She didn't want to leave her territory in the middle of the night to go to the evolutionary forest, but today it was time to change the dressing for the injured wolf. The treatment for this wolf had been almost a month, so she couldn't give up halfway.

The members of the Sufeng team who are stalking the edge of territory three?

Oh, in the eyes of Xia Qing, the advanced evolution person of the third series, they are just scum. Not to mention avoiding their surveillance, even silencing him was a piece of cake for Xia Qing.

Xia Qing sent a text message to Hu Hu Feng, and then walked north along the ravine between Territory No. 3 and Territory No. 4. The grass covered her body, and the sound of running water covered up the sound of her movements. Xia Qing quickly passed through the northern isolation zone, the abandoned wild boar breeding center valley.

All the houses and iron fences here were demolished and taken away. This place was taken over by the Qinglong team and included in the third area of ​​​​No. 49 Mountain, so now this valley belongs exclusively to Xia Qing.

Entering the valley and arriving outside the abandoned cave of the wild boar breeding center, Xia Qing looked up at the alpha wolf standing high on the rock.

The alpha wolf carrying the light of the stars and the moon is even more powerful and mysterious.

But he couldn't explain why. After having a fight with the alpha wolf last night, Xia Qing's fear of it had subsided a bit. Xia Qing didn't feel scared at all when the alpha wolf looked down at him. She shook the sealed bag containing the medicine in her hand and said, "I'll come over and change the medicine for the injured wolf."

After the alpha wolf found out Xia Qing's purpose, he disappeared immediately.

Xia Qing was waiting outside the cave. She would not enter such a dangerous cave. She was waiting for the injured wolf to crawl out on its own or be picked out.

Their anesthetic has worn off.

There was a noise in the cave soon. The alpha wolf entered the cave from nowhere, took out the injured wolf, placed it in front of Xia Qing, and then turned around and entered the cave.

Xia Qing leaned against the solid rock, squatted down and opened the protective gear on the wolf's waist, and skillfully changed its dressing. Then he took out the water basin, poured the medicinal powder and mixed it with spring water, "Drink, you will live here these days, I will take you for a review when Third Brother comes back. Your injury is almost healed."

The brain-evolved wolf whimpered and began to lick the water.

There was movement in the cave, and Xia Qing could hear the sound of a wolf with a broken leg moving around. The splints on its two hind legs have not yet been removed, and when the rocks hit the splints, they will make a unique sound.

There was also a weak footsteps, and Xia Qing could tell it was the thin, sick wolf.

The thin sick wolf was not scary, but the wolf with a broken leg that was about to recover made Xia Qing feel threatened. She took a few steps back and leaned against the rocks, holding onto her weapon for defense.

The wolf with a broken leg came out before the sick wolf. He stood by the water basin and stared at Xia Qing with wild eyes, as if he was considering which part of her body would be good for him to bite.

After the sickly wolf came out, he groped for water from the spring.

Judging from its movements, its eyes should be invisible and it can only rely on hearing and smell to move.

This anti-inflammatory water was given to the two wolves with injured muscles and bones, but Xia Qing did not stop the sick wolves from drinking it.

After the sick wolf has finished drinking, he becomes the wolf with a broken leg.

All three wolves had finished drinking. Xia Qing used a stick to pull the water basin over, and when he was about to return to his territory, the first wolf came out of the cave again, walked up to Xia Qing step by step, lowered his head and spit out a stone as big as a walnut, and then retreated to Beside Sick Wolf, he stared at Xia Qing.

If it weren't for the mask blocking it, Xia Qing's eyes would have popped out of their sockets.


It’s a bigger stone than the one I gave last time!

She had expressed and hinted to the wolves countless times that she wanted Yi Shi!

Steady, steady...

Xia Qing suppressed her excited heartbeat, tried hard to control her facial expressions and voice, and calmly asked the wolf, "Give it to me? What do you want in exchange?"

The alpha wolf turned his head and licked the ears of the sick wolf next to him, then stared at Xia Qing intently. Xia Qing clearly saw pleading and eagerness in her eyes.

Save it.

In the quarrel the night before yesterday, regardless of whether Xia Qing misunderstood the intentions of the wolves, but after being scolded by Xia Qing, the proud alpha wolf still did not give up on the sick wolf, and took out the Yishi to try to trade with Xia Qing again. , indicating that this sick wolf is very important to the alpha wolf.

For the sake of the Wolf Queen bowing her head and for the sake of Yi Shi, Xia Qing decided to give it a try.

But she may not be able to be saved, and this must be made clear before the deal is made.

In order to let Her Lady Queen see her sincerity, Xia Qing took off her protective mask.

After taking off the protective mask with air filtering device, an unpleasant smell hit Xia Qing's face directly.

The medicine given by Chang Li had side effects. The already thin and sick wolf had diarrhea, and the situation became worse and worse.

Xia Qing picked up the Yi stone, took off his night vision goggles and stared into the rich golden eyes of the alpha wolf, and seriously proposed the transaction, "This wolf is very sick. I can try to save it, but there is no guarantee that it can be saved. That is, He said, it may still die after treatment. Even so, do you want to trade this precious stone with me? "

From the moment the wolf spit out the Yi Shi to trade with her, Xia Qing was convinced that the wolf knew how precious the Yi Stone was. Otherwise, it would not take out the Yishi and try the transaction again after refusing to trade with the green light python.

Xia Qing didn't know if the rich golden wolf understood what he meant, but it licked the sick wolf's ear again and then stared at him.

The alpha wolf is very determined to save this wolf.

"Okay, I agree to exchange with you." Xia Qing assumed it understood, put the Yi stone in his pocket, put on night vision goggles and a protective mask, and immediately contacted Ji Li.

Based on the condition of this wolf, the team doctor from Territory No. 1 may not be able to save him, so he must seek help from Territory No. 7, Zhang San. Even if Zhang San offered 200,000 points this time, Xia Qing agreed, because the Yishi given by the wolf was definitely worth the price.

At around two o'clock in the morning, Xia Qing didn't dare to call Ji Li rashly. She sent Ji Li the test sheet and two pictures of the sick wolf that Chang Li sent her.

Then he asked: Brother Ji, this wolf is in critical condition and urgently needs help from Third Brother. I will agree to any number of points.

Then, it's a long wait.

The sick wolf couldn't hold on any longer and lay down on the gravel.

It was said to be a long time, but in fact it only took twenty minutes. Ji Li called, "Our lord is busy at the moment. I showed the test results and photos to other experts. We can try, but whether we can be saved depends on this." How much resistance does Sekiro have left? Now let me go to territory three?"

"Thank you, Brother Ji. Regardless of whether I can save him or not, I want to give it a try." Xia Qing thanked him and explained the current situation in the territory. "In order to find their lost pangolin, the Sufeng team monitored all our territories. I moved the wolf to the abandoned cave of the Wild Boar Breeding Center. It’s not convenient for me to go to the buffer forest of Territory No. 7 to get the medicine.”

Ji Li didn't take Sufeng's spy in his eyes at all, "No need. They will arrive at the wild boar breeding center cave in ten minutes. The password is 216-355."

"Okay Brother Ji, thank you very much. I will give you delicious food when you come back."

Xia Qing hung up the phone and told the alpha wolf, "Two humans will be coming to deliver medicine later. Please don't attack them, Queen."

The people from Territory No. 7 arrived outside the cave of the Wild Boar Breeding Center on time. After exchanging passwords to confirm each other's identities, the other party asked Xia Qing directly without saying a word, "Which wolf?"

Xia Qing immediately pointed to the wolf lying on the ground and replied, "This one."

The two of them didn't even turn on the flashlight, and the other person spoke, "Miss Xia, please bring the patient into the cave. We need to operate on him immediately."

"Okay." Xia Qing discussed with the first wolf, "My Lady Queen, you go over there, humans have to treat the wolf in the cave."

The alpha wolf simply carried one in his mouth and retreated to the place designated by Xia Qing. The wolf stared at the three humans at the entrance of the cave.

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