"The evolved sheep is her most important companion. It is very important for her to replenish the sheep with equipment." Yang Jin flicked the ashes of his cigarette. "She now has something and a companion to protect. Brother Luo has already pointed out her Don’t worry about your weaknesses, she will work hard to make up for them.”

"It's true that I'm impatient. In the ten years since the natural disaster, Xia Qing is such a good young talent I've met." Luo Pei didn't say any more, but both Yang Jin and Xie Yu understood what he meant.

After Luo Peizhong was poisoned by poison, after four months of painful detoxification treatment, his body functions recovered 90%. To this day, some of the poison is still stubbornly entrenched deep in the damaged internal organs and cannot be removed. If Luo Pei, who was at his peak, tried to block the flock of evolved birds, there would be no chance that one of the evolved ape-eating eagles would escape.

Luo Pei was afraid that his physical strength would become weaker and weaker under the influence of the residual poison, so he was eager to train top-level snipers who could replace him. Xia Qing is a three-series high-level psychic with keen senses, determination and strength. He is currently the best candidate that Luo Pei can capture and trust.

"Brother Luo, relax. If the detoxification medicine is not available by November, I will go to Zhang San and ask him to go to the Hongcheng headquarters with me." Xie Yu told Luo Pei the plan and reassured him. "There must be medicine in Hongcheng."

It's not worth it, and it's not like he's going to get worse.

But before Luo Pei could speak, Xie Yu changed the subject, "While you two went to stop the evolutionary bird flock, I went to have a meal with Tang Zhengsu and Tang Zheng. Now it can be basically confirmed that the pair of green pangolins at the auction are now It’s in the hands of Team Sufeng.”

The scales of the green lantern pangolin are one of the ingredients in Zhang San’s prescription for Luo Pei to eliminate excess poison. Hearing that there was a green light pangolin auction at the red three base domesticated animal auction, Xie Yu rushed to participate, but in the end gave up rationally because his opponent's bid was too high.

Over the past month, Xie Yu has been tracking the whereabouts of the pair of pangolins. The Sufeng team, which least wanted Luo Pei to recover, was naturally listed as a target of investigation by Xie Yu.

Therefore, when Tang Zheng asked Xie Yu to have tea, he did not refuse and deliberately chose a time to meet Tang Zhengsu.

The evolutionary classification method of the human brain is different from other evolutionary abilities.

According to the degree of brain evolution, brain evolvers are divided into three levels: one, two, and three, instead of the ten-level division of other evolutionary abilities. Therefore, the third level of brain evolution belongs to advanced evolvers.

In addition, according to different areas of brain evolution, brain evolvers are divided into five categories, namely intelligence, observation, memory, thinking, and emotion capturing ability. Among the brain evolvers, only a very small number evolved in more than three categories at the same time.

Xie Yu is a third-level and fourth-level brain evolver. He has not evolved except for his memory. He can capture a lot of information from the movements, conversations and subtle changes in expressions of the people he is observing. After having a meal with Tang Zhengsu, who liked to fight and was not good at using his brain, the information Xie Yu wanted to find out was almost the same.

Luo Pei sighed, "Five million, Team Sufeng is really willing to spend money."

"If the auctioneer didn't tell lies, five million is not too much. If you find a bag of Yi stones, you will get your money back." Iron Rooster Yang Jin smiled shrewdly, "Send someone to keep an eye on Sufeng and kill the two pangolins as soon as possible." Once you get it, use the small ones as medicine, and take the big ones to the Evolution Forest to find Yishi."

"Okay." After Xie Yu agreed, he asked again, "Ajin, what's unique about the spinach juice in Territory Three?"

Unique, Yang Jin will not propose to exchange with Xia Qing next month.

Yang Jin replied, "Liangzi, the sixth-level auditory evolver, is still lying down and resting uncomfortably after taking medicine. Zhang San is not in the territory. Xia Qing, the seventh-level evolver with sharper hearing, has no symptomatic medicine and is now alive and kicking."

Xie Yu understood, "Do you think her spinach juice has a better therapeutic effect on the damage caused by ultrasonic attack than medicine and special nutrient solution?"

Luo Pei agreed with Yang Jin's judgment, "It's possible, the water quality there is very good."

Yang Jin put the cigarette butt in the ashtray, "Yes or no, just switch over and give it a try. Even if it's not, we won't suffer."

"Indeed." Xie Yu's abacus was as smart as Yang Jin's. "After her spinach seeds are harvested, no matter what the price, we will have to replace a batch of seeds and plant them back. Brother Luo, do you think it is possible?"

Luo Pei knew Xia Qing very well, "Xia Qing has already made a deal with Zhang San. After this harvest, we propose a deal, and she won't object. Because she needs weapons and trustworthy personnel to protect her territory. "

In Territory No. 3, Xia Qing did not turn on the intercom after hanging up the phone, and directly entered the full concentration training mode.

Luo Pei's lesson was right. She is a level 9 visual evolver. She holds the best sniper rifle in the country, but her mentality and skills are not worthy of the level 9 visual evolution ability and top sniper rifle.

If she were more powerful, she could kill the evolved ape-eating eagle with one shot, so that she would not lose her poultry, and the sheep boss and her SVIP guests would not be vomited or injured by the ultrasound.

When training, you need to concentrate on it, listening to chatting on the lord channel and thinking about farming while training. If you are half-hearted, it is better not to practice.

After Xia Qing concentrated on training for three hours, she took a shower and lay on the bed before she started thinking about what she would do tomorrow.

Hu Feng did not say that she would form a team tomorrow to continue the task of clearing the swamp. She would not leave the territory tomorrow and would clean up the cellar first.

Early the next morning, Xia Qing was woken up by the chirping of chickens and the beeping of chickens as usual. Xia Qing was a little annoyed when she heard this voice a few days ago, but when she heard it today, she just felt happy.

Because this sound means that her chickens have recovered and are energetic after being attacked by ultrasonic waves.

Xia Qing went downstairs and found the sheep boss chewing cud with his eyes narrowed. He seemed to be in good spirits. Xia Qing herself felt much better than yesterday.

Spinach juice is simply a blood-restoring agent!

Xia Qing turned on the light in the tool room, checked the condition of the poultry in the cage, and was about to go down to the cellar to work when she heard a noise in the yard.

The wolves were not knocked down by the ultrasound, and jumped into her yard on time with their prey in their mouths. However, the prey delivered today is different from the previous days. It is actually two pangolins, one large and one small.

There is such a thing in the nearby evolutionary mountain forest? How were the wolves caught?

Xia Qing looked at the alpha wolf in disbelief and found that the proud wolf was looking at her with narrowed eyes. Xia Qing immediately output like crazy, "My Queen, you can even catch a pangolin. It's really amazing. You are the most powerful evolved wolf in Blue Star." , is the wolf who created a new era in the history of Blue Star evolutionary wolves, and is the beautiful wolf standing at the top of the pyramid..."

After discovering that the alpha wolf also likes to hear rainbow farts, Xia Qing always offers a few words. Anyway, it is just a matter of words and does not cost any points.

After hearing this, the alpha wolf picked up a small pangolin and placed it in front of Xia Qing.

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