One Guard

Chapter 50: The nobleman visits

In the BDA sports management company, a fat middle-aged man with gray hair was staring at the computer screen in front of him intently.

On the computer screen, a yellow-skinned No. 1 guard with black braids was happily receiving the Final Four MOP trophy from the NCAA officials. Not only that, today, the NCAA officially announced that Yiyang was selected to the All-American Second Team and the Best Defensive Second Team. As for why they were all in the second team, it was because John Wall stole Yiyang's limelight in the same position. Without the existence of Wall, the "quasi-champion pick", Yiyang would definitely be able to both be selected for the first round.

Can stand out among hundreds of talented college players, this No. 1 guard is indeed worthy of attention. You know, in these two lineups, there are very few international players. What's more, his yellow skin reminded the middle-aged man in front of the computer of another guy.

The middle-aged man presses the pause button, and the screen freezes at the moment when Yiyang lifts the MOP trophy over his head. He took a sip of coffee, picked up the cell phone on the computer table, and made a call.

This call is not to other places in the United States, but an international long-distance call across China and the United States! After a while, the middle-aged man's phone was connected.

"Hey, Duffy, hello. It's eight o'clock in the evening in China. It's still morning over there, right? Then what's the matter if you call me early in the morning?" The guy on the other end of the phone started talking with the middle-aged man. joked.

"How is the injury?" The middle-aged man named Duffy asked with concern.

"What else can I do? The whole world knows that my injury is not optimistic. It's alright, Duffy, don't go around in circles with me, what's the matter?"

"Hey, I want to ask you about someone." The middle-aged man didn't beat around the bush when he heard what the other party said.

"Ask me about people? God, is there anyone in this world that you need to ask?" There was a burst of laughter from the other end of the phone.

"That's right, he's Chinese. He's from the same country as you, Yao. His name is Yiyang. He's been very popular in the NCAA recently. Do you know him?" The middle-aged man asked about the flag of Chinese basketball. Sex character, Yao Ming! And this middle-aged man was Yao Ming's manager in the NBA, Bill Duffy!

"Yiyang? I heard about him recently. Don't you all say that he is very likely to be selected in the first round? But it's a pity that Du Fei, I don't know him, and I have never even heard of such a number one before." people.” Yao Ming began to think seriously in his mind, before the NCAA, neither the local youth team nor the national youth team, had Yiyang’s name ever appeared. In fact, Yao Ming himself was also full of curiosity about this Chinese defender who appeared out of nowhere.

"Really? Then this guy is really mysterious." Duffy looked at Yiyang on the computer screen. This kid's resume before the NCAA was almost blank!

"Why, he doesn't have a manager yet?" Yao Ming smiled. In this way, Bill Duffy must have taken a fancy to Yiyang.

"As far as I know, no. I think I have to go to Indianapolis myself." Bill Duffy looked out the window, maybe, this No. 1 guard will be the second person rising after Yao Ming What about the Chinese superstar? Duffy knew that his vision was always accurate.


"A manager? I don't have money to hire a manager." In Indianapolis, Indianapolis, in the head coach's office at Butler University's Singer Arena, Yi Yang was chatting with his mentor Stevens.

The office is no longer as messy as before. In order to put down the championship trophy, Stevens even asked someone to put a display shelf here.

But that seemingly heavy trophy now only represents the Bulldogs' glorious past. What Yiyang and Stevens were talking about was the immediate future.

After finishing his NCAA career perfectly,

Yiyang can't relax himself just because he won the championship and won the MOP award. On the contrary, the real turning point in Yiyang's life has just arrived.

NBA, professional basketball, these things are what Yiyang has to consider now. Stevens wanted to give Yiyang some advice, but he found that this guy who had signed up for the draft was not prepared for almost anything. Just now, Stevens found out that Yi** didn't even know that a professional player needs such a thing as a manager!

After all, in the era when Yiyang's father played, the professional level of the domestic league was not high. Yiyang's father, who had been promoted step by step from the youth team, did not have a manager and obeyed the team's arrangements.

Although they are all professional basketball, there is a huge gap between the professional basketball at that time and the path that Yiyang will take now.

"No money to hire a manager? I... I can help you pay in advance! Without a manager, who will take you to trial training, who will help you negotiate contracts, and how those NBA teams will contact you. Never thought about it?" Stevens was a little worried, and he would be very sad if his favorite student was delayed because of the manager's problem.

"I can do it myself. From childhood to adulthood, I can do everything by myself." Yiyang replied innocently, making Stevens dumbfounded and sympathetic. After all, it is impossible for Yiyang to get in touch with these things in a place like Wood District.

" do I tell you? Managers, they're a coach in a player's life! Yeah, coach! Think about it, when you're playing , as the coach, we are an indispensable part!" When Stevens said this, Yiyang nodded in agreement.

"As for a professional player, in addition to needing a coach on the basketball court, there must be someone to teach them what to do and help them deal with some complicated things in life. This person is the manager!" Stevens simply said I admire my own metaphor, so Yiyang should be able to understand it.


"Don't be so! I guarantee that on the night we won the championship, countless managers sent you self-recommendation text messages. Don't think about how they got your phone number. As long as they want to, the US President's personal They can get you the number. Come on, tell me, who has sent you a self-recommendation message!" Stevens interrupted Yiyang's speech, and on the part of the manager, Steven Si thought to himself that he must help Yiyang check it out. Otherwise, the only one who suffers is Yiyang himself.

Yiyang dug out the text messages on his phone, and read out one name after another without emotion.

"Paul Finson, Eric Senna, Harrison Gay, Xavier Wright..."

While Yiyang was reading these names, Stevens shook his head in disappointment. None of these guys are worth recommending. They are a group of unknown guys who hope to make a lot of money through Yiyang. What Yiyang needs is someone who can make him better, not make others better through himself.

With this group of "three noes" managers who are not well-known, well-connected and inexperienced, Yi Yang might fall directly into the second round!

" there any more?" Stevens sighed, not expecting much.

“Another one called me this morning and said he was going to meet me in Indianapolis immediately and wanted to talk to me. I said no to him straight away at first, but he insisted. Now, probably on the plane Right." Yi Yang recalled seriously.

"What is this man's name?"

"Bill Duffy."

"Who!" Stevens suddenly "bounced" from his chair.

"Bill Duffy." Yiyang said the name again in a cold voice, he didn't know how famous this guy's name was.

"Bill Duffy!? God, you are so lucky. If he is willing to be your manager, boy, I guarantee you will make a lot of money!" Yang himself was even more excited. If it was Bill Duffy, Stevens would feel relieved to send Yiyang out.

"Is he... very powerful?" Seeing that Stevens was so excited after hearing the name, Yi Yang was full of doubts.

"A basketball manager who ranks among the top five in the United States! He owns 30 NBA players, and the total salary of the players is well over 100 million dollars. Moreover, he is also Yao's manager in the NBA! Tell me, is he good?" Stevens asked back.

"Yao? Yao Ming?"

"That's right! Yao Ming! Duffy had already started paying attention to Yao Ming before he entered people's field of vision. If it wasn't for him, Yao Ming probably wouldn't have signed up for the draft that year! It can be said that he is better than anyone else. Everyone must know how to make a Chinese player succeed in the NBA!"

Just as Stevens and Yiyang were discussing in full swing, Yiyang's cell phone rang suddenly. Yiyang picked up the phone and saw it was an unfamiliar number. After the call was connected, the voice of a middle-aged man entered Yiyang's ears.

"Do you still remember me? I'm Bill Duffy. We talked on the phone before. I've arrived at Indianapolis International Airport now. Excuse me, where can I find you?"

Yiyang froze for a moment, but didn't answer.

"Who is it?" Seeing that Yiyang didn't respond for a long time, Stevens asked with concern.

"He said, his name is Bill Duffy." The name said from Yiyang's cold tone made Stevens smile.

"Call your mother quickly, too. You don't need to look for a manager. The best candidate has already arrived. Tonight, we will have a good discussion about your upcoming career!" Stevens knew , A truly capable player does not need to find a manager by himself.

Because they themselves are the targets that managers are going to compete for.

Stevens believes that Bill Duffy who heard the news will definitely give Yiyang a good start in his career!

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