Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 1001: Hard work

   Li Mo shook his head and smiled

   "I don't really care about this broken patriarch. If it wasn't that Senior Menlin had given me the position of patriarch, I would say nothing.

  Now you don’t believe me Li Mo, let’s not say the position of the patriarch. How do you count my injury to my apprentice? "

   "Hahaha, a kid who leads the spirit realm, what if the head of the clan is killed?"

   laughed hard, I can't kill you as Li Mo's patriarch. Now that you don’t have the status of patriarch, you can’t protect yourself anymore. Are you looking for justice for your apprentice?

   "It seems that killing Li Zitian that day did not make you remember long."

  Li Mo shook his head and said lightly. Then I saw Li Mo's palm gradually light up, and the spirit of heaven and earth went back to Li Mo's body.

   is the first form of earth fist, absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth to explode!

   "You dare to mention Zitian!"

   mentioned Li Zitian, Li Yan could not wait to kill Li Mo. His son was killed, this is a severe pain! So the voice fell, and the palms of the stern were all covered with aura, as if grabbed by Li Mo like Eagle Claw.

  Li Hao knows how to do eagle claws, but of course Yan Yan does. Strictly that day, but seeing with his own eyes, Wu Feng didn't hurt Li Mo because of the fierce fire that Li Mo made.

   However, Li Hao scratched Li Mo with a record of Eagle Claw, so Li Yan thought that Eagle Claw Power must be good for Li Mo. Of course, Yan Yan will not know. That was because Li Mo was hit and flew at the time, and his feet could not get out of the ground to make the third form of body punch before he was injured.

   Seeing that the two are going to fight, Wu Yiliu and a group of other powerful men have taken a step back.

   When Li Mogang showed up, they felt the cultivation behavior in the middle period of Jiedan Realm. This kind of cultivation should be in the face of a strong man in the Golden State. Therefore, these strong players in the Golden State have no meaning.

   "Li Mo! Be careful!"

Mengkun from the side shouted to Li Mo, but now Mengkun is seriously injured himself. So Mengkun wanted to help Li Mo, but he couldn't.

   But after seeing the severe attack, Li Mo couldn't retreat. I saw Li Mo's feet spread out and stepped firmly on the ground under his feet.

  The third form of world fist and ground fist, keep it! Pass the attack on yourself to the ground under your feet!


  The sharp eagle claws caught Li Mo's throat, but it was as if the claws were on a piece of iron, making a crisp sound. A sharp pain came from his fingers, his eyebrows tightened suddenly, and he muttered to himself

   "No! What's going on! Not to mention the throat, even a piece of fine iron can't stand my catch!"

   said, Li Yan's eagle claw in Li Mo's throat exerted force again. But no matter how hard you try, you can't break Li Mo's throat.

"what happened?"

   "Isn't he dead?"

   "Is this Li Mobu the cultivation practice in the mid-stage of Dandan Realm? The patriarch Jindan Realm's Great Eagle Claw Skill could not kill him?"


Many people around    were surprised to see that Li Mo was fighting with Jindan Realm for the first time, so he was surprised to see that Li Mo did not die in the first place.

  Wu Yiliu, Li Hao and Li Yong all had tight faces. But these people were not as surprised as others, after all, they clearly knew Li Mo's defense.

   Lihao and Liyong muttered to themselves

"I thought that at the beginning of our Jindan realm, the cultivation was too weak to kill Li Mo. Now it seems that the patriarch's cultivation of Jindan Realm's consummation did not hurt Li Mo. This Li Mo Still... still human?"


  Knowing that Eagle Claw is ineffective against Li Mo, Yan Yan turned his palm into the palm of his hand for the first time.

   "Boulder Fist!"

   only listened to a stern shout, and thick fists pave the way to Li Mo. The most important thing about this giant stone fist is strength, so Li Yan is confident that this fist will kill Li Mo.


   A sound like dull thunder came, and the thick fist hit Li Mo's chest directly.


   A large sip of blood was sprayed out by Li Mo, and even a lot was sprayed on the severe face.

  Although it is said that the third body guard of the earth fist can pass the attack to the earth, but this is not an invincible existence, otherwise this exercise is too unnatural.

   At this moment, Li Mo's body is like a medium, and a severe attack can only be passed to the ground under his feet through the medium. But now this medium is ahead of the severe attack, the gap is too great.

  So the media can't bear it, Li Mo, of course, was spitting out a bit of blood from the injury.

   In the final analysis, Li Mo's cultivation practice is much worse than that of Jindan Realm, otherwise the body can still be kept.

   And Li Mo got the rod of origin before, and the power of the flesh was baptized. Otherwise, before the replacement, this punch is not a serious injury, but a fatal one.

   "Not yet dead!"

  In the eyes of a group of people, one by one would not be able to kill the life of a middle-aged kid. Yan Yan no longer calmed down, the second punch of Ju Shiquan hit again.

  At the same time, Li Mo's arms heard a clicking sound. Looking at Li Mo's arm, Li Mo's arm was full of blood.

   turned out to be Li Mo's first form of earth fist that absorbed energy from the beginning, and now even Li Mo's body can't bear those thick auras.


  Li Mo endured the severe pain in his body, slammed this punch, and slammed it severely.


   The ground burst for a while, and endless punches appeared.


   There are all kinds of people around, there are all kinds of cultivation. Of course, the strong man in Jindan Realm is not afraid of the boxing style of the collision between Li Yan and Li Mo, but the others with lower cultivation levels will not Running to the distance, the weak Mengkun was not afraid of this punch, but Chiyou might not know.


   After the fist, a figure with a big mouthful of coughing blood exploded to the rear and fell into the ground fiercely.

   and severely took seven or eight steps back one after another to stabilize the footsteps, but even this is enough to surprise everyone.

   Li Mo's punch first released the force of six tenths of the offensive, and the rear guards had removed most of the force. However, Li Mo was injured before, so this punch still smashed Li Mo.

   "Cultivation in the mid-stage of Dandan Realm can be so tough and tough!"

  Looking at Li Mo's figure, Wu Yiliu murmured to himself, and then Wu Yiliu showed a killing intention in his eyes. Since Li Mo's talent is so strong, then Li Mo can no longer be left.

   "I'll help you!"

   made a killing intention, Wu Yiliu ran to severe suddenly.

   If he said that he was so strict before, Wu Yiliu might be dissatisfied with his participation in the battle with others, but now he is a little bit more serious.

  Now Yan Yan and Wu Yiliu thought that they were killing Li Mo quickly to eliminate future troubles. ...


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