  How long has it been, he has already been a strong man in the early stage of Jindan Realm. Not to mention Mo Shaowu, Gehao and his like. It is those young people who rank in the front, and their talents may not be able to match Li Mo.

   "Why? Do you mean that Li Moneng is more powerful than Shao Wu? Well, let's take a gamble?"

   Mo Yang smiled arrogantly.


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