Francis sat aside, waiting for them to set up the next game, his gaze crossed the crowd and stayed on the man

in the audience, he found that his god was always radiant, mysterious, beautiful, and powerful, thinking about it, the tips of his ears gradually turned red

, and then Dick was interrupted by a sudden Dick

, "Hey, little ghost, this is not interesting, how about we decide the winner in one game?"

Francis turned his head to look at him"What are

you going to do?" Dick smiled "What can I do? My esteemed little prince, you don't have much time to spend with me, do you?" this day is going to pass"

Francis nodded "Why do you call me Prince?" Also, what is the situation of my people

, "Dick" These things, if the prince wins me, I will tell you, if I lose, then I will not resist, and I will go directly with you

" Francis "How to compare"

Dick smiled and said, "It's very simple, let's compare marksmanship

" "After arranging this field in a while, we each have one side, there are fifteen holes in front of each camp, and there are scarecrows in each hole from time to time, whoever finishes the other party's scarecrow first, who wins

" Francis nodded "Okay

" Dick went to communicate with the host, and the host said

" Okay, it seems that the players on both sides of us are already impatient, Dick and Francis have proposed, the two have decided to decide the winner of the game, and the last two games of the land war have been combined into one, called Defend the Whack-a-Mole

" "We are now in position for both players, and the two of them have entered their own fortresses"

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we see that there are fifteen holes in front of each player, and these fifteen holes will randomly appear scarecrows from time to time, whoever finishes the other party's scarecrow first or hits the other party will win

" "Okay, without further ado, the two players are ready, our last game, one game to determine the winner, now, start-

" Xiaoyu looked at the scarecrows who came out without knowing when, and frowned

" The timing of the appearance of these scarecrows is completely irregular, and it seems that this time it is not easy to lose, and Francis has ventured into the game

, "Elclaes asked, "Then can he still win?"

"Joy nods

" Yes "Elscles" Why?

"Pleasure" This kind of game is good for Francis, have you just found out, Francis's blood has a suppressive effect on the blood in Dick's body".

"Although Francis is aggressive, he is not a fool, this game, Dick lost, as for the secret of his transformation from waste wood to genius, it will also be revealed"

On the ---- field, the two confronted each other Francis

while observing the scarecrow in front of the opposite fortress, and at the same time preventing Dick from shooting at him, almost showing his head, shooting, and then dodging

Fortunately, neither of them seemed to have the intention of shooting at each other, both of them tacitly agreed to hit the scarecrow in front of the fortress, and soon, the scarecrow on both sides was left

with the last one of the fifteen holes, and he could come out of any of these fifteen holes

at any time At this time, Francis tentatively appeared, Dick took the lead in shooting, Francis

looked at the bullet that was going to come at him, quickly dodged, the bullet was almost close to Francis's ear

, and he looked at Dick with pleasure, and said seriously" He wants Francis's life"

Alclay couldn't help but straighten up

, and even the host was frightened by the change just now, because this shooting range has been playing shooting games since Dick took over, and it has never been like this kind of shooting on the shooting range

, and Francis touched the blood that was rubbed out of the tip of his ear, only to feel that the wound was stinging all the time, and Francis felt it

There seemed to be something on his

bullet, causing the tip of his ear to bleed all the time, and Xiaoyu looked at the wound on the tip of Francis's ear and said

, "He smeared something on

the bullet", Elclay patted Xiaoyu lightly, telling her not to worry

, Dick's laughter came, "Hahahaha, little ghost, how does the special bullet smell? Your people were killed by this kind of thing

." Francis ignored it, taking advantage of Dick's smugness now, he shot quickly, and his bullet was also attached to

Dick's face, but it was a pity, Dick was just scratched a little skin

, and the host now reacted

, "Now the situation of the two players is going in an uncontrollable direction, although we have hit each other's bodies in the rules of the game, but we each have special body armor, like this has never been the

case". "So what will be the fate of the two players, let's look forward to it, the current situation, from who can win, to who can safely walk off the playing field, it's really exciting"

Francis wiped the blood from the tip of his ear, the red blood coagulated on his hand and gradually turned black, this guy, did you poison him?

Saying that, Francis concentrated, the pupils in the golden pupils gradually became larger, and then the whites of his eyes gradually faded, and there seemed to be something shouting in his body, as the blood in his body boiled, the wound on the tip of Francis's ear was also bleeding

at an accelerated rate, and one of his shoulders was stained red with bright red blood

, and he stood up and said: "Claes, get ready, Francis's current situation is very wrong, just a small wound, will the bleeding be so big."

Elclay quickly got up and walked to the edge of the playing field, ready to shoot at any time

and in the field, with the flow of Francis's blood, Dick's face on the opposite side was obviously not very good, his face gradually turned pale, and huge beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and then his left hand holding the gun, especially his left hand, hurt as if the

veins of his hand had just been broken, at this moment, Francis quickly locked on Dick's position, and then quickly shot, Dick's right hand was shot

The huge pain made Dick put down the gun, and then pointed at Francis, "Curse, this is ,,,, curse

" Francis only felt that his eyes were dark, and then fainted

, and at the same time, he took out the phone bug that was ringing, and

connected to Katie's voice from there, "Boss, we have all solved it here, and no one was injured

" Xiaoyu paused, "Yes, now immediately, let Rosie come over, Francis has a problem".

Katie heard Xiaoyu's words and became serious "Okay, rush

to it immediately" Xiaoyu and Al Claes broke through the protective shield and looked

at the stunned host "Hey, you can announce the results now" The host reacted at this time, and just wanted to pick up the microphone to announce the results, the microphone was taken away by Dick Dick

"This competition, I lost, I am willing to go with you,

and now the others present are innocent, they are just people who come to see the fun"

Xiaoyu didn't speak, motioned to Elclaes to pick up Francis, and then released the overlord color domineering Suddenly,

the entire shooting range fainted except for Dick

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