After Princess Shirahoshi heard those people say such words to herself, she also turned her head to Vander Deken on the other side.

You can see that the smile on Vander Deken's face is a little distorted.

Because I couldn't fulfill my wish for many years, of course I had a more pervert idea in my heart, and then Vanderdyken threw two axes at Princess Hundred Stars.

Shirahoshi really didn't know what to do for a while, and in the end he was so frightened that he could only scream on the spot.

But something magical happened. The ax did not fall directly on Princess Shirahoshi's machete, but fell directly to the ground.

Princess Shirahoshi saw Jiang Yang in front of her, and her expression was very angry.

Then Jiang Yang turned his head and said to Princess Shirahoshi: "Princess, are you okay?"

Princess Shirahoshi said very gently: "Don't worry, I'm fine. Jiang Yang, you seemed to have used some trick to resist the attack of the flying ax just now. It shouldn't have been with your own body!"

"If your body is injured, come back to Guangdong with me for treatment now. I don't want to see you injured, and of course I don't want to see anyone else injured.

Jiang Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, Princess Shirahoshi, I haven't been harmed in any way."

Jiang Yang then turned his head to Vander Deken and said: "But you guy, you actually made such an attack on a powerless Princess Shirahoshi."

she. "

"I'm very angry today."

Just after Jiang Yang said such a sentence, you can see some changes in his body.

Then something similar to water vapor appeared on his body, and then suddenly accelerated, and came directly in front of the Vanderdykens.

Vander Deken didn't react for a moment as to what had happened. He directly caught Jiang Yang's heavy punch head-on, and then flew out.

What happened next was obvious, as he was taken directly to the hospital bed by a taxi, and then completely passed out.

Of course, some blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth like a fountain.

In fact, Princess Shirahoshi is a little curious about Jiang Yang's special attack method. She really wants to know what Jiang Yang's attack is based on.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out that Jiang Yang could directly adjust his power by adjusting the speed and direction of his blood.

Their best princess is not harmed now, which is why they are happy.

But they didn't show any gratitude or action towards Jiang Yang.

If other people encounter such a situation, they may be a little worried.

Because even though I made a great contribution to the matter, I still saved everyone.

But now there is not even a word of thanks, which is really a bit speechless.

However, Jiang Yang didn't think there was anything wrong, and even thought it was completely normal, because he already knew about it before.

There has been a huge contradiction between the human race and the fish race for a long time, and it is only humans who are to blame for everything turning into this.

That is to say, he didn't feel anything strange. Of course, he also sympathized with the mermaid tribe.

Mermaids have been in a state of being bullied for a long time.

Of course, the main reason why all of this is contradictory is the Celestial Dragons' rule of human slaves.

This is unacceptable to them. However, in recent years, due to the sacrifice of the former humans and queens to the fish-human race and the human race, the biggest conflict between them has always been an unstable bomb and a container that is quickly filled with things.

Just wait until a certain time period is reached one day and it will completely explode. This is one of the most serious problems.

Just after those people were sure that Princess Shirahoshi was okay, they also just left that place, and of course they took Vanderdyken into the prison.

Such a pervert and cruel person must be closely guarded by them.

Because he is too much of a threat to Princess Shirahoshi. How could such an ugly octopus allow him to marry Princess Shirahoshi?

In fact, I think it's quite funny when I think about it. Of course, this person has some psychological problems, so it is the best way to restrict such a dangerous person.

Princess Shirahoshi came to Jiang Yang and said gently: "Thank you for teaching me and saving me just now."

"Your skills are so great. I feel that you are really very kind. It seems different from what you and the tribe said. I heard before that humans are very cruel and do not have any sympathy."

But now it seems that they are not the same. Is there any misunderstanding in this?

Jiang Yang shook his head and said: "Some things are not as simple as they seem on the surface, but now you just need to live a good life. As for other unnecessary questions, 493 does not It’s necessary to consider.”

"Of course there is no need to discuss it, let's move on!"

Finally Princess Haixing went for a walk with Jiang Yang.

On the other side, there was still a stalemate between the Mermaid King and Hardy. The Mermaid King could not allow Hadi to act recklessly.

This will undoubtedly destroy the only connection between the mermaid clan and humans for a long time.

He doesn't want such a thing to happen, not only because most people in the world he tasks are not very malicious, but of course the biggest reason is because of his wife.

Before she died, the previous mermaid queen said this to the king and his children: "My king and princes, don't be sad."

"Since we are all creatures of this world, our lives will all come to an end in the end. I just went to that world a little earlier than you.

"Remember, after I die, you must not avenge me, and you must not find the person who attacked me. I think he might have done something like this out of confusion."

"You must believe that such things are definitely not done by humans, and remember to unite with humans."

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