One Man’s Power

Chapter 1 Please Show Your ID Card

"What about the light?"

"Where did the light just go?"

It was dark again, why was it dark again, Tang Hong regained consciousness a little bit.

He's in a bad state.

He could not feel the passage of time at all.

"Different space gods are so powerful and irresistible."

"Why did they invade the earth, not to mention the entire universe, compared to the Milky Way, the solar system is not worth mentioning, the earth is like a speck of dust."

"Xingchenyan said that its inheritance memory is recorded by the real body of the envoy, and it can wipe out the planetary system with one blow. That level of power is enough to sweep the Milky Way... Above the envoy is the real god, and it is great if it is higher... Damn it, I have seen a golden body, but I have never seen a seven-colored body that represents a real god."

Tang Hong's thoughts became confused.

Thoughts were flying, emotions were surging, and it was difficult to control for a while.

"Multiple worlds, parallel time and space, does time still have meaning?"

"If the time in the world I was born and raised in has stopped, what about the other worlds? Oh, I have the impression that the person surnamed Sang said that the timelines of multiple worlds are relatively independent."

Tang Hong felt that his thinking consciousness was gradually recovering.


Where is he, where did he come from, where is he going.

"I'm from my world."

"I left my hometown and went to a parallel world. I must break through the Unrivaled World within two years."

Tang Hong sorted out his thoughts.

He began to grope, to explore his surroundings.


The never-ending darkness...

I don't know where it is, it's a little cold, and I probably lost control and perception of my body.


"Such a situation... I'm afraid it's not reincarnation." Tang Hong was suddenly frightened.

Reincarnated into a parallel world?

To become a baby?

That would be too miserable, no matter how infants and young children cultivate, their willpower is almost non-existent!

The body is the prerequisite for the cultivation of the will, and also the cornerstone of everything... Tang Hong thought for a while: "Since Chen Jiawei has the absolute present and transcends time, he must be much more thoughtful than me."

She can do no wrong! No mistakes either! Equivalent to the incarnation of truth!

Now Tang Hong felt relieved.

So he began to think about how he would appear in another parallel world.


"Maybe... she sent me to another parallel world, and I belong to the aliens."

In another world, there may be another Tang Hong, who is occupying the body of 'another Tang Hong'.

This can be explained, the thinking is still there, but he can't perceive the rejection reaction of the body due to the flesh and blood and the thinking consciousness, which causes his thinking consciousness to adapt to another new body.

"The dove occupies the magpie's nest, cruel and heartless!"

Tang Hong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He is used to life and death. Although he has compassion and compassion, he will feel guilty and guilty, but he will not blame himself too much.

The so-called "other self" is just a stranger.


Tang Hong quickly rejected this idea.

The human body is the foundation of willpower, which determines the upper limit of willpower!

Once more than 3000% of the will to become a saint enters the body of an ordinary person, it will explode the brain in an instant, and there is no second possibility!

"Wandering of thinking consciousness..."

"The materialization of the holy will..."

"I became the world's first ghost..."

Tang Hong couldn't help thinking wildly.

Dazed, vaguely awake, I don't know how long it will last.

After a long wait, something changed.

Just like the big bang of the universe, from nothing to existence, from non-existence to existence, from an infinitely small singularity to a vast world, leaping from the source of a long river of time, and heading forward.

From death to life,

from nothingness to reality,

First, the warm sunshine shone on the face, and then people whispered, the whole world suddenly came alive! !


Tang Hong sat up suddenly, like waking up from a dream!

"This, this is..."

He looked down at his hands and legs, shocked to the bottom of his heart.

None of the previous assumptions were correct, not only the consciousness, the will to become a saint, but the two-year tour of the parallel world provided by the supreme emperor Chen Jiawei actually sent the body of the saint along with him!

It's like cutting and pasting!

What power this represents!

Tang Hong's scalp was numb and his mind went blank. He was both shocked and moved beyond words. Such a real world was right in front of him.

"My God, my God."

He touched the ground, and found that the red bricks were uneven and of different shades, there was soil between the cracks of the bricks, and green grasses were growing and fluttering in the wind.


Vibrant meaning!

Vision recovered, hearing recovered, Tang Hong's whole body was numb and crisp like an electric current passed through.

The ensuing noise came to my ears, about thirty meters to the left, there was a TV broadcasting the noon news.

"According to the latest news, my country's Tiangong-4 space station will be launched next month, enabling astronauts to go back and forth between the earth and space for the first time... At present, all preparations are proceeding as planned... According to the person in charge, Tiangong-4 The mission is the first flight of the third step of the "three-step" development strategy of my country's manned spaceflight project, which is a milestone for my country to master the key technologies of the space station, realize the regularization of space experiment activities, and further promote the development of the aerospace industry to a higher level."

this style...

It really hasn't changed at all...

There were noisy voices, from far to near, Tang Hong heard a strong and powerful male voice: "Hello, please show your ID card!"

Tang Hong looked up, and a middle-aged man in a police uniform was staring at him with sharp eyes.

Next to him was a policewoman, frowning, watching him carefully.

Tang Hong looked normal and said: "I forgot to bring my ID card."

"Why don't you bring your ID card with you?" The middle-aged man rubbed his chin and said, "Have you brought your mobile phone, and an electronic ID card is also fine, and what are you going to do in this dress?"

Tang Hong: (._.)

He's in a bit of an awkward position.

He was wearing an extraordinary holy combat uniform, his whole body was as white as armor, and his chest displayed real-time body temperature, pulse and heartbeat and other data.

At noon, the sun was hot and the air was as stuffy as a stove. Tang Hong was sitting in the alley, surrounded by low and dilapidated bungalows on both sides. Old men and women in twos and threes stood not far away, either pointing or showing disgust .

Tang Hong sat here against the wall, motionless, for more than an hour, and did not respond to how he called, as if he had passed out.

One of the old men called the police, and then there was this scene.

"What's wrong with young people nowadays?"

"A good-looking young man, no matter what fancy clothes he wears, he doesn't look right!"

"Hey, don't tell me, the young man looks energetic and looks good in everything he wears. You are jealous." An aunt saw Tang Hong's appearance, and changed the subject: "Now that roasted silkworms are popular now, look at you! got it."

What the hell is a roasted sprey.

Tang Hong twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked down. Fortunately, the blood on the surface of the combat uniform had dried up. The blood of consecration is different from that of ordinary people. It is denser and darker in color. After drying, it looks like black soil.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he took out his mobile phone from the inside pocket of his combat uniform.

The phone screen is cracked.

The shock absorption effect of the combat uniform is indeed extraordinary, effectively protecting the saints, but it cannot protect the relatively fragile mobile phone screen.

"The screen is broken?"

The middle-aged man leaned over to take a look, planning to scan it with facial recognition.

Don't blame him for meddling in other people's business, Tang Hong's behavior is really weird... Just now, when he walked in front of Tang Hong, he saw Tang Hong trembling violently twice, as if he had been electrocuted, and then he touched the ground and listened attentively What.

When he heard that the police were going to use face recognition, Tang Hong had a thought and thought to himself: "Is there another me in this world? If not, what if the face recognition can't be done?"

"All right."

"This can't be regarded as abusing the holy will."


Tang Hong swaggered out of the alley, behind him were grandpa and aunt going back to their respective homes, as if nothing had happened. The two policemen returned to the police car, listening to the news about Tiangong No. 4.



The sun was setting.

Tang Hong had already changed into a set of short-sleeved sweatpants, and was dragging a suitcase, which contained the combat uniform of the Transcendence and Sainthood.

His face was a little gloomy, and his ID number could not be detected after searching online: "I guess the ID card is useless...I have to find out as soon as possible, is there another 'me' in this world."

Traveling in parallel time for two years, without giving a strategy, I almost got into a game at the beginning.

Tang Hong couldn't help sighing: "God, I'm sorry, I actually became a black household."

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