One Hundred Thousand Reasons For Krypton Gold

Chapter 558 Salted Fish National Teacher Online Business (21)

Ling Qiong took Yi Chu back, but he had nowhere to go for the time being, so he had to take him back to the mansion first.

"My lord, you are back." A Zhuo hurried over: "Go and see Mr. Feng, he hasn't eaten for several days."

Ling Qiong was instinctively surprised: "I haven't eaten for several days and still haven't died?"


Ling Qiong pressed her lips, coughed lightly, what nonsense did she say! That's your cub! !

sin sin.

It's not that Feng Lingshu didn't eat anything, he still ate something two days before she left.

Later, I ate less and less, and finally stopped eating altogether.

Azhuo said that he hadn't taken a drop of water from yesterday to today.

Ling Qiong walked towards the room while drawing the card.

"My lord?" Seeing Lingqiong standing at the door and not going in, Ah Zhuo called her in a low voice, "Aren't you going in?"


Ah Zhuo: "..." What are you waiting for?

Wait for her to draw a card.

Otherwise, if she went in like this, she would probably only be blasted out.

After a stick of incense, A Zhuo was afraid that something would happen to Feng Lingshu inside, and when he was full of anxiety, Ling Qiong opened the door and went in.

The room was dark with all windows closed.

"Open the window."

"Young Master Feng won't let me..." A Zhuo was in a dilemma.

He had opened it before, but Mr. Feng closed it angrily, and he was not allowed to open it again after that.

Lingqiong: "You go out first."

A Zhuo glanced inside, and finally exited the room with a worried mood.

Ling Qiong walked inside, Feng Lingshu lay on his side on the bed, huddled into a ball, without a quilt.

Maybe because he heard the movement, the boy murmured extremely stubbornly: "I won't eat."

"You want to starve to death here?"

It wasn't A Zhuo's voice, Feng Lingshu immediately propped himself up and sat up, but his body was weak, his hands and feet felt weak, and he fell back again.

Ling Qiong stepped forward to help him.

Feng Lingshu avoided her in fear, propping up the bed and moving inside.

Ling Qiong withdrew her hand and watched him leaning in, hugging his knees, slowly raised her head, and met her gaze.

Feng Lingshu: "You said before that you wouldn' anything to me, you lied to me."

"You don't ask me what kind of poison you have, what symptoms you have, and what will happen to you, so you accuse me, isn't it a bit too much?"

Feng Lingshu was taken aback.

"Feng Lingshu, I never forced you." Ling Qiong said with a calm gaze.

"You probably won't believe what I said, you eat first, and I'll call the imperial doctor to explain to you later."

"Of course, if you don't trust me or the imperial doctor, then I can't help it."

Ling Qiong paused for a few seconds, then asked again: "Now, do you want to eat?"

Feng Lingshu didn't say whether to eat or not, but just looked at her with a begging look, "Let me go."

Ling Qiong lowered her eyes slightly, and when Feng Lingshu thought she would refuse, she said softly, "Okay. As long as you eat."

Maybe he can leave here, Feng Lingshu ate everything that A Zhuo brought in.

Ling Qiong was a little speechless: "You want to leave here so much?"


Feng Lingshu pursed his lower lip, put down the spoon in his hand, and shrank his hands under the table without responding.

"My lord, the imperial doctor has arrived."

Ling Qiong asked the imperial doctor to come in, show Feng Lingshu's body, and explain the poison he had suffered before.

Lingqiong was afraid that he would be uncomfortable, so she went out first.


"Yes, those who are poisoned by this poison will experience symptoms such as hallucinations and visions in the early stage."

Feng Lingshu hesitated, but still asked: "What hallucinations will appear?"

Imperial doctor: "It's hard to say, for example, the things you are afraid of instinctively, the things you like, etc., are all things that exist in the subconscious mind."

Feng Lingshu: "That is to say, if you don't want it in your heart, it won't appear?"

Imperial doctor: "Yes."

Feng Lingshu: "..."

Feng Lingshu didn't pay much attention to when the imperial doctor left.

It wasn't until someone touched the corner of her lips that Feng Lingshu came back to his senses, and raised his eyes to meet Shang Lingqiong's gaze.

She leaned on the table and bent over, her fingers still resting on the corners of his lips.

The warm fingertips pressed against the lips.

"It's stained with something." Ling Qiong withdrew her hand: "Take care of your body first, and then I'll ask Qiao Yi to send you away."

Feng Lingshu: "..."

Ling Qiong didn't seem to be reluctant, her expression was calm, she couldn't see any reluctance, and left the room.

Feng Lingshu looked at the door and didn't move for a while.

He should be happy to get out of here.


Feng Lingshu didn't know why, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

It seems... as if she doesn't want to leave here.

Feng Lingshu took care of his body for two days, and he ate and drank well, so there was nothing serious about it.

He didn't have anything to pack, but Ling Qiong bought some things for him before, and A Zhuo knew that these belonged to him, so he took it upon himself to collect them for him.

"Mr. Feng, do you really want to leave?" A Zhuo chattered to Feng Lingshu.

The latter sat there blankly, without any reaction.

"My lord is actually very good to you. Before you were poisoned, my lord watched over you day and night."

Feng Lingshu seemed to have heard these words, and reacted a little.

Those vague memories flooded up again.

It seems that he took the initiative... and it seems that he didn't.

"I've never seen an adult care so much about anyone. You are the first one."

"Where are those people?" Feng Lingshu came to his senses after asking, what was he asking this for.

A Zhuo didn't know what Feng Lingshu was thinking, "Are you talking about those young masters? They were all rewarded by His Majesty. His Excellency let them stay in the mansion, but His Excellency never went to them, and they rarely even showed His Majesty's face." See you."

"Since you were poisoned, the adults have not allowed them to come here, and they are only allowed to move around in the backyard."

Feng Lingshu was puzzled: "Isn't my place in the backyard?"

A Zhuo: "Of course not, the place where you live is only a wall away from adults. So I said, adults care about you very much."

Feng Lingshu didn't pay attention to these before.

He didn't know where he lived, it was only a wall away from her.

All he thought about was how to get out of this place where he was imprisoned.

"Does it have to be like this?"

After hearing Ling Qiong's arrangement, Yi Chu was obviously not very happy.

"You need an identity that is justifiable and the officials can't make mistakes. Otherwise, do you think that with your identity as a Jianghu person, you can enter the central palace?"

"It must be this surname?" Yi Chu frowned. He knew that the person His Majesty liked was named Lin.

"This is the most reasonable method. Of course, you can use other methods, will be a little troublesome. It's not good for you or Your Majesty."

"Master Qiao, do you really think that I can replace the person in His Majesty's heart?"

"Master Yi, have confidence in yourself."

"I'm afraid that in the end... nothing will happen."

"Then treat it as a dream." Ling Qiong smiled, "I have made an agreement with His Majesty, you can choose to leave at any time."

Yi Chu smiled wryly: "Do you really think His Majesty will let me go?"

That's the queen, if she let herself off once, will she let herself off a second time?

Yi Chu doesn't think so.

The emperor's mind is the most elusive.

Ling Qiong reached out and patted Yi Chu's shoulder: "If I'm still around then, I will naturally help you."

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