Chapter 9 Tofu

   After buying potatoes, Xu Guangling turned to the stall selling tofu.

Compared with the dozens of stalls that sell potatoes, there are far fewer tofu, but there are actually quite a few. Xu Guangling counted nine, and two specialize in selling thousands of dried tofu. , In front of this stall, Xu Guangling walked from the back to the front.

  Gypsum tofu, brine tofu, basically these two, nothing else.

   In these two kinds of tofu, the degree of aging and tenderness is different. As for whether there is any tofu made of pure watercress with the skin removed from the soybeans, I am sorry, but there is none. Xu Guangling was disappointed at first, but soon, after a little thought, he was relieved.

  Remove the harmless bean skin little by little? If anyone makes tofu like this, it is estimated that they will be bankrupt before they open.

   In addition, it is also impossible to carefully select soybeans, pick out all the bad and inferior beans, and leave only good beans to make tofu. Or, for ordinary commercial production, this is not possible.

   In other words, at this kind of stall, don’t expect to be able to buy the so-called “high-quality” tofu at all. If you want to eat that, the only way is to make it yourself.

   But don’t these tofus need to be picked?

   Obviously not.

   In the process from soybeans to tofu, many elements are critical.

  In the beginning, it is the choice of soybeans, which is the most important part. As the so-called "smart women can't cook without rice", if the soybeans you choose are not good, don't expect the tofu to be good. In addition, the seller doesn't care whether the soybeans are new or old, let alone old beans, it doesn't matter if they have been old for ten years, as long as they make more tofu.

   And the buyer's idea is obviously not like this.

Beans are selected and then soaked. The soaking water is a problem, but it can be ignored, because it is impossible to make high demands on this link. Secondly, the length of soaking time will greatly affect the quality of the final tofu, and then the soaked beans are ground. Into soy milk, which is another important link.

  Is it ground manually, or with a modern automatic grinder?

  The two kinds of processing make tofu very different!

   Then there is the choice of brine, the time to place the brine, the control of the temperature during brine, and how much brine is added...

A lot of relevant knowledge flashed in Xu Guangling's mind, from soybeans to tofu, a whole set of procedures in the whole process, the requirements, differences and possible problems in each link, Xu Guangling found that he was very clear. , there is absolutely no place for ambiguity at all, as the old Chinese saying goes, there is really no room for a grain of sand in your eyes!

However, think about it a little more rationally, or look at it from the standpoint of a "bystander", there is so much knowledge and attention to it, it is really too complicated and complicated, how long does it take for a person to Are these things in this industry fully grasped?

   Not to mention decades, a few years are always needed, right?

   But now, Xu Guangling found that he knew these things very well. After the "potato identification expert", he now seems to be able to take the title of "tofu production and identification expert". Yes, yes, in addition to identification, there is production.

   Xu Guangling has no doubt that at this time, as long as he is given the raw materials and tools he needs, he can make the best tofu.

   is not premium quality.

   is "the best"!

   For a while, Xu Guangling was at a loss again.

This is how it happened? Overnight, he didn't seem to be deprived of his body by any alien creature as he imagined last night, he was still him, his thinking, his memory, his emotions, all of which told him that he was indeed Xu Guangling.

   However, it is really different, very different!

  In his mind, there are a lot of things, a lot of things that he has never been exposed to and unheard of. Not only that, but even the body seems to have some special instincts, such as the potatoes that were thrown at home before, and the random picking at the potato stand just now.

   Let’s look at it again. It’s still the same sentence. It’s a blessing, not a disaster, and a disaster can’t be avoided.

   Xu Guangling sighed softly and started buying tofu. I walked all the way just now, and the pros and cons of the nine tofu shops in this row of stalls have been fully collected in my heart.

   Nine stalls, six of which use aged soybeans for tofu, and one of these six households uses soy beans that are especially aged, at least for more than three years! Among the three new bean stalls, there is one that is not very good at making tofu, and wastes good soybeans.

   Of the other nine stalls, eight of them use grinders to grind soybeans, and only one uses stone grinders.

Fortunately, the one that uses stone grinding is one of the three that uses new beans, and it is also one of the stalls with more experienced tofu craftsmanship. The best tofu in this market, and probably the best tofu in the whole city.

   And that stall was the first one Xu Guangling passed by before.

   In other words, he now needs to go back again.

After buying the tofu, Xu Guangling left without carrying anything for the first time in history, but asked the stall owner, an aunt who looked to be in her fifties, because she was really curious: "Aunt, I want to see you. The tofu in this stall is quite authentic, wouldn’t the cost of doing so be a little higher and not worth it?”

   This question should be rarely asked, and it is a new customer.

  Especially, this is a new customer who knows the goods.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Xu Guangling has a tender face and sweet mouth, and he likes it. In short, the stall owner looks very happy, and even a little high-spirited: "You're right, my tofu is handmade, and it's a time-honored brand! A lot! The old neighbors recognize my house, and they will go to other houses when my house is sold out. Do you need yuba, young man? I also have it in my house, but there are not enough to sell!"

  Xu Guangling didn't plan to buy yuba. He didn't seem to have bought such a thing before, but at this time, he asked for two pounds.

   Sure enough, there shouldn’t be enough to sell the yuba, but the bean curd was kept at the back of the stall and didn’t even come out!

   "You guys think it's cheaper, you don't want the 50 cents. Come to my house next time to buy it!" The aunt was really enthusiastic.

   "Definitely." Xu Guangling nodded.

   After walking out of the stall, Xu Guangling lowered his head, leaned in, looked at and sniffed the bean curd in the sniffing bag, and it was as authentic as the tofu in the stall. If that stall is really an "old-fashioned brand", then such yuba is really not worrying about selling. ——There are always people who know the goods!

   And in the vast inauthentic, I found an authentic one, so I must have identified this one immediately.

   Taking Xu Guangling as an example, if he would go to this vegetable market to buy tofu in the future, he probably would not have to choose and identify each stall one by one, but would come directly to this stall.

   Potatoes, tofu, mushrooms.

  The three ingredients used in the "Nine-Pin White Jade Soup" in the dream yesterday are also the three ingredients that Xu Guangling understands extremely well now. As for other things, Xu Guangling's understanding has not changed, and it is still as much as before.

   However, it is slightly different.

   For example, sweet potatoes, although sweet potatoes were not involved in the dream, but because of the analogy, Xu Guangling felt that his understanding of sweet potatoes should be a little bit worse than potatoes.

   I have already bought two of the three materials involved, and there is only one mushroom left.

   But Xu Guangling is not optimistic about the rest.

   (end of this chapter)

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