Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1091: A water


Hearing the words of the head youth, the other two youths recovered. Immediately, the two of them murdered Li Mo with a fierce face, and the young man who had been coaxed by Li Mo before also got up and rushed to Li Mo.

Faced with three young and strong youths, Li Mo is still the strength of the nine layers of the body. Even Li Mo's performance was still in a state of illness, but Li Mo's strength was suppressed, but his combat experience was still there.

Including the dark energy of the young people who flew before, they did not exceed the scope of the nine layers of the quenching body. Therefore, against these three youths, Li Mo was not strong enough, but every time he played a position, he was unable to take care of him.

In front of Li Mo, these three scoundrel rascals are full of loopholes. Even though Li Mo couldn't exert much power, but his fists slammed into their weaknesses, and they still coaxed the three of them away.

The three people who fell to the ground were stupid, and looking at Chen Datong was like watching ghosts. Then the three of them looked at their injuries and finally the young man headed shouted

"Go! Go!"

The other two young people did not want to stay here any longer, and heard the words of the headed youth. The three farts run backwards.


Looking at the backs of the three, Li Mo coughed heavily again. Now that he is disguised as Chen Datong, he must be a bit of a tuberculosis.

"Thank you, Chen...Uncle Chen."

Resisting the pain in his body, Ah Shui stood up and thanked. Because he hadn't spoken to Chen Datong, he was a little stranger to Chen Datong.


Li Mo opened his mouth and looked at A Shui, his eyes with a meaning of doubt. Ah Shui is also very smart and knows what Li Mo means. So A Shui looked at his injury and smiled

"It's all right, Uncle Chen, with a skin trauma. I'm used to it."

Only a few words revealed endless sadness. Poor children's children have long been home, especially children like A Shui, even at a very young age, they have provoked the beams of the family.


Li Mo pointed to A Shui's feet, and then Li Mo took out a panacea in the storage bag. Looking at the storage bag around Li Mo's waist, Ah Shui's tender eyes were full of curiosity.

Although Ah Shui is the fourth floor of the quenching body, he has never seen a storage bag. However, in A Shui's impression, Chen Datong does have a storage bag around his waist.

I want to come to Chen Datong's nine-storey hardened body for repairs. In this small eagle cottage, I can still keep the storage bag. Or it can be said that the people at the bottom cannot grab Chen Datong's storage bag.

The middle class is the upper class, but they have no idea about Chen Datong's storage bag. After all, in the eyes of those in the upper class, Chen Datong is like Hua Zizi. Who can have an idea about Hua Zizi's wallet?

Besides Li Mo, the panacea in his hand was given to Li Mo by Mei Ding before. It is also a good medicine for healing wounds, so Li Mo's palm exerts force to crush the medicine.

Then Li Mo poured the pill medicine into the medicinal liquor, shook the medicinal liquor, and handed it to A Shui.

"For me?"

Ah Shui, who was paying attention to Li Mo's movements, could not help but asked in surprise, to tell the truth. Looking at the things that Chen Datong in this ragged shirt handed, Ah Shui's heart refused.

But when I think of Chen Datong's uncharacteristically helping himself today, it's really not good not to drink the liquor from Li Mo. So Ah Shui took Li's nose and took Li Mo's gourd medicinal liquor, then rumbling and drinking.


Just after taking a big sip, Ah Shui suddenly spouted half a sip of wine. I saw Ah Shui's tender face tense, his tongue sticking out, and he kept shouting

"Spicy! Spicy! Very spicy..."

Looking at Ah Shui, Li Mo grinned. In this way, Ah Shui has never had a drink before.

Ah Shui just complained that Li Mo had given him such a spicy drink, but he hadn't waited to speak when he came to his mouth. A Shuibian felt that the pain in her body was gradually alleviating, and even her weakened feet had gradually recovered.

"So magical?"

Feeling the changes in his body, Ah Shui said in surprise. The childish eyes can't help but look again at Li Mo with a human skin mask. Today's Chen Datong is really more and more mysterious before Ah Shui's eyes.

The elixir in this wine is useful for the powerful people in the Jindan realm. Although Li Mo was afraid that the medicinal properties would damage the foundation of Ashui, he melted it with wine. However, the medicinal properties of it are still holy remedies for Ashui, who is in the fourth layer of the quenching body.

Li Mo took the medicinal liquor handed over from A Shui, and then stood with his finger in his mouth, making a soundless movement.

"I know, Uncle Chen is at ease. I certainly don't mention this to others today."

A Shui nodded solemnly and said, A Shui lived on the ground floor from an early age. But he didn't drop the ruffian character like the previous three bottom-level youths. Ah Shui, who was muddy but not stained, knew more about gratitude.

This kind of healing medicine, although A Shui does not know how much it is worth. But it must be that in the eyes of the big people in the cottage, such a potion must be of great value.

If you let others know that Chen Datong has such a healing medicine, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

Li Mo grinned with satisfaction, but his heart was a little annoyed. Now Li Mo knows why he has become mentally ill for more than six months.

To switch to someone who is intact, can't speak from morning to night all day, it's uncomfortable to hold back.

"Uncle Chen, I'll go back to see my mother first."

A Shui said something to Li Mo, and walked towards a dilapidated wooden house.

Looking at Ah Shui's back, Li Moji stomped his feet. Unable to speak, Li Mo didn't ask Ah Shui where he lived!

"Pretend to be dumb! Who's the idea!"

Li Mo growled inside, there was no way, as long as he continued to wander around.

Don't look at the dilapidated wooden houses under this mountain, but there are a lot of them. Some wooden houses were empty and covered with a layer of ash. Obviously it was the kind of wooden house that had not been occupied for a long time.

In some wooden houses, young men in threes and threes lie down lying down. These people seemed to be eating alone and the whole family was not hungry, and they slept comfortably in the house. Looking at the people in the wooden house, Li Mo remembered a word homeless in later generations.

Of course, more of them are from the bottom. These people are all old, weak and sick, and belong to some people who have been forgotten by this cottage.

After wandering around for an afternoon, it seemed that it was going to be dark, and Li Mo did not find out which one was his house.

"Uncle Chen."

When Li Mo was annoyed, a tender voice reached Li Mo's ear. Li Mo looked back, it was A Shui.

At this moment, the injuries on Ah Shui's body were all healed. The clothes that had been torn apart because of fighting were replaced. Although the current dress is also coarse, it can be seen very clean. It seems that although the Ah Shui family is poor, Ah Shui's mother takes good care of Ah Shui.


Li Mo shouted, but his heart was bitter. Up to now, I can only say something.

"Uncle Chen, my mother asked me to call you to dinner at home."

A Shui smiled innocently and smiled. Obviously, when returning home, Ah Shui told his mother what happened today. But for Li Mo's healing medicine, Ah Shui agreed to Li Mo, and he shouldn't say it.

Hearing Chen Datong save his life, Ah Shui's mother asked Ah Shui to find Li Mo for dinner.

Li Mo is not hungry, thinking about finding his own house. However, Li Mo's eyes turned and his thoughts came. Then Li Mo pretended to be hungry and touched his stomach, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Ah Shui went to their house.

Once entering the house, the cabin was not big. The portal was facing a wooden bed covered with weeds. A small pot of rabbit meat just cooked on the ground, around the rabbit meat, and this bowl of green wild vegetables.

"Brother Chen is here."

Seeing Li Mo, a middle-aged woman immediately came forward. The clothes on the middle-aged woman are also sewn, but they are very clean compared to other people living on the ground.

A sickly pale color on the woman's face, Li Mo could see the thick layer of calluses through the woman's palm. The middle-aged woman who wanted to come was Lu Yun, the mother of Ah Tu.

Of course, Li Mo does not know Lu Yun, but fortunately he cannot speak now. So Li Mo's humming haha ​​can deal with the past, and Lu Yun and Chen Datong didn't know much. If Chen Datong didn't save Ah Shui today, Lu Yunke wouldn't ask Chen Datong for dinner.

So even if Chen Datong had changed a person in front of him, Lu Yun didn't even notice it.

"Come and eat, it's cold."

Lu Yun took A Shui and sat down to eat together, and Li Mo also sat on the floor. This family, not to mention the table, even if there is no stool. So everyone can only sit on the ground and eat the rice on the Uncle Chen, try the rabbit meat stewed by my mother, it's delicious. "

A Shui introduced to Li Mo that Li Mo nodded. Immediately, Li Mo picked up chopsticks and took a bite of rabbit meat into his mouth. Although Li Mo was used to eating delicious delicacies for hundreds of years.

These stewed hares are really incomparable to those delicious dishes, but in the rabbit meat, Li Mo eats something else. That's honesty, so this bite of rabbit meat into the mouth turned out to be something else delicious.


Li Mo's deliberately exaggerated eyes light up, and then Li Mo makes a please action to Ah Tu and Lu Yun who are watching him.

Seeing Li Mo satisfied with this pot of rabbit meat, Ah Shui smiled. Immediately Ah Shui picked up the rabbit meat and ate with the wild vegetables in front of him.

Looking at A Shui and Lu Yun, the wild vegetables are like rice. How many times can such poor people eat rice all year round? Most of the time, it's the wild vegetables in the mountains to feed the hunger.

When thinking of the lives of these people, Li Mo couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

Then Li Mo took out the wine gourd in the storage bag and ate it with a mouthful of meat and wine.

In the paralysis of alcohol, Li Mo can vaguely hear Lu Yun's bitter mother-in-law's care for A Shui.

"A Shui, you are growing now and eating more meat."

"No, mother, eat more and make up your body. Dad is gone. Ah Shui will take care of you later."

"You don't need to eat, you need to eat more water, A Shui. In the future, the strong will not be bullied by others. But remember, when you grow strong, you can't bully others."

"Got it mother."


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