Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 496: victory is in sight

  Long Qin is in the palace, but no one knows no one, no one knows. But no one could think of a martial arts strongman being so beheaded by the youth in front of him!

   "Li Mo, you... you actually killed Lao Qin. Today I am going to smash you tens of thousands of corpses!"

  Mo Lao stared at Li Mo with hate, his eyes swelled, and his body kept rising.

   He and Qin Lao have been in Gongqing Wangfu together for more than ten years, and his feelings are naturally deep. Seeing his friend killed, he couldn't care about Liu Ze who was still struggling behind him.

  When his body swelled to twice its original size, he would like Li Mo to attack again like a stringed arrow! "


   Li Mo himself has been injured, and if he still has a hard time with his opponent, it will definitely be an injury. However, if he hides in the Xuanyuan mirror, Liu Ze is likely to be rescued, and it would be difficult to catch him again.

   "It's! Fight!"

  Li Mo turned his heart across, and the'Sunburn Fist' had been launched, all the aura in the body was transferred into the double fist, and he blasted towards Mo Lao!

   Boom! There was a loud noise and the dust was flying. Some low-level monks were all spitting blood and their veins were broken!

  Li Mo is even more tragic, and his powerful impact directly lifts his body into the air like a broken kite. Fortunately, Chi Jian caught him as he fell. Otherwise, if you fall down so high, you will be crippled without dying!

   Li Mo was lying on the ground paralyzed, and there was no more energy in his body. If Mo Mo is still safe under Li Mo's full blow, then Li Mo is also appointed.

   The dust scattered, revealing a deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters. Mo Lao's swollen body has returned to normal, lying flat in the pit, eyes staring blankly at the sky, and he has died in anger!

   "Haha... It's useless to kill them all, Li Mo. Do you see if your current virtue still has the ability to catch me?"

  Liu Ze laughed while struggling!

   "Liu Ze, you are too happy to be too early!"

   After Li Mo gave him a contemptuous smile tiredly, the red sword that was still hovering around him suddenly became Xiaohong's appearance.

   "Sword Spirit! It is actually Lingbao!"

  Liu Ze is quiet now. He said how did Li Mo have the guts to pick the three of them. Not only those magic weapons and exercises that are extremely powerful, it turned out that his red card was actually this red sword.

   "Master, can you call me out next time? I'm going to suffocate me. Now you rest, let me do other things!"

  Xiaohong said with a heartfelt complaint, but it was also because of the distress for Li Mo.

   "Remember, Liu Ze, I want to live, everyone else will kill!"

   After talking about Li Mo, he ignored it, crossed his eyes and closed his eyes, and began to restore the body's spiritual power.

The low-level monks of Prince Gong's men didn't disappoint when they saw Xiaohong. A little girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals could still treat them as a group of five big and three thick men. But then Xiaohong told them the answer with actual actions.

   Xiaohong once again turned into a red sword, in front of these junior monks is simply a unilateral slaughter. The screams continued, and the blood stained the ground red.

  Liu Ze couldn't get rid of it because he was bound by the "bundled fairy rope", and could only watch the tragedy happen.

"Do not……"

  Liu Ze's struggle to give up completely, howling with helplessness.

  Call! call! call! Spraying out the three red awns of the little red open mouth of Gongqing Wangfu's up and down, directly transforming Gongqing Wangfu into a sea of ​​fire!

  Jade's hand grabbed Liu Ze in his hand easily, and when they came to Li Mo's side, the three figures disappeared together.


   At this time, Xuanyuan Invincible and Tian Yiren were in full battle, both of them were painted, but it was still difficult to divide the victory.

   "Xuanyuan is invincible, I think you can persist until when the prince will solve Li Mo and they will come over to help me."

  Tianyi people shouted while waving the dust in their hands to resist Xuanyuan's invincible golden giant sword. Liu Ze also has two martial arts powerhouses, three of whom are against Li Mo. Obviously, he does not think that Liu Ze will lose.

   "Humph! You don’t get too proud, Tianyi, what’s the situation there is not necessarily!"

  Although Xuanyuan was invincible, he was not worried. And there are two martial arts strong men among the three opponents who want to defeat them. This is not an easy thing for Li Mo who has just achieved martial arts. He only hopes that Li Mo can help him to hold them back as much as possible.

   "Hey, since you believe that kid so much, then we will wait and see!"

   said that the dust in his hand was swaying and he immediately sacrificed a spell.

   "Let you feel the power of Tianlei in advance?"

  A group of people threw the spell into the sky, and finally read the words.

   For a moment, the air flashed and thundered. Lightning that appeared in buckets ran across the sky.

  If Li Mo is present, he must know this spell. Because he was in battle with the iron abacus, and had seen this thing. It is the ‘Tianlei Rune’, but the power used in the hands of Tian Yidao is completely different.

   Click! A loud trembling noise.

   Several lightning bolts of the thick line of the bucket actually fell down together, and went straight to Xuanyuan invincible.

   "Hum, do you want to make me harder with a few lightnings?"

  Xuanyuan invincible big hand waved, colorful Xiaguang Dasheng completely wrapped his body in it. The golden sword in his hand turned into a golden dragon, and he rushed up against the lightning in the air.

   Suddenly thunder and dragon yell loudly. The valley where the two were located trembles, and the rubble falls.

Roar! The golden dragon opened his blood basin and sucked lightning directly into his abdomen.

   There was a crackling noise, and the lightning finally disappeared in the belly of the dragon!

   "Ah! I did not expect that the treasure "Dragon Scale Sword" of the predecessor Xian Yangzi was actually in your hands!"

  A group of people stared straight at the golden sword in the hands of Xuanyuan invincible. It wasn't until the dragon soul in the giant sword came out that he realized that this was the original hero of the Megatron!

"Huh! Not If I had to go out and look for this'Dragon Scale Sword' of Xianyangzi's predecessor, how could our Xuanyuan family be destroyed by your little group! Today is my Xuanyuan invincible The beginning of revenge, take your life!"

Roar! Another Long Yin shook through the sky.

   The Dragon Soul Roarer in the ‘Dragon Scale Sword’ rushed towards the heaven!

  Although Tian Yi and Tao knew that this is the ‘Dragon Scale Sword’, they already knew that they might be limited today. But he still made his final struggle, and hoped that Liu Ze would be able to rush to help him against Xuanyuan invincible sooner, and only then he might have such a ray of life.

   hands out the dust. Transformed thousands of filaments, entangled with the dragon soul.

  The dust of a person in the sky is not a mere thing, but was obtained in a cave house of an ancient monk. I don't know what material it is made of, but it's tough

   temporarily blocked the dragon soul for some time.

   Just when the two were deadlocked, a bright spot appeared in the distant sky, and gradually enlarged, obviously a person was flying towards himself in a hurry.

  A group of people saw great joy, thinking that Liu Ze came to support themselves. He Cheng wanted to wait until he could see clearly that the person was coming, but his heart had turned into a stalemate.

   "Li...Li Mo!"


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