Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1045: Level 3 assessment

   "Are you saying Mo Shaowu? He fell asleep in the cottage. As for Gehao, of course it's like ‘taking care’ of me like Ge’an.”

  The word "care" is very heavy. I heard Li Mo's words. Gron's face changed and his figure shook. Gron certainly knows what it means to take care of the word, does Ghalo follow Gane's footsteps?

   Although Gehao is not the elder son of Gelong, he is also one of his favorite juniors.

   The talent displayed by Gehao is beyond the reach of Ge'an. Therefore, to give Gehao time to grow, they will surely have one more Yuanying Realm strong in their cottage.

  Gehao's death was more serious than the death of dozens of Ge'an.

  Compared with Gelong, Mo Yang's complexion looks better. Li Mo said that Mo Shaowu was sleeping under the mountain, and Mo Yang also understood. It was Li Mo who stunned Mo Shaowu, but he couldn't pass the assessment. But it's good to have a life, and the big test will pass the exam next year.

   "Stinky boy! I killed you!"

  'S angry face growled, and he rushed towards Li Mo. However, Menglin on the side was already defending this Kelung, so Kelung had just taken a step, and Menglin was in front of Kelung.

  Menglin and Gelong both have internal injuries, so the speed is very slow.


   Watching the two patriarchs of Fairyland about to cross the sword, Yu Xiao frowned. Immediately, Yu Xiao focused on looking at Gelong, drinking it unpleasantly

   "To shame, go back to shame!"

  Gloe's previous small means, Yu Xiao was very clear in his heart. It was because of his clarity that Yu Xiao was angry.

  You count people like that. I opened my eyes and closed my eyes. You didn't give others the calculations. Now you want to shoot clearly, I don't care about you anymore, what is the dignity of my elder elder?


  Don't dare to collide with Yu Xiao, Ge Longqiang endured the anger in his heart and walked back. But just after two or three steps, after hearing the words of Meng Lin. Gronton fell to the ground when his old injury recurred.

   "Gron, go back and study which spiritual vein to give us. All the patriarchs present here have a share. The three spiritual veins I won in Moyang and Gelong have the same output as the first three years!"

   "I still care about my brother Menglin!"

   "Then thank you Menglin brother, ha ha ha."


   Low-order spiritual veins have little effect on the top ranked cottages. So Li asked them that after hearing Meng Lin's words, they didn't even mean to say the last sentence. And those cottage patriarchs in the bottom rank were very happy when they heard Meng Lin's words.

   Looking at those excited patriarchs, Mo Yang couldn't help but darken his eyes and gritted his teeth. There are so many patriarchs looking at it, I am afraid that those two spiritual veins, he can't do it without taking it.

   But let him give two spirits directly, I am afraid that his prestige in the cottage will drop to a extreme point, and the position of the patriarch cannot be maintained.

  Looking at Li Mo, Mo Yang regretted it. What he has done to provoke the kid to do so now has lost so much.

   But Mo Yang grinned when he saw Gelong falling in front. At least Li Mo did not kill his son, so Mo Yang's hatred towards Li Mo gradually dissipated.

   What's more, this time, Gron pulled him and Menglin completely. The thought of Molong also had some dissatisfaction with Grandon because he had lost another low-level spirit.

   "Now start the third level."

  Yu Xiaoang said with a straight chest, although Li Mo had just been here. But Yu Xiao did not give Li Mo a break. After all, Li Mo was not Li Jianxin.

  Yu Xiao raised his finger to a stone tablet near the stone wall and said

   "If you want to enter the Presbyterian Church, you must abandon the grievances between the cottages and protect the entire Jiuli Tribe as your responsibility. This stone monument will bring your consciousness into an illusion.

   In the illusion there are the gods and demon of Kyushu, the beast king. You can kill ten gods and monsters or beastmasters in it, and pass the ten levels, and then successfully pass the third round of assessment. Become a new member of the Presbyterian Church. "

   listening to Yu Xiao, Li Mo frowned. Killing the devil and the beast king in the illusion, what does this have to do with protecting the Jiuli tribe? It seems that the core of this test, Yu Xiao did not say it.


   Counting Li Mo, a group of twenty-nine customs clearance members bowed their heads in response.

   "Now, drop your blood on the stone tablet and you can enter it."

  Yu Xiao went on to say that twenty-nine youths said according to Yu Xiao. They bit their fingertips and dripped blood on the stone tablets.

  I saw that everyone was sitting under the stele with their eyes closed, motionless. Obviously, consciousness entered the stone tablet.

  Li Mo's consciousness entered the stone tablet, and suddenly felt a dim sky. The space around was dark, Li Mo didn't know how big this space was.

   "Nine Li people! Surrender or die!"

   Just then, a thick voice came. Then a big demon with a tiger head appeared in front of Li Mo. The strength of this big demon was similar to that of Li Mo, and he was not a demon king.

   "Let me submit to Li Xuanqing?"

  Li Mo shook his head and smiled, then Li Mo smiled coldly. With a whine, Li Mo's figure was put in front of the big demon with a human head, his heavy fists fell, and the sound was like a crack.


Although    is in an illusion, the big demon is vivid and even has his own consciousness. Seeing a human kid dare to attack himself with the power of the flesh, the face of the big demon suddenly showed an astonishing killing intention.

  Who doesn’t know that the physical strength of their demon clan crushes the clan clan? Immediately, I saw a fist the size of a human head, and coaxed Li Mo's lean fist.

   Two fists, so much different in size.


  Fisted with one fist, he shot out. Isn't it the other monster who resembles Li Moxiu?

  I saw that the big demon who flew all the way had already been killed. When Li Mo was in Dandan Realm, he could kill the strong man in Jindan Realm. Now Li Mo's cultivation at the early stage of Jindan Realm is really not difficult to kill a big demon at the early stage of Jindan Realm.

   After the big demon fell to the ground, his figure gradually disappeared and disappeared. Immediately after the second figure appeared in front of Li Mo, this figure's repair was stronger than the big demon. The demon at the peak of Jindan Realm.

   The same is true of other young people's realm. The strength of the first appearing demon or demon is similar to theirs. However, the next big demon to play, the strength will be more aggressive.

   "The evaluation of this stone monument is not about how many monsters are killed?"

  Looking at the stele and the young people sitting on the first, Li asked and turned to ask Yu Xiao.

   heard Li asked, Yu Xiao smiled and said

"Of course, the Jiuli people can only die in battle, but they can't be afraid of the enemies! The enemies these children encounter in the stone tablets are getting stronger and stronger, and it is inevitable that fear will arise in their hearts. Such people are not qualified to protect the Jiuli tribe. , So the stone tablet detects the fear in that person's heart, it will strengthen the opponent's combat power.

   In fact, there are only a total of thirteen levels in it. If someone can not feel fear in the top ten concerns, they can become the messenger of the Presbyterian Church. "

   "There is no fear, but if the strength is limited? If you are stoned like that, will you fail?"

   asked Donkey Kong, who had the determination to compare with Don Lee before. But Jinshan cottage now has far fewer clan members than the Hunyuan cottage.

   Therefore, Jinshan Cottage is more attentive to this third level, and I want to see how many of them can live.

"Ha ha……"

  Yu Xiao shook his head and smiled gently

"If there is no fear in your heart, it is impossible to defeat. The strongmen of the illusion in the stele have empty momentum, but the fighting power rises with people's minds. If you have a spirit of self-regard in your heart. No matter how high the appearance of the big demon appears, the combat strength is also unbearable.

   But if you have a trace of shaking in your heart, the enemy's combat power will be strong. If you are afraid, then sorry. The enemy's combat power will skyrocket, kicking you out of the stele. "

   Upon hearing the words of Yu Xiao, all the patriarchs' faces changed.

  Just now they thought that the third level is to clear the level by strength, but now it seems. This third level is completely the core of the test, and only if the heart is strong enough to pass the level.

   And the tribes who participated in the competition were still less than thirty in front of them, who were strong men who had lived for hundreds of years. Just a child.

  How tough is the child's heart? So this third level of competition, but it is not easy. A group of patriarchs can't help but mumble

   "It seems that this year's assessment is really bad."


   While talking, I saw a young man who was coughing up a big mouthful of blood. The youth opened his eyes pale and looked at the stone tablet in front of him disappointedly. Only a red word "seven" appeared on the stone tablet.

   "Through the seven demon or big demon, the mind is not good, eliminated."

  Yu Xiao saw the words on the stone tablet and said coldly.

" This young man was obviously hit with some internal injuries. Then the young man stood with his chest trembling and bowed to Yu Xiao, then the young man walked slowly down the mountain. That figure , Slightly lonely.

   has stuck here, and will soon be the messenger of the Presbyterian Church. At this time, the young people were not reconciled.

   For a moment, another coughing young man opened his eyes. And the word on this young stone tablet is only six, which is obviously also eliminated.

   The illusion inside the stele, though it is to temper the mind. However, it is still necessary to defeat ten enemies, so this will cause everyone to go through the speed faster or slower. Therefore, it is not the young people who wake up later. There are more demon or big demon than those who woke up before.

   Twenty-nine young people, one of the incense kung fu, woke up thirteen. And of these, there was only one who passed the level, and that was the young man of Panlong Village. All the remaining tribes are eliminated...

   Another kung fu, except Li Mo and Li Jianxin, the rest of them woke up.

   But among this group of powerful people, there are more successful assessments.

  Even Jin Batian, Kong Lin'er and two other tribes in Panlong Village had successfully killed the eleventh enemy before they came out of the illusion.

  In addition to these four people, there are five people who successfully surpassed ten levels and passed the assessment.


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