Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 570: Sword Spirit Dragon


  The cry of the Dragon Soul just fell, and another roar sounded in the ancient sword mound!

I saw a black smoke rising in the sword mound, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a black body with black scales and a first-horned horn, like a dragon and a dragon, and a python and a python. It was longer than the dragon soul. Double the monster appeared in the air. A pair of scarlet eyes were fixed on the Dragon Soul, and the teeth were so powerful. Compared to the dragon in the dead swamp, I don't know how many times stronger it is!

   "Ah! This is..."

  Feng Mo was shocked and speechless. Although he was an intermediate martial emperor and knew the existence of dragons and Jiao, he had never seen it. What I saw with my own eyes today is full of excitement.

   "As a family of Jiaolong, you have not surrendered to me when you see my dragon!"

   At this time, the Dragon Soul in the sky suddenly uttered words, but its voice was Xiao Hong's tender voice. This made Li Mo below laugh for a while.

   The dragons have a strict hierarchy, especially Xiaohong's true body still belongs to the supreme existence of the dragons. As long as the dragon clan sees it, it will bow down and claim its title, not to mention the branch of the dragon clan, the dragon family.

"Huh! What about you as a dragon race! The dragon race has disappeared on this continent for thousands of years, and you have long lost its dominance here. You are just a young dragon race, and you want me to submit to you? Dream. !"

   That Jiao Longkou also made a man's voice, obviously not afraid of the Dragon Soul!

   "Bold! Is it possible for my dragon clan to be insulted by your inferior existence. Since you do not submit to me, then I will hit you until you give in!"

  Dragon Soul did not expect that the Jiaolong was so bold, and suddenly his eyes flashed!

"Joke, I have existed in this world for tens of thousands of years. If your dragon elders come, I may still give it some face. But today only you are a little doll, would I still be afraid of you No. Since you come to my territory, don’t think about going out. If I devour you, I can become a real dragon! Hahaha..."

   "Huh! What if you have existed for thousands of years! You are still just a caterpillar and want to be arrogant in front of me, are you still far away?"

  Due to the blood relationship, the Dragon Soul had suppressed this dragon, but how could he be afraid of it?

   But Li Mo on the ground started to worry. First, he was afraid that Dragon Soul was not the opponent of this dragon. Another thing is that if the two giants are in conflict, if the space where the ancient sword mound collapses, don’t say that he is a senior martial emperor. Even if the big Luo Jinxian wants to escape from here, it’s not so easy. Too.

   But now that one dragon and one caterpillar are already struggling, it is obviously too late for Li Mo to want to stop this time.


   Dragon Soul took the lead in launching his most powerful attack, directly vomiting lightning and slashed towards Jiaolong.

   And that Jiaolong believed that it had survived for more than ten thousand years, the dragon soul in front of him could not be his opponent at all. I didn't even take this attack into my eyes at all, just relying on my huge body to resist the lightning of Dragon Soul!


   After a loud noise, a scorched smell filled the entire space of the ancient sword mound.


  Jiaolong screamed and was hit by the Dragon Soul Lightning. Black scales are falling, and a bucket-sized blood hole is pouring out a lot of blood.

   It did not expect that the attack of the young dragon soul was so arrogant this year, and it also paid a heavy price for his own care.

   And after the Dragon Soul's full blow, the reddish golden light on his body also dimmed a lot. Obviously the consumption is also very huge!

   "Asshole! I want your life!"

   That Jiaolong was seriously injured, how could he easily spare the dragon soul. Opened the big mouth of the blood basin and rushed towards the Dragon Soul!

   Dragon Soul also showed no signs of weakness, and Jiaolong, who was bigger than his body, greeted him without fear. I saw these two huge ancient beasts, starting a fierce melee over the ancient sword mound.

   The wind demon above the ground was completely dumbfounded, standing stunned and standing still for a while without knowing what to think about.

   And Li Mo is constantly changing his position to find a shot. I hope it will help Dragon Soul. After all, if Dragon Soul is injured, his attacking methods will be greatly reduced.


  One dragon and one jiao fought together in the air, and obvious injuries appeared on both bodies. However, this injury is not harmful to the Dragon Soul, but the Jiao Jiao is not so easy now. Originally, the body was pierced by the dragon soul through a blood hole to stop bleeding. At this time, it was necessary to fight the dragon soul with full strength, which further aggravated the speed of bleeding!

  Li Mo's "spiritual rhinoceros fingers" below are also constantly attacking Jiaolong's eyes and injured parts. The originally injured Jiaolong was already overwhelmed at this time, and gradually appeared a defeat!


  Finally, the Jiaolong didn't know his physical strength, and the huge body was slapped to the ground by the dragon's claw. Smash the ground out of a deep hole. The swords inserted on the ground were broken one after another, and there was little left!


   Then the huge body of Jiaolong disappeared, and a middle-aged man in a black robe covered with blood appeared in front of Li Mo. With an iron blue face, he looked at Li Mo with a grudge in his eyes.

   "Asshole, you humble human, dare to count on me!"

  Xiaohong's appearance also turned into a humanoid form, and his face turned pale to Li Mo's side.

   "Xiaohong, are you okay?"

   asked Li Mo with concern.

   "Master, rest assured, I'm fine. I'll be entangled with it for a while, you pull out that giant sword quickly!"

   Let's just wait for Li Mo to speak. Then he rushed directly towards the man transformed by Jiaolong, and a raging fire was lit up and down like a shooting star.

  The man transformed into a dragon was unable to avoid Xiaohong's attack due to excessive bleeding and serious physical insufficiency.

   As soon as he gritted his teeth as if he had made a decision, the body began to glow with black light.


  The two figures meet, and the violent impact sounds throughout the space.


   The space began to shake, and giants fell down on the top!

   "No, it's going to collapse!"

   Li Mo shouted, and then flew towards the giant sword quickly.

   Without the great sword of the sword spirit, naturally there is no power. Li Mo pulled it out easily, and by the way, he collected the unbroken swords into the Xuanyuan mirror. Only then did he return to his cave.

   Facing such a landslide scene, Fengmo also hurried to Li Mo's side.

   "Senior, what should we do, the road was blocked when we arrived!"

  Li Mo didn't pay attention to him, but watched Xiaohong's fight with the man with a worried Just after the violent impact, the man was injured. And Xiaohong is not much better. It is clearly a way of hurting the enemy by one thousand and self-destructing by 800.

   The whole space was shaken more severely, and Li Mo joined the battle without any regard for safety.

   Seeing that the man was right in front of him, Li Mo used the'Feng Shen leg' directly at such a short distance. Under Li Mo's deliberate control, he kicked directly at the man's wound!

  嘭! Boom! Boom!


   screamed, and the man could no longer fight back. Kneel down directly!

  Li Mo wanted to pull Xiaohong away, but he didn't expect Xiaohong to do something that made him creepy.

   Xiaohong's beautiful little face instantly turned into a huge dragon head. With a wide open mouth, the kneeling man was sucked into the abdomen, and then turned into the red golden light directly back to the dragon scale red sword!

   Li Mo was too late to ask what was going on, and directly slammed the Fan Tianyin Festival towards the top of the space.


   After a loud noise, the top of the space was smashed by Fan Tianyin. A lot of rubble began to fall, watching the space about to collapse. Li Mo jumped up and flew towards the exit! The wind magic followed, fearing that Li Mo would leave him buried deep underground.


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