Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 336: Soul Bottle Secret

In the dark world, the top of the head is black and the foot is black. No matter which direction you go, it seems to be endless.

   Monsters are appearing more and more, and the frequency is more and more frequent, but in Li Mo's view, the strength of this group of monsters seems to be getting weaker and weaker.

When    first came in, it took several knives to cut one, and now basically one knife can kill all of them.

   What's going on, shouldn't it be, as time goes by, monsters become more and more scary, right?

   In fact, only Li Mo, the pervert, would think so.

  Just look at Ye Li, the full set of gold, can not resist a blow.

In this dark hall, the strength of monsters will increase with the level of the challenger. Level 50 of the challenger, level 60 of the monster, level 00 of the challenger, level 0 of the monster, that is, the level of the monster has been Are all pressing the challenger.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for any challenger to be like Li Mo, standing in the middle of a group of gas monsters and outputting. One-on-one still needs to play'walking'. The reason is nothing but Li Mo's attribute Too high, higher than the same level, so although the monsters are higher than him, but the attributes are much worse than him.

   was supposed to be a monster rolling player, but now the situation has changed and it has become Li Mo rolling monster...

   Two days later, Ye Li's soul bottle was full, and aberrations also occurred at this time.

  In these two days, there were only one kind of monsters encountered by Li Mo and the gas monsters. Apart from this kind of monsters, they saw nothing.

   The dark world seems to be the same no matter which direction it is going in. During these two days, Li Mo and the three of them were a little numb.

   And until the soul bottle was filled, they did not understand what the secret of the soul bottle means.

   The soul bottle shakes violently, leaving Ye Li's hand, suspended in mid-air.

  The endless black gas kept pouring into the soul bottle. This situation lasted for about ten minutes. There was a loud noise, the soul bottle exploded, and an unknown object came out of it.

   The object changed and twisted, and eventually became a woman.

   Yes, woman!

   A human woman whose body is covered by a faint dark mist and her privacy is full of flirtatious and perfect face.

   The woman stayed in the air for a moment, then rushed down.

   It turns out that all parts of the world are the same. The challengers who come here only need to keep killing gas monsters. When the gas monsters generate soul spirits filled with soul bottles, the final BSS of this dark hall will appear.

   Ye Li wanted to understand: "No wonder that the difficulty is doubled every time you enter, which is that you are killing monsters, changing others, and kneeling long ago..."

   Even if Li Mo came to kill, it took two days to kill enough to accumulate enough soul power to summon the final BSS. If you change to someone else, even if you come to a team, you might be powerless.

   Li Mo rushed up, smeared with poison, and the human woman fisted with bare hands, and a black roulette appeared on the top of the head. The roulette just turned slightly, and Li Mo was like a woodcarving clay sculpture and was'fixed' in place.

   Can't move!


  How far a human woman kicked Li Mo from a single foot, the blood bar on Li Mo's head fell one-tenth in this foot.

   "Are you the Lady of Light?"

   Li Mo shouted in surprise.

Since the destruction of the heavenly court created by the ancient human emperor, there are two other human forces that have been based in the vast universe. One is the Holy Light Church far away from the Beidou, and the other is the human ancestor of the ancestor star. These two forces , Has always represented the last glory of the human race.

   The Holy Light Shrine masters a ‘secret method of time’. After launching it, you can confine ‘time’ in a very short time. This is the unique secret method of the Holy Light Shrine. Looking at the universe, only they will.

Although the human woman in front of her is so fascinating in appearance, she is very different from the Virgin Lady of the Light and the extraordinary temperament that Li Mo knows. However, the secret method of the "Time Wheel" she uses is the Holy Light. unique.

In the past life, Li Mo has visited the ancient star of Shaoguang three times in order to practice all the methods in this universe. He has seen the Virgin Mother more than once, and his baby apprentice, Yao Xi, the original identity, is It's the Virgin Lady!

   If it was not Li Mo's third trip to Shake the Ancient Star, Yao Xi turned away, then Yao Xi would be the next Virgin of Shaoguang Holy Church.

  Ms. Yao Yi, a contemporary light-shaking mother, if by seniority, she is still Yao Xi’s dear aunt.

   "Are you Yao Yi?" Li Mo shouted.

   The fascinating human woman didn't answer, turned her hands, the'time wheel' above her head suddenly turned forward, and her speed increased instantly, and she blinked before Li Mo.

   The "Time Wheel" secret method of Shaking the Light Church not only slows down the flow of time, but also speeds up the flow of time. In front of us, this fascinating human woman is using the secret method of speeding up time to increase her speed.

   There is no doubt that this is definitely the secret of the'time wheel'.

  Li Mo can be determined now!

   "Yao Yi!"

   Li Mo screamed again. The fascinating human woman ignored him and slammed into the palm, knocking Li Mo back a few steps.

   "Do you remember Wu Gang? Is it the Yuzu man who is obsessed with you and will never die?"

  The fascinating human woman is unheard Continue to attack.

   Her attack power is extremely powerful, as strong as Li Mo, and in less than a minute, she was killed by half of her life.

   Am I wrong?

  Is it really not?

  Li Mo is confused...

The contemporary Virgin Mary Yao Yi, while serving as the Virgin Lady, once had a relationship with a feather man named Wu Gang, but because the Virgin Light Church and the Yu ethnicity are in the same position, the last two talents did not come. together.

   That Wu Gang was also an infatuated species, and he could not be with Yao Yi for the rest of his life. He built a thatched hut outside the Shaking Light Holy Land and looked at the Holy Land daily to relieve the pain of Acacia.

   When Yao Yi succeeded the Mother of Light, the Chou family struck. In that crisis, the Holy Land of Shaoguang was almost destroyed. It was Wu Gang who ignited his life and saved Yao Yi.

Wu Gang died and was buried outside the shrine of shaking light. Since then, Wu Gang has become the pain of Yao Yi's life. Every time he mentions it, he will never say sad, and will cover his face and cry, he can't make himself, Li Mo was able to take Xiao Yao Xi out of the Shaking Ancient Star, at that time, he took advantage of this weakness of Yao Yi.

  If the fascinating human woman in front of him is really Yao Yi, it is impossible to be indifferent after hearing the name ‘Wu Gang’.

   Could it be...

   Between electric light and flint, Li Mo thought of another possibility.

  A very absurd possibility.

  Li Mo stepped back a few steps and suddenly shouted: "The mica screen is deep in the shadow of the candle, and the long river is falling.

   The fascinating human woman suddenly stopped her figure if she was shocked by electric shock...

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