One Piece Comics Heritage System

Chapter 140 Recruiting Roger

"Finally back to Cake Island."

"Yes, if nothing big happens next, we may not need to go to sea in a short time."

Looking at the cake island in the distance, Karl had already decided that if it was not a big deal, he would not sell cakes unless necessary.

Because next, we must prepare for the start of the Battle of the Valley of the Gods three years later.

Not only must manpower be sent to monitor John's whereabouts, but the strength of his men must also be raised to the next level as much as possible.

Because there is no time to rest after the battle in the Valley of the Gods, and the chaotic battle in the New World will come directly.

If it is strong enough, it can rule most of the New World territory.

If you are weak, you will give up your territory.

Even if his own strength is strong enough, sometimes the power cannot be maintained only by his own strength.

It is easy to conquer a country, but it is difficult to defend it.


When Carl and his party returned to Cake Island, they saw Linlin waiting at the port.

Linlin had already received Karl's letter on the island, so he waited on the shore early.

Carl and Ganfur's group happened to arrive at Cake Island on the same day, one after the other.


After Carl got off the boat, he hugged Linlin who was coming towards him.

"You're still pregnant, so you don't need to come to the port, understand? It's the same as waiting inside."

He carefully supported Linlin. She had been pregnant for several months and her belly was slightly pregnant.

"It looks like we need to avoid it."

Brown jumped off the boat first, held his head in his hands, and walked past Karl without changing his expression.

"Fuck you!"

Karl smiled, and the next moment he stepped forward and kicked Brown to the ground.

"When you have a new love, forget about the old love."

After Brown got up from the ground, he looked at Karl with a resentful look.



Davis and the others couldn't hold it in and laughed.

"Everyone go away!"

Seeing everyone making noises, he waved his hands repeatedly, and then led Linlin towards the cake island.

Seeing that there was no excitement to see, everyone gradually dispersed.

Linlin looked at the cautious Karl and said helplessly.

"Don't be so careful."

"Ganfur and the others have arrived."

Now that Ganfor and the others are here, it seems that he is going to take a look at Borsalino, Sakazuki and others during this period.

But now, nothing is more important than Linlin.

Karl thought for a moment and said.

"It's okay, don't worry."

. . . . . .

"Roger, I'm here to invite you to join Rocks Pirate."

The waters near New World Dressrosa!

Here, Newgate intercepted Roger and his party who had just sailed from Dressrosa.

Roger and the others looked at Newgate with unkind eyes.


Roger looked at Newgate in front of him unmoved. Naturally, they had heard of Rocks Pirate.

But after hearing it, he turned around and looked at Rayleigh, Jabba and the others: "I won't join."

Newgate knew that things would not be that simple and had been prepared for it.

"Gu la la la la!"

"Then let's see if you have the strength and say no."

The message Newgate received was that if the Roger Pirates didn't join Rocks, they would be destroyed.

"Empty shock!"


Newgate threw his cloak on the deck with his left hand, stepped back slightly with his left foot, and suddenly shot out his right hand.

The next moment, the space in front of him exploded like shards of glass.

The violent energy waves hit the Roger Pirates.

"God avoids!"

Sensing Newgate's power, Roger had not encountered such a powerful opponent for a long time.

An excited smile appeared on his face.


"Wow, wow..."

After the two energies collided, the sea surface began to become rough, and as water columns rose into the sky, it started to rain lightly.

"Gu la la la la!"

"You have my approval."

Newgate didn't expect that Roger in front of him would be haunted by Conqueror's Haki.

You know, even they have just learned it.

Now that this is the case, things start to get interesting.

"Cong Yunqie!"

Newgate usually uses force to defeat magic, swinging a huge cloud blade around Conqueror's Haki, leaping up out of thin air and slashing at Roger and his group.

Since the opponent's strength is not bad, he doesn't have to hold back.

If you are strong, just pretend he has never been here; if you are weak, just die in this sea.

"God avoids!"

Roger also didn't expect that Newgate would be haunted by Conqueror's Haki.

A red light flashed in his eyes, and he stepped on the deck with both feet. As the ship sank, his body jumped up out of thin air and faced him head-on, giving a powerful answer to Newgate's attack.


"Look, their weapons are not touching."

"Indeed, their weapons did not touch."

As Roger's crew members exclaimed, everyone turned their attention to the weapons of the two men.

It can be clearly seen that a red energy ball is produced in the middle of the weapon.

"The sky is cracking!"

Jabba and the others opened their mouths wide, watching the sky in the distance slowly split open, in shock.

To be honest, this was also the first time they saw Roger attack with all his strength from the beginning.

I didn't expect the momentum to be so huge.

Lei Li's right hand was on the Western sword, ready to strike at any time.

"The fun begins."

Newgate felt Roger's strength and strength, and knew that today might be in vain.

But now that I'm here, I have to have fun no matter what.

"Gu la la la la!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

As the two people's laughter ended, their figures kept colliding in the air.

"Clang, Clang, Clang!"

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Originally there were some clouds in the sky as a foil, but they dissipated in an instant under the violent impact.

The violent energy waves swept across the air mercilessly.

"Big news!"

Not far away, there was a news reporter who took a picture of the battle in front of him.

He was a reporter trained by Moore Morris.

The first and second batch of reporters were all trained by Moore Morris himself.

After training them, let them go to various parts of the world to collect various news events.

At the same time, the information is transmitted through the video phone.

It is this method that allows "News of the World" to be sold to every household in the entire sea.

Although "News of the World" has only been around for a short time, it has firmly occupied more than 50% of the news on the sea.

The role of these reporters and those homing pigeons is essential.

Newgate and Roger soon saw a desert island not far away from the air.

The two had the same goal and slowly approached the deserted island during the fight.

Newgate's crew and Rayleigh and others discovered that their respective captains and captains were fighting farther away, and they quickly chased after them in their ships.

Soon they came to the desert island.

The strange thing is that since arriving on the desert island, there has been no friction between Newgate's crew and Rayleigh and others.

Instead, the two groups stayed quietly and did not interfere with each other.

It's just that both groups looked at it angrily.

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