Big Charles has been a proud man since he was a child, but today, he has completely changed you.

When Liao Ming heard Big Charles’s words, he hurriedly stepped forward and bowed deeply.

“Thank you, Lord Charles! Liao Ming must have carefully taken care of the country of Hui and actively encouraged the people to pay the heavenly gold. ”

Speaking of heavenly gold, Ron’s face became a little gloomy.

The so-called heavenly gold is the golden tax that every commoner has to pay to the Draco.

The heavenly gold was enforced, and failure to pay the heavenly gold would result in arrest, sale into slavery or exile.

In this world, there are many countries that are very poor, such as Liao Ming’s Hui Zhi Country.

In these countries, they are already very poor, and because they cannot pay heavenly gold, many young and strong men are captured as coolies.

After all, you can’t let your wife and children be taken as slaves.

Therefore, under this system of heavenly gold, those countries that were already poor became more and more poor. But as a small king, how can he compete with the Draco?

Because of the heavenly gold, many countries have perished in recent years.

Such a garbage system can only be thought of by garbage in garbage.

Ron was convinced of this.

“Brother Liao Ming, since you are a friend of Brother Ron, then the heavenly gold of your country, from today onwards, will be exempted.”

Big Charles said with a smile.

What the?????

What’s going on?

Did Lord Charles’s head get broken by the door today?

The audience burst all at once.

That’s too abnormal.

Even Liao Ming couldn’t believe his ears.

“Lord Charles, what did you say?”

Charles said to Liao Ming with a smile.

“I said that from today onwards, your country will no longer have to pay heavenly gold.”

Every word is an incomparable shock.

Today was amazing.

First, I saw the life and death duel of two super masters, saw the magical door that can restore people’s injuries, and saw the transformation of Big Charles.

At this moment, someone in the audience could not sit still.

“Lord Charles, can our country also be exempt from heavenly gold?”

The man who did not know the height of the sky shouted.

This person is the same person who mocked Liao Ming for betting on Reilly before.

Big Charles heard his words and said to him with a smile.

“Are you also friends with the Ron brothers?”

“Huh? I, I’m not. ”

Being asked by Big Charles, the person was also a little confused, why would he ask this kind of question first.

“Didn’t you beep something? Do you still want to get rid of heavenly gold? You look down on us Draco and feel that you are equal to us, right? ”

Big Charles’s originally kind tone suddenly became fierce and vicious.

That’s right, this is the real Big Charles.

Hearing such a roar from Great Charles, the king who proposed to spare the heavenly gold was immediately frightened and collapsed in his chair.

Looking at Big Charles’ angry expression, he immediately came back to his senses.

The man didn’t know which country’s king, but from his previous conversation with Liao Ming, he knew that their country was still very strong.

But at this moment, this person knelt down with a plop.

“Lord Charles is angry, I was wrong, the little one is wrong, the small one does not dare to talk indiscriminately anymore, I hope you have a large number of adults, just spare me this time.”

Big Charles saw that this person’s attitude was okay, so he didn’t continue to embarrass him, and then Big Charles suddenly thought of a way.

“I can be blameless for this, but I have one condition.”

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Charles’s mouth.

“Lord Charles, you can say that no matter what it is, I will do it.”

Hearing that Big Charles intended to forgive himself, the king was also relieved.

“Everything is rewarded and punished. For example, Liao Ming, who has excellent vision, and Mr. Ron made the same bet, not only obtained a huge gambling money, but also obtained the qualification to be exempted from heavenly gold. ”

Charles Sr. continued.

“But if you said the wrong thing today, I naturally want to punish you.”

Big Charles said with a smile.

I don’t know why, from the eyes of the Great Charles, the king read the meaning of anger.

Not to mention being won by Ron, but also won by the king of a small country?

Where is the face of the dignified Draco?

But under Ron’s deterrence, Big Charles not only can’t be angry, but also gives Liao Ming a privilege, which makes Big Charles unhappy to the extreme.

Now, there is a king who does not know the height of the sky and the earth who dares to stand up and provoke himself, and Big Charles will naturally not let go of this opportunity, and naturally punish him fiercely.

“Hehe, rest assured, I won’t embarrass you, let alone let you be hurt or something.”

Big Charles said with an evil smile.

“I promise you that you will not be damaged by a single hair, but from today onwards, your country will pay three times the heavenly gold for ten years!”

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