Zhang Yong showed that he was very familiar with Xia Qing and that Xia Qing would definitely let him enter his territory. Tang Huai leaned against the No. 2 street sign with his arms folded, waiting for a good show.

There are also melon eaters in Territories 4, 5 and 6 who are constantly poking their heads out from the grass wall, and even half of their bodies are poking out.

Xia Qing did not refuse Zhang Yong's entry, and easily lifted the largest box with her left hand, "I drove here, it's behind the grass wall. Sister Juan, will you come into my territory for a while?"

"I'm just here to find you. Where else can I go if I don't go to your house." Xu Juan breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the two boxes with a smile, and followed Xia Qing.

After passing through a wall of dense grass that was as tall as a person, Xu Juan saw the mini-tiller parked on the roadside, exclaiming, "Okay, Xia Qing, it's only been half a year, and you even have a farm machine."

Zhang Yong loaded the supplies into the truck body, and people followed him up, "Did you make this truck body yourself?"

"Yes. Sister Juan, sit next to me." Xia Qing has already removed the special seat for Boss Yang, just enough for Xu Juan to sit.

Fortunately, the "weak" Boss Yang couldn't see this scene, otherwise he would have had to lose his temper and fight with Xia Qing.

When the mini-tiller started moving back, Xu Juan took the opportunity to look around and found Zhang Yong sitting with his back to them. She immediately turned around and looked forward, stretched out her hand and wrote two words repeatedly on Xia Qing's back:


After writing, Xu Juan raised her hand to hold down her chest, which was shaking up and down due to the vibration of the tiller. Xia Qing noticed out of the corner of her eye that Xu Juan's index finger and middle finger were close together, pointing to the bottom of her neck.

Xia Qing understood that Xu Juan was signaling to her that Sufeng Team's camera or monitoring equipment was mounted around her neck. She touched Xu Juan with her elbow to express her understanding.

After Xia Qing drove the car back to the yard, Xu Juan jumped out of the car and looked around, "Your yard is nice. It's so spacious. Where is the toilet? I've been in the car for a long time and I can't hold it in anymore."

Apart from being spacious, it has no other advantages. Xia Qing opened the security door and took Xu Juan into the house, "That's the one on the back right."

After Xu Juan went to the bathroom, Xia Qing went out to help Zhang Yong unload the goods, and found that Zhang Yong's back was turned to him. There was a piece of cardboard torn from the packaging box attached to the back of his protective clothing, with a few words scratched on it with screws:

We have cameras on our neck collars.

The Sufeng team has always been domineering, so Xu Juan and Zhang Yong had to come if they found them, otherwise they would not be able to continue to hang out in the Huisan base in the future.

If a person does not serve himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth.

When they came, Xia Qing wouldn't do anything to them even if he didn't remind himself. But they could take the risk and take the initiative to warn themselves, and Xia Qing accepted it.

After she took off the piece of paper and stuffed it under the seat of the tiller, Zhang Yong asked, "Where do you plan to install the solar panel?"

There are still two solar panels on the sloping roof of the house where Xia Qing lives, but she plans to install these six panels in their original place, "on the roof of the warehouse on the east side."

Zhang Yong looked up and looked at the frame building where Xia Qing had blocked the windows with wooden boards and iron plates. "Is the roof of this house strong enough?"

Xia Qing replied briefly, "That's enough. I replaced the corroded steel bars, poured them again with concrete, and used cement to lay a layer of bricks on the roof."

"Okay." Zhang Yong picked up the welding equipment and toolbox, "How do we get up there?"

"walk the stair."

Xia Qing opened the door of the warehouse, lifted the solar panels bundled together with her left hand and led the way. Zhang Yong followed with equipment such as a welding gun and a voltage regulator. Xu Juan also came out after going to the bathroom and picked up the iron pipe to follow.

The warehouse is very large, and the things inside are neatly packed, but except for the rags picked out from the ruins, which are hay, there are no valuable materials.

Xu Juan asked, "Why do you get so much hay?"

"I have a sheep."

Xu Juan became interested, "Green light or yellow light?"

Xia Qing, who was walking in front, replied, "The red light has evolved in strength and can carry things."

The three of them went upstairs via the concrete stairs. This shelf building has two floors, but a stair exit was built on the top of the building. It must be that the owner wanted to use the roof of the building.

Unfortunately, before the house was completed, natural disasters began.

"You did a great job, and your skills are good. There will be no water left when it rains." After Zhang Yong praised Xia Qing for her good job on the roof, he quickly started assembling the solar panels.

Xu Juan was walking around on the roof, watching, and chatting with Xia Qing, "Xia Qing, where is your sheep?"

Xia Qing, who was assembling the iron frame, replied without looking up, "I'm sick. I'm in the sheep shed."

"Is that the one-room hut in your yard? I smelled a stench there when I just passed by."

Xia Qing replied, "There is also a sick wolf in the sheep shed."

Xu Juan and Zhang Yong were both shocked, "You still have wolves? If you keep the wolves and the sheep together, aren't you afraid that the wolves will eat the sheep?"

Xia Qing explained, "I picked it up when I was on a mission. I was so sick that I could hardly move."

When they heard it was a sick wolf, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yong quickly assembled the solar panels and placed them on the iron frame. He also installed the batteries and voltage regulator in the stairwell and connected them with wires covered with iron pipes.

After debugging the equipment and confirming that there was no problem, Zhang Yong asked, "How do you plan to route the wires? I'll do it for you together."

Xia Qing knows all these and does not need Zhang Yong to install them. After going downstairs, Xia Qing invited them into the house.

Xu Juan and Zhang Yong saw that they had already warned them, and Xia Qing still dared to let them into the house, which meant that there was no domesticated beast that Sufeng was looking for in Xia Qing's territory, and he was not afraid of them looking around. They both relaxed and followed Xia Qing quickly entered the house.

The main reason is that the yard stinks so much that it's really not a place to talk.

Xia Qing boiled a pot of filtered water, made tea and served it on the table, and put a plate of dried fruits on it.

Xu Juan sighed, "You're living a good life. You even drink tea."

Xia Qing explained, "The tea is exchanged with other territories, and the fruits are wild fruits picked in the buffer forest."

Seeing that Xia Qing's right hand was bandaged after taking off her gloves, Xu Juan immediately asked, "Are you injured? I said you didn't use your right hand just now."

"When the evolutionary bird attacked, the tiger's mouth was shattered. You can't use force." Xia Qing showed the wound to them on purpose, and she also exposed the wolf on purpose.

She did this to let the people in Territory No. 2 see clearly that she had been injured the day the pangolin was lost, and it was impossible to catch the pangolin. There were no pangolins in her territory. She would rather refuse twenty kilograms of food than let Sufeng's people come in to search because there were wolves and sheep in her territory.

After drinking tea, Zhang Yong stood up and said, "You guys talk, I have to go to Territory 2 to install equipment."

After sending Zhang Yong out of Territory No. 3, Xu Juan hugged Xia Qing's neck and laughed, "Quick, get all your delicious food!"

Xia Qing's voice became gentler, "There are cucumbers, tomatoes, and beans in the fields. What would Sister Juan want to eat for lunch?"

Xu Juan's eyes lit up, "I can't eat here at noon. We have to go back after unloading the goods. Can I go to your vegetable garden to have a look?"

Xia Qing took Xu Juan to the vegetable greenhouse south of the reservoir. When they passed the hut next to the farmland, three members of the Hufeng team who were resting in the hut came out and greeted Xia Qing and Xu Juan.

Everyone has been in the same base for ten years, and even if they haven't spoken to each other before, they all look familiar.

After passing the hut, Xu Juan asked Xia Qing in a low voice, "Are you from the Bearded Front Team?"

"Well, I hired them to help me guard my territory."

Xu Juan bumped Xia Qing's shoulder and joked, "Okay! You can afford to hire anyone from Qinglong!"

Xia Qing explained, "I exchanged it for vegetables grown in the territory."

Looking at the piles of things Xia Qingzhong had, Xu Juan said nothing but admired them in her heart. Even if Xia Qing is a power evolved person, growing so much food and vegetables will still take a lot of time and energy. (End of chapter)

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