Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 562: grave

   The blue halo flashed again, and Li Mo's figure also appeared in the hole!

  It is completely a self-contained space, and the outside pool water cannot be penetrated by the blue ban at the entrance of the cave. And in front of him is a dark and deep channel, which feels like a tomb!

   and Mo Yun was waiting for Li Mo in the cave without moving. Although Li Mo input some spiritual power to her, it is enough for her to use martial arts, but it can only relieve her tired body.

   "Oh, you're honest!"

  Li Mo smiled slightly and looked at Mo Yun with a dull complexion.

   "Humph! There is no danger now, can you send me back to that space!"

  Mo Yun now prefers to return to the Xuanyuan Mirror, and is not willing to be used by Li Mo as a pathfinder. Who knows what kind of dangers there will be.

   "What are you doing so anxiously? We still have a place, please continue to lead the way!"

  Li Mo looked at the front of the road and shrugged towards Mo Yun.


  Mo Yun couldn't help but talk, and scolded Li Mo and walked forward!

  Li Mo was not angry because of this, but just smiled. Regardless of how the vicious woman goes, he doesn't care!

  After passing the Yongdao, Li Mo finally saw the so-called Fengshen Mausoleum!

   "This place is really as it is named, this is simply a cemetery. It seems that I will be a tomb robber today!"

  Li Mo looked at the tombstones standing in front of him, and whispered some collapsed statues of the gods.

  Mo Yun didn't seem to expect that this tomb was such a scene, a pair of big eyes kept looking at everything around it.

   "Since it's already there, it's nothing for you. You should also take a good rest!"

  Li Mo said that Bai Mang flashed, Mo Yun inhaled directly into the Xuanyuan mirror before he could open his mouth.

  After doing all this, Li Mo started to look at this place carefully!

  He did not hope to find the fifth martial art of Xianyangzi here. Judging from past experience, there should not be that fifth martial art. The first few martial arts were discovered in a specific environment, and here except the tombstones are tombs, or the stone statues. The chance of martial arts is very slim!

  Although I was a little disappointed in my heart, since I found it here after all the hardships, it would not be Li Mo's character if I went back empty-handed.

   "Little Red!"

  Li Mo shouted softly. Suddenly the red gold in his side just flashed, and a little red in a red gold robe appeared beside him.

   "Master, you are looking for me! Hey! Where is this place?"

   "Here is the Fengshen Mausoleum we are looking for. But I didn't find anything, and I don't know which predecessors and masters did it here. The consciousness can't play any role at all!"

  Li Mo said with some frustration.

   "Oh, host, don't worry. As long as there is no one else to get here first, we will find something, maybe there will be some surprises waiting for you!"

   Xiaohong's words undoubtedly added a lot of confidence to Li Mo.

   "Then we are looking for it and see if we can find any clues!"

   said that the two soldiers were divided into two ways, and began to search carefully in this tomb.


   Seeing that it would be all over here, Li Mo still found nothing at all. The tombs here are basically devastated, and some have even exposed the sarcophagus inside! There is nothing else in the coffin except some bones that have been unknown for many years.

   As Li Mo was about to give up, Xiaohong suddenly shouted loudly at Li Mo.

   "Master, come here and see what this is?"

  Li Mo heard the news came to Xiaohong's side. This is also a tomb, but it is different from other tombs. It is well preserved here, and it occupies a relatively large area. Some corpses were scattered across the ground, and the death of the bones soon after watching the color of the bones should also be the corpses of some monks who entered this treasure hunt.

   And these corpses have one thing in common, they are all open mouths. Although they had no flesh and blood, they could not know their expressions. But you can imagine how frightened they were at that time!

   "Xiaohong, we step back, there are weird here!"

  Li Mo saw the strange appearance of these dead bones and hurriedly pulled Xiaohong back.

   As the two retreated to the edge of the tomb, something that shocked them happened even more.

   Boom! boom! boom……

   The stone statues around them suddenly moved. Resisting the heavy steps, he lifted the weapon in his hand and rushed towards Li Mo and the two.


  Li Mo swears, I am thinking of a dragon scale red sword in my hand. The red gold flashed, and Xiaohong returned to the sword. It is the sword spirit, if the dragon scale red sword does not have its existence, then the power will be greatly reduced.

   Li Mo did not panic. If these stone statues were completely attacked by physical attacks, this would not pose any threat to Li Mo.

   Dragonscale Chijian pointed to the stone statue closest to Li Mo, and a flame spewed out immediately. Wrap him completely in flames!


   Li Mo jumped forward, and the dragon scale and red sword swept out, and the head of the stone statue swept away from the body!


   The headless stone statue crashed to the ground and became a pile of gravel!

   "Is it so simple?"

  Li Mo saw a stone broken down so easily that he could not help whispering in his heart.

The monsters in the death swamp on the periphery of this **** mausoleum are so difficult to deal with, he doesn’t believe that the stone statue here is so And the fact is so, Li Mo uses the same method to treat all After the stone statues were completely destroyed, the entire Fengshen Mausoleum was immediately restored to the past, calm in the past.

   "Did I think too much?"

   Li Mo froze, looking at the stone statue that became a pile of gravel, and said to himself in a daze.

   "Master, I always feel that there is something more scary here!"

  Xiaohong can't wait for Li Mo's greeting to show up directly, which is also what Xiaohong can do after taking the dragon saliva advanced.

   "Well! How to say?"

"Look at the people who were scared when they died. If they were just these ordinary stone statues, they wouldn't die at all. They must have seen something horrible before they were scared. And they really had no power to fight back. If you are killed under the circumstances, you will become what you are now."

   Xiaohong's ideas coincided with his own, and were more detailed than his own analysis, which made Li Mo more cautious. But it also aroused his curiosity again. Since there is such a horrible thing in one place, there must be a reason. Either this place is suitable for cultivation, or it is here to protect something.

  Although it is not known what horrible things exist here, Li Mo still decided to take the risk. If it doesn't work, it's not too late to leave.


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