Xiaoyu shook his head, "These have nothing to do with me, and besides, I can't control it myself, the Navy Government will only wipe its own ass, and the truth of the facts will never be exposed

to the public" Brother Ming smiled "I really didn't see the wrong person, little ghost, I deserve to be called a demon brigadier general

" "What is the other deal you said

" Xiaoyu replied "I know that you have a man under you, known as the Surgeon of Death, I hope you can lend him to me when I need it, and take a person's heart." "

Brother Ming" when does

you need "Xiaoyu shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows, I hope it will never be used, I also need you to help me form a medical team, if the researcher is penetrated through the chest, can the heart be intact and can be saved

" Brother Ming looked at Xiaoyu in front of him, and was a little stunned,

"What are you going to do

"Xiaoyu" to prevent an accident?

Then what can you give me in return?"

Xiaoyu said, "I know that you have this kind of person under you, you help me research, I will keep the secret for you, of course, if you don't want to, then I can also go to someone else

" Brother Ming, why do you think I will help you" Xiaoyu shook his head, "Bet, bet that you will not let go of the value I bring to you, you need the righteous side to give you those dark forces to cover"

Brother Ming

said It's really funny, don't you really want to join our family?"

Xiaoyu shook his head, "No, I declined politely, for us, cooperation is more secure, if something happens to one party, the other party can completely protect himself

" Ming Gemo held his fingers and looked at Xiaoyu "This deal looks like I am at a loss" Xiaoyu

shook his head, "I'll give you another line of arms trading, so it's always okay"

said and took out a signed piece of paper from the bag behind him

Brother Ming looked at this weapon order, even if he was used to seeing the world, he was a little surprised, "Revolutionary Army, or is it a list signed by the dragon

?" said with a pair of eyes staring

at Xiaoyu, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile, "Little ghost, who are you?"

Xiaoyu looked at Brother Ming and yawned, "Commodore of the Navy Headquarters, Xiaoyu" Brother Ming "

Of course I know, I'm talking about you, a brigadier general, why can you catch the line of the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon".

Xiaoyu doesn't care "You say Long, he is my father, I was raised by my father before I was seven years old, the revolutionary army needs weapons, so Uncle Ming, this is a win-win situation for the two of us

" Brother Ming" hahahahaha, hahaha, no wonder a little ghost can climb from a newcomer to the position of brigadier general in five years, if it is the daughter of that person, then it is not strange

"Xiaoyu" So, the medical team I mentioned earlier, can you help me".

Brother Ming, "Why don't you help, climb the thigh of the revolutionary army, and my family's power can also go to the next level, isn't it?"

Xiaoyu smiled slightly, "Don't be too happy too early, if the weapons you provide to the revolutionary army have quality problems, I will shake out all your secrets, and I will try to destroy your family

" Brother Ming took a glass of juice and put it in front of Xiaoyu, laughing wildly, "Of course not, but, Xiaoyu-chan, I really appreciate you more and more, we are a natural type of people"

Xiaoyu took the juice and replied lightly, "Refuse again, it's enough for a madman

" Brother Ming picked up the red wine and collided with Xiaoyu's juice, and then said with regret in his tone

, "It's a pity" Xiaoyu got up and looked out the window

, "It's really a good country, Uncle Ming, don't go too far".

Brother Ming walked behind Xiaoyu and followed her gaze, the young girls on the street were dancing to their heart's content, every child's face was filled with happy smiles, and there were toys that brought people laughter to every corner

of the country Brother Ming Of course, he knew better than anyone else the darkness buried in this country, but so what, he is now the hero of this country, not to mention, this country was originally owned by the Don Quixote family

After a while, someone knocked on the door of this reception room, and after Brother Ming agreed, Xiaoyu found that all the senior cadres of the Ming family had come

, and after seeing Xiaoyu, except for Diamandi and Torrebol, who had already seen her, the rest were all a little surprised

, and the baby5 in a maid costume asked with a smile

, "Is this little girl new to our family?"

Remember this face, His Royal Highness the Commodore of the Navy, and now he is also our close ally

" The identity of the Xiaoyu Navy has brought a big impact to everyone, but they have long been loyal to this family, at least now it is loyal Doflamingo

What did they do

, they did it is Xiaoyu naturally understood that they had other things to discuss, pushed Brother Ming's hand, and said, "I'll go around first, stay here for a few days and I'll go back" Brother Ming said

with a smile. Do you need to arrange an escort for you?Your Highness

Xiaoyu?" Xiaoyu evoked a smile, and his tone was still calm

, "No need, I believe that no one will embarrass me in your territory

" Brother Ming, of course, on the day you leave, I will hold a banquet for you

" Xiaoyu waved his hand at him, and then left the reception room After Xiaoyu left

, Torrebol asked Brother Ming

, "Dover, do you really want to cooperate with such a little ghost?"

Doflamingo took out the weapon order that Xiaoyu had given him, and said with a smile

, "This imp is not an ordinary imp, it should be said that this princess of the revolutionary army is not something that we can easily move

" Diamandi was surprised, "Isn't this Brigadier General's highness the granddaughter of the naval hero Karp? Our undercover agent also told us the same thing, why is it related to the revolutionary army".

Brother Ming sat on the windowsill, looked at the small figure walking outside the palace, and said with a smile

, "Yes, his father is a dragon

" As soon as these words came out, even Torrebol was surprised

, "So that's the case, so that's the case, then if that's the case, this little ghost is really not something we can move, at least we can't move "Brother Ming" at the moment

Who said that she was going to be moved, such an interesting little ghost, of course, I have to wait for her to grow up and see how much waves she can make in the world, hahahaha"


Xiaoyu on the other side was wandering aimlessly on the street, and suddenly heard the cries in his ears one after another,

Xiaoyu looked up, and saw the circular Colosseum Xiaoyu

just wanted to move forward, but was blocked by a one-legged soldier toy

Xiaoyu recognized this toy, Princess Scarlet's bodyguard

, and later married the princess, a typical story of the princess and the knight, the fairy tale that happened in this fairy tale country, it was really sweet, but later this sweetness was broken, the knight became a toy, the princess died, the little princess wandered in the Colosseum

, and looked at the toy soldiers who were making her laugh, and walked in front of him with a blank face

She is not a savior, and she doesn't want to be a savior, the residents here, the things here, for her, there is no special meaning, she just wants to gain strength in this world, and then protect herself and her family and partners.

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