Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1067: trust

"Shanhemeng? Wei Chi Qingyun let me run away, do you think I dare not grab your cave?"

Li Mo looked at Shi San like an idiot and said playfully. Really when you are very powerful? As everyone knows, there are too many people who are better than you in this world.

"Brother Yu Chi?"

Hearing Li Mo's words, Shi San looked pale. If Li Mo even dare to offend Chi Qingyun, he really could not care about him.

However, Shi San was not willing to let Shi San surrender his cave. Although the Presbyterian Church allows deacons and messengers to rob Dong Mansion and seize resources with strength. But the robbing of Dongfu is a shame and shame for these days! I'm afraid I don't want to get confused in the Shanhe League in the future.

"Not yet?"

Seeing Shi San no action, Li Mo disapproved. Then Li Mo got up and went to Shi San with a whizzing figure.

Shi San did not expect Li Mo to say he would do it, so he saw Li Mo's palm. Shi San could only greet him with a punch under the panic.


For a time, the sound of broken bones came. Shi Sanah shouted loudly, the skin of his arm cracked, and the red blood flowed slowly.

Before Shi San, several bones were broken by Li Mo's chest, where is Li Mo's congregation?

Without the obstruction of his arm, Li Mo's palm caught Shi San's throat. For a time, Shi San's complexion turned purple and his breathing was difficult.

"I will give you a ride."

Li Mo said lightly, and then Li Mo walked out of the Dong Mansion as if he were carrying a chicken. Along the way, Li Mo had already snatched the Dongfu token from Shisan's storage bag.

At the door, Li Mo gave Shi Sanyi a kick like a ball. Unlucky Shi Sanshi shot out, fell to the ground, and a dog came to eat shit.

At the moment, this hatred in Shi San's heart not only hates Li Mo. Even Hao Jun and Zhen Shuai were hated. Without these two second-hand goods, how could they offend Li Mo!

However, Hao Jun and Zhen Shuai don't know Li Mo's fighting ability, otherwise how dare he find Li Mo's trouble.

"Good for you."

Looking at Li Mo's overbearing removal of Shisan's Dongfu, Long Qing couldn't help shaking his head and said. Li Mo's method is much more ruthless than himself.

"This is what he asked for."

Li Mo smiled, and then Li Mo threw the token in his hand to Long Qing, saying

"You will go after a while and help me turn on the guardian team. One month later, you will call me with a token. When I practice, I may forget the time."

Li Mo has a headache when he thinks of his great dreams and magical skills.

Long Qing took the token, his face stunned, and asked Li Mo in disbelief.

"Token to me?"

This token is the key to enter the palace through the guardian large array. Li Mo is going to retreat. If someone sneaks on himself at this time, he will suffer some internal injuries at least, and he will get into trouble at worst.

So how should Li Mo trust himself in order to let Li Mo give himself the token?

Long Qing asked himself that he and Li Mo were only a few things. It was only today that I said a few words. How dare Li Mo do this?

Knowing what Long Qing thought, Li Mo smiled broadly without saying much.

Although he is not familiar with Longqing, Longqing has a temper for himself. And Li Mo has met too many people in these years, Li Mo feels that Long Qing should be good. Sometimes it’s that simple to believe in someone.

Holding the heavy token in his hand, Long Qing was moved. Then Long Qing clenched the token in his hand and said

"Then I will go back first, and I will call you a month later."

As Long Qing withdrew from Li Mo's new cave mansion, Long Qing used the token to launch Li Modong's guardian battle.

And Li Mo in the cave house started to build a gathering array. Pieces of spirit stone were placed in an orderly way, as the cave house became bigger. Li Mo's juling array was once again larger, which consumed more spirit stones than usual. But the aura is also abundant, and the aura of the cave house is much more substantial than the aura of the cave house before Li Mo.

Feeling the aura turning around in the Lingling Formation, Li Mo felt refreshed.

Then Li Mo lay down near the array of eyes. Li Mo didn't even practice, but closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Li Mo, of course, is not a lazy sleep, but a great dream of magic. As Li Mo entered the dreamland, Li Mo's consciousness entered the dream. In this dream, Li Mo does not feel tired, let alone the aura in his body.

So Li Mo, while comprehending Dameng Shengong and Kong Lin'er's charm technique, is operating the magic technique. And in the dream, Li Mo can fabricate creatures out of thin air, and Li Mo can perform illusions on them.

At this moment, Li Mo has an elderly man in front of him. The forehead of the elderly is full of wrinkles left over from the past, and the eyes are full of vicissitudes.

Illusion, of course, is based on fantasy. So relatively speaking, it is easier for young people to perform illusions. These elderly people have seen more and experienced more. It is difficult to let them enter the illusion.

Li Mo is now, with the glare in his eyes and the old man facing each other. But the old man woke up in less than a breath of illusion.

Of course, the old man fabricated by Li Mo is also the perfect practice of Jindan Realm. If it were a mortal, no matter how old he was, Li Mo wanted them to enter the illusion naturally.

Li Mo was somewhat dissatisfied with this result. Then Li Mo studied and studied his own illusion, made some changes, and then cast it on the old man in front of him...

As Li Mo studied illusions one at a time, one month passed quietly.

Long Qing was very happy about Li Mo's belief. Therefore, Li Qing confessed to Long Qing what Long Qing did not dare to delay. No, as soon as one month later, Long Qing came to Li Mo's cave.

Today Longqing also brought two people, the other two who were promoted to Panlong Village this year. Long Yu and Long Fei, both of whom are tall like Long Qing, dressed in white shirts that only the elders can wear, Qi Yuxuan.

But Long Yu and Long Fei's faces were compared with Long Qing. More immature and less mature.

"Green Brother, today Li Mo will challenge Yu Chi Qingyun to them. Do you say they will win?"

Long Yu asked childishly. Before waiting for Long Qing to speak, Long Fei laughed and said

"What do you think, Li Mo's strength alone will definitely win against Captain Chi Qingyun. But today Li Mo is facing the entire messenger member of the Shanhe League, how can he win?"

Nor is it that Long Fei looked down on Li Mo, but in everyone's perception.

For a month, Li Mo as a newcomer to the Presbyterian Church. He dared to commit evil with the powerful Shanhemeng League, so Li Mo and Shanhemeng's affairs have long been spread.

Correspondingly, many people are paying attention to this competition today.

"I believe Li Mo can win."

Long Qing looked at Dongfu's direction and smiled like a sun, and said. Somehow, Long Qing felt the man in the cave house. It seems that there is a kind of magic, a natural convincing magic. Of course, this is probably not felt by others.

"Young Brother..."

Looking at Long Qing's appearance, Long Fei was startled. In the impression, Long Qing rarely admires others like this.

Without further ado, Long Qing injects a ray of aura into the token. Token followed Long Qing's idea and removed the guardian formation of Dongfu. Immediately, the three took a big step toward the cave.

Coming to Li Mo's bedroom, at that moment, the Lingling Formation had already stopped running because it had consumed the aura in the spirit stone.

Because he didn't see the aura driven by the aura's operation, Long Qing and others didn't know the extraordinaryness of this agglomeration, so they passed the aura together.

Came to Li Mo, watching Li Mo still sleeping. The three were speechless for a while, and they were about to confront the messenger members of the entire Shanhe League. It's more eye-catching outside, do you still sleep here with your heart?

"Li Mo, wake up."

Long Qing crouched down and pushed Li Mo. But no matter how Long Qing pushed, Li Mo didn't mean to wake up. Even Li Mo himself had forgotten that when he practiced the great dream divine power, others could not wake up.

Otherwise, Menglin could not have sensed the weak vitality for 50 years after practicing the dream of the Great Dream. So Li Mo buried Meng Lin as a dead man, and Meng Lin did not wake up the whole way.

"Why are you so big?"

Looking at Li Mo, Long Yu and Long Fei mumbled also called Li Mo one after another. But still not awake.

Seeing Li Mo look like this, Long Fei couldn't help murmuring to himself

"Isn't it going to be crazy?"

Hearing Long Fei's words, Long Yu gave Long Fei a blank look

"Who have you seen falling asleep after falling into flames?"

Indeed, everyone knows. The most common thing is to lose your mind, like a beast, killing by its instinct. And they don't need to rest, let alone sleep.

Therefore, it is generally faced with people who can't wake up and get caught in order to prevent their killing. Therefore, other people can only kill the powerful one who is in danger.

"Li Mo should have entered a certain state of mind, so he couldn't wake up. Let's go find the second elder. The second elder has a good attitude towards Li Mo and should be able to wake Li Mo."

Looking seriously at Li Mo, Long Qing said frowningly.

And when several people were thinking about how to wake up Li Mo, they did not know that the questioning stone wall on the mountainside of Lingxiao Peak was already full of vocals.

Although the assessment of the Presbyterian Church is not simple, there are still many messengers in the immense Lingxiao Peak.

Coupled with these years, no messenger dared to offend the Shanhe League, let alone this newcomer who just entered the Presbyterian Church. So everyone is very interested in this competition.

The third floor and the third floor of the big family surrounded the open space in front of the stone wall of the heart.

On the side, dozens of people stood neatly, dressed in white shirts of the elders, and stood upright. I can feel from the thick fighting intentions emanating from them that these dozens of people are actually the cultivation practices of the late Jindan Realm!

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