One Guard

Chapter 306: Crazy Dirk, Crazy Wade

Yiyang raised his head, feeling that the lights on the scene were a bit dazzling. He looked at the score on the big screen. The Miami Heat at home were still 3 points behind. During the period when Nowitzki was off the court, Yiyang did not allow the score to be overtaken.

Afterwards, Yiyang only felt his eyes go dark. It turned out that it was the team doctor who rushed onto the field and covered Yiyang's bloodied face with a towel.

Now, even the photographer's lens cannot capture the scene of Yiyang bleeding. In order to expand its market and influence, the NBA has also tried its best to prevent bloody scenes from being played in live broadcasts in recent years.

Yiyang was helped off the court, but what he was thinking about was not his injury, but just wasting a chance to expand the point difference to 5 points or even 6 points.

The players on the bench of the Mavericks all moved out of the way, making enough room for Yiyang. They all surrounded Yiyang, watching this desperate rookie with concern.

The team doctor removed the Gatorade towel, and Yiyang's blood had flowed from the corner of his brow to his chin. The corner of his left eye brow was cut open by James' iron elbow. The wound was deep and large, and in Chinese terms, it hurt even just looking at it.

"We must persist in the next attack. This is a good opportunity to expand the score!" However, it was unexpected. Yiyang didn't ask about his injury, and when he opened his mouth, he talked about something related to the competition.

"Stinky boy..." Yiyang's behavior greatly boosted the morale of the Mavericks players. How could these seniors have the nerve to give up even a rookie? Terry gritted his teeth, eager to play now and let the Heat have a taste of it!

"Okay, don't move yet, I have to treat your wound." The team doctor said, putting on white rubber gloves. He wiped the blood from Yiyang's face, and the wound was clearly exposed in front of his eyes.

Such a large and deep wound is extremely rare on the basketball court. Usually, this kind of injury is only seen in the boxing ring or the octagon of free fighting. This shows how strong the confrontation between the two sides was just now.

The team doctor cleaned up Yiyang's wound, but he still needed to stop the bleeding. It is impossible to wait for such a large wound to scab on its own.

At this time, the referee also went to the Mavericks' bench area, and seeing that Yiyang was fine, he urged them to resume the game as soon as possible. This game cannot be delayed because of Yiyang alone.

"I can still play!" Hearing what the referee said, Yiyang immediately grabbed Carlisle's sleeve.

"No, kid. You have to stop the bleeding first, this is the league's rule!" The referee responded to Yiyang's request on Carlisle's behalf,

Carlisle could only nod to Yiyang.

"You heard what the referee said, go back to the locker room for treatment. You can come back when the bleeding stops!"

Yiyang had no choice but to follow the team doctor towards the player tunnel. Even though Yiyang ended with an injury, the fans at the American Airlines Arena still booed him unceremoniously. No matter how brave you are on the pitch, you can't keep the fans in awe when you're away. Yiyang was injured and retired, but it was too late for the Heat fans to be happy.

"It...wouldn't take long." Yiyang walked anxiously in the player tunnel and turned to ask the team doctor.

"Don't worry, I will let you catch up with the game."


Yiyang left the field, and the Mavericks immediately lost a general. But Carlisle is not panic, the Mavericks has never been a team that relies on stars. With Yiyang off, Carlisle can be replaced by Kidd. The suppression of the Heat will continue!

Of course, after Yiyang was off the court, Carlisle had no choice but to bring Nowitzki back on the court. Dirk obviously hasn't fully rested yet, but in the finals, people are willing to fight even if they are exhausted. This kind of opportunity to fight for the O'Brien Cup does not come every year.

The door to the locker room was closed, and the noisy sound was swallowed up. Yiyang sat in front of his cabinet, feeling very uneasy.

He simply turned on the TV in the locker room and watched the live broadcast of the game on TV. After Dirk Nowitzki came on the field, he immediately relied on Bosh to easily turn over and hit a jumper, successfully widening the point difference to 5 points. The Heat wanted to open the score today, but they were always short of breath.

"Okay buddy, I'm going to sew up the wound first, it might be a little painful." The team doctor took the treatment tool and walked in front of Yiyang, who just stared at the TV intently and nodded slightly.

Although there was always pain at the corners of his eyebrows, Yiyang's attention was always on the TV. Even the team doctor found it a bit unbelievable. He had seen a lot of tough guys, but he was the first one like Yiyang who didn't even frown.

The experience of living in the Wood District has long taught Yiyang what it means to be strong. What is this little pain?

On the court, Nowitzki's performance made the Heat unable to defend at all. The German can score from every corner of the basketball court, and there seems to be no better way to stop him than fouling.

With the efforts of Nowitzki, the Mavericks ended the third quarter with a 4-point lead. 75 to 71, although the Big Three worked very hard, they were still overwhelmed. After Yiyang left the field, Nowitzki's crazy performance made Spoelstra at a loss. The German couldn't stop it at all. In the last two minutes of the game, Spoelstra changed three people to match Nowitzki, but it didn't help at all.

"Dirk's performance is too crazy and completely unstoppable. At this time, Dirk is completely unstoppable! Tall, medium, and short. Spoelstra changed around, but he couldn't find it. A guy who can stop Dirk. In the fourth quarter, if the Heat cannot defend Dirk well, it will be difficult for them to overcome the seemingly small point difference!" 4 of 4 shots, 8 points alone. Nowitzki's return after Yiyang's departure is obviously very timely. Injured middle finger? Now the reporters even suspect that the Mavericks deliberately wrapped Nowitzki's middle finger to pretend to be injured. This guy's state doesn't look like a wounded person.

On the other side, Wade has also entered a berserk state. He couldn't accept the team's home defeat when they had an advantage, "The Flash" gritted his teeth, trying to give the Mavericks a big surprise!

The game has entered a fierce stage, and all the stars have already started their best form. The decisive battle in the fourth quarter is destined to be a bloody battle!


"Aren't you alright?" Seeing that the fourth quarter was about to start, Yiyang couldn't sit still.

"This is not an easy job, buddy. I have to make sure your wound won't bleed again, otherwise, you will be called down by the referee in the middle of the fight!" The team doctor patiently answered Yiyang's question, he I can understand Yiyang's mood at the moment. But as a medical worker, he must also be responsible to the players.

On the field, the electronic buzzer sounded. Nowitzki gathered everyone to cheer up, and then walked onto the court to start a life-and-death duel.

At the beginning of the game, Nowitzki stepped back independently with a beautiful golden rooster, hitting Bosh with black lines all over his face. Under the defense of Nowitzki today, Bosh's shooting percentage has dropped below 30% at the moment. And he let the Germans score on his head again and again.

After Nowitzki scored, Bosh had no choice but to pick up the basketball from the ground. No matter what he does today, Nowitzki can't stop.

"Give me the ball!" But at this moment, Wade's voice came from Bosh's ear.

Wade's expression is very serious, he is not joking. Bosh had no choice but to obey and sent the baseline ball to Wade. Wade rushed with the ball, this guy is about to start his own show.

Facing Stevenson, Wade reached out and called Joe Anthony to pick and roll for himself. He quickly broke into the inside, and Nowitzki was pulled to the middle distance by Bosh. When he rushed back to the inside to take off and block the block, he had already missed the best time.

As a result, even if the referee mercilessly gave Nowitzki a foul. Wade successfully stood at the free throw line, and his goal was achieved!

"MVP! MVP! MVP!..." The shouts of the fans lingered in every corner of the American Airlines Arena. They were all shouting for their heroes and the true soul of this team.

Wade, the king of Miami, did not disappoint his "people". He made two free throws steadily and brought the score closer. Yi Yang, who was watching TV in the locker room, punched his seat hard. He knew that Wade was about to go berserk!

Sure enough, after just one round, Wade repeated the trick. Deliberately pull Chandler out, and then drive himself to the basket. Nowitzki defended the basket again. This time, he blocked Wade's basketball, but also caught Wade's forearm. The referee saw clearly and interrupted the game again.

This time, Carlisle was a little anxious. It's not because Wade has to make two more free throws, but because Nowitzki is already the fifth foul in this game! It is not yet known when Yiyang will come back. If Nowitzki is still ejected because of the full number of fouls, then the Mavericks really have no "weapon" to use.

Although the Mavericks are all soldiers now, if Nowitzki and Yiyang, the two most stable scoring points, cannot play, the impact on the game will still be huge.

Terry and Marion? These two guys are indeed two stable offensive points for the Mavericks, but relying on Terry and Marion alone to fight against the Big Three? This kind of thing, even Carlisle himself felt crazy.

There is no way, now Wade is obviously focusing on Nowitzki. In order to ensure that Nowitzki will not play early, Carlisle had to replace the German at this critical moment.

"Damn it!" Yiyang yelled while watching the TV, and the Mavericks were completely in crisis.

"Damn it!" Nowitzki, who was sitting back on the bench, threw the towel on the ground angrily, and Carlisle was devastated. Losing the two most threatening players, I don't know if the Mavericks can stop this time?

Without Yiyang and Nowitzki, this stadium has completely become Dwyane Wade's amusement park!

He made consecutive shots and scored points like cutting melons and vegetables. Wade's frequent offensive successes drove the teammates around him. Even Chalmers, who was defended by Yiyang to no avail, dared to break through for a layup and hit the inside line during this period of time.

In an instant, the score changed from 71 to 75 to 90 to 78. When the game was about to end with 3 minutes and 54 seconds left, Carlisle finally called a stop.

With a 12-point difference, the Heat's plan to open up the score was finally realized at this moment. Wade scored 36 points in the whole game, and ESPN even named him the best player of the game before the end of the game.

In the locker room, the team doctor took a band-aid to cover Yiyang's wound, and gave him a thumbs up. "I promise, not a single drop of blood will flow from your wound!"

Yiyang got up quickly, and ran to the locker room with strides.


Just when Yiyang was about to rush out, the team doctor stopped him.

"Kill them!" The team doctor looked at Yiyang's resolute expression and smiled slightly.

Yiyang didn't respond, but slammed open the locker room door and disappeared around the corner of the players' tunnel.

On the field, Carlisle anxiously arranged the game tactics for the last three minutes. He first needs other people to carry the offensive troubles for Nowitzki. If Nowitzki leaves early due to too many fouls, it will be very difficult for the Mavericks to chase 12 points.

"Wade's crazy performance and Dirk's foul crisis put the Mavericks in trouble. Dirk had dominated the game, but he probably never thought that he would be forced to sit on the bench because of consecutive fouls. 12 points difference, this is a big or small gap. The Mavericks are playing well, and it is very likely to move back to the score. But if they can't contain the momentum of the Heat, they are also very likely to swallow consecutively at the American Airlines Arena. The next two losses. The Mavericks have to fight with their backs, and if they return to Dallas with a score of 2 to 0, it will be bad luck for them!"

Barkley couldn't help worrying about the situation of the Mavericks. Obviously they played so strong in this game, and obviously Nowitzki played a dominant performance in this game. Will the rare last few minutes really become the last straw that crushes the Mavericks?

At this moment, Barkley saw a figure rushing out from the entrance of the player tunnel. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking it was the staff of the stadium. But after a closer look, he realized that this person was Yiyang in training clothes!

"Boss!" Carlisle was arranging tactics, but Kidd, who was sitting next to him, motioned him to look aside.

Carlisle turned his head and saw Yiyang trotting to the bench and running to his side.

"I'm back!" At this moment, there was a Band-Aid on the corner of Yiyang's eyebrows, and it seemed that there was no serious problem.

"Yes, it's back in time! Haha, now, the Miami Heat must worry! The 12-point difference may not be considered solid!" Barkley shouted excitedly. At the same time in Dallas, countless The fans who watched the game on TV cheered. The whole city was full of jubilation.

Nowitzki alone is enough for the Heat to drink a pot, now add Yiyang. Maybe reversing the game is really not just a fantasy!

"Are you ready to play?" Nowitzki said, hitting Yiyang's chest with his fist.

"We have persisted for so long, we have no reason to give up!" Yiyang recalled all the experiences of the first three quarters of the game, how could he not get anything in return after paying so much?

12 points gap, 3 minutes and 54 seconds. Yiyang and Nowitzki joined forces again.

Who will win the deer is not sure? Heat Big Three! Get ready, the craziest rush from the Dallas Cowboys is coming!

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