There are two cameras on the farmland south of the reservoir, one is 200 meters northwest of the house where Xia Qing lives, and the other is 200 meters northeast of the house. These two cameras not only include the greenhouses in the farmland within the monitoring scope, but also the north side of Xia Qing's house and warehouse shelf, and the west side of the chicken coop and sheep shed.

Of course, the premise is that Xia Qing has to clean up the big trees, ruins, shrubs and grass between the camera and the house.

learn from mistakes.

After experiencing the pain of aggressively killing sycamore trees in the third rainstorm, Xia Qing no longer simply cut off the trunks when cleaning trees, but also cleaned the main tree roots together.

If the tree roots are not cleaned up, the remaining active roots may undergo dangerous evolution after absorbing excessive amounts of pollutants in the next rain.

As soon as he cut down the tree trunk, Xia Qing unexpectedly received a call from his idol.

Zhang San asked, "Xia Qing, were you attacked by a flock of birds when you were collecting torreya fruits?"

Xia Qing thought Zhang San wanted birds, and explained, "I met them. The evolved birds I shot down all fell on the slope or rolled to the bottom of the valley, and I didn't bring them out."

Zhang San paused for two seconds before replying weakly, "I don't want to eat bird meat. Have you found evolved ants under that torreya tree?"

"There are ants, but not many in number and not big in size." Xia Qing had to deal with birds flying in the sky, snakes hiding in holes, and picking torreya fruits. He would pay attention after confirming that there was no danger lurking on the ground.

If there were rodent evolved ants under the tree, Xia Qing would retreat immediately without hesitation. Because the rodent evolved ants are powerful in combat, Xia Qing cannot afford to offend them.

Zhang San explained the reason for his call, "The venom of the torreya pulp you collected is very high, and the anesthesia time after poisoning is no less than 5 hours. I speculate that there should be evolved ants under that tree that can resolve the venom of the pulp. Otherwise, the birds The species won’t besiege you by the tree.”

Xia Qing had never heard of evolved ants under the torreya tree before. She thought the birds were bullying her because she was alone, so they gathered around the tree waiting to eat meat.

It turned out that she had missed the first diner at that feast: evolved ants that were not afraid of the venom of torreya pulp.

Think about it, there should be this link, otherwise after she is anesthetized by the venom, the birds will also be anesthetized after eating her flesh, and become food for other creatures.

After Xia Qing understood Zhang San's purpose, he asked directly, "Third brother wants to evolve ants under the torreya tree. How many do you need?"

Zhang San discussed with Xia Qing, "Catching evolved ants is more difficult than picking torreya trees. Tell me the location of the torreya trees and I will send people to catch them. They only capture ants and collect soil and plant samples, but they will not pick torreya trees." If it doesn’t bear fruit, it won’t tell others where the tree is.”

Although he won't make any noise, since Xia Qing has already told Qi Fu and Shi Du about renting District 3 of No. 49 Mountain, he can certainly tell Zhang San.

I didn’t say it before because it wasn’t necessary, “Third brother, let me lead them the way. That tree grows on the steep slope of the valley, and it would take a long time to find it without someone to guide me. I rented an evolutionary forest on Mountain No. 49. That tree is in the evolutionary forest I rented, and you can go in without having to say hello to Brother Luo and the others."

Zhang San asked curiously, "Such a big territory is not enough for you? Why are you renting the evolutionary forest?"

Xia Qing had already thought of an excuse, "The evolutionary forest has not been completely cleaned up. It is suitable for evolvers of my level to go there to exercise and improve their strength. I have calculated that renting an evolutionary forest is more efficient than paying 2,000 points each time to go in and train." Good deal.”

Zhang San didn't ask any more questions. He made a decision with Xia Qing to catch the evolved ant queen tomorrow morning and hung up the phone.

Xia Qing continued to take the sheep boss and the wolf dog boss to clear the trees and bushes.

Xia Qing was responsible for cutting down the trees, and the two animals were responsible for dragging the trees and shrubs aside. The eldest sheep is responsible for pulling tree trunks and large branches, and the second wolf dog, who has not fully recovered, is responsible for small branches and shrubs.

Hard work is the specialty of one person and one sheep, and meticulousness is the specialty of the wolf dog. The three companions of different types cooperated tacitly, and by the evening, the clearing of big trees and shrubs was successfully completed.

After catching the ants tomorrow, Xia Qing will use the mini-tiller to shovel away the weeds in this area and the rubble piled up after the collapse of several houses to the west. The camera in the southwest of the farmland will be able to include the chicken pens under surveillance. .

After finishing the work, Xia Qing picked a basket of vegetables and pulled out a corn stalk that had been torn off and went home to reward herself and her two companions.

After dinner, the sick wolf went out for a walk and patrolled, while the sheep lay happily on the tatami chewing cud.

While Xia Qing was listening to the radio, he carefully checked the medicine for treating muscle and soft tissue injuries that was dug out from the bottom of the carton containing the camera, as well as the instructions handwritten by the idol.

After reading it, Xia Qing felt more confident.

Zhang San said that her bone density was normal, and there were no creases or distortions in her bones. The damage was to the soft tissue, and she could return to peak condition by taking a medicinal bath and dietary therapy.

The lower the water content used for medicinal baths, the better. Zhang San recommended Xia Qing to buy distilled water, but Xia Qing had a better choice.

That night, she exercised for an hour less, and after telling the sheep boss and the wolf dog boss to check their territory, she carried two buckets of boiled non-polluted spring water up to the second floor, adjusted the water temperature according to the instructions, and started taking a medicinal bath.

Xia Qing held her breath and immersed her entire body in the potion. When she couldn't hold it in any longer, she put her head above the water and took a deep breath, then immersed herself in the potion and continued soaking.

Fifteen minutes later, Xia Qing felt pain and itching in her skin and muscles all over her body, but she could still bear it. Zhang San said that soreness, itching, and pain are all normal phenomena, which means that the medicine is working.

Forty-five minutes later, the itching and pain reached the threshold that Xia Qing could bear, but she just exposed her head, took a breath, and sank into the water.

No matter how painful it was, she still had to stay for an hour.

The potion she threw into the water today was worth more than 44,000 points. Xia Qing felt sorry for herself who had worked so hard to earn points, and for the idol who secretly prepared potions for her.

After soaking, Xia Qing rinsed off the remaining liquid on her body, put on her clothes, crawled back to the bedroom on both hands and feet, fell down on the soft new quilt and bared her teeth, feeling the pain in her body.

The idol said that the medicinal bath water she had used up still had some medicinal effects and could be used by the evolved animals in the territory the next day. When Xia Qing was watching, she was still wondering why the next day was needed. Now she understood: because after taking a bath, she didn't have the strength to force the two downstairs to take a medicated bath.

A dreamless night.

Early the next morning, Xia Qing was awakened not by the crowing of a rooster, nor by the sound of a red squirrel drinking water outside the window sill, but by the alarm sound issued by the mobile phone monitoring software.

She immediately picked up her mobile phone to check the surveillance and found that the high-slope camera captured an intruder-a red squirrel. (End of chapter)

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