One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 262 Specializes in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction

Hiberfield Military Academy.

The latest batch of new students held a conference.

Mitis holds a book in his right hand, called "The Book of Truth of the House of Heberphilus".

This is the spiritual program that he and Brother Ivan have worked hard to create based on Mr. Charlotte's ideas.

He and Ivan both believe that a human heart without the support of ideals is hollow and nihilistic, and is not enough to become a member of their Hiberfield family.

To this end, a concept course on the ideal land was specially designed to promote the lofty ideals of Lord Heberfiler Charlotte.

He is the spiritual conductor, successor and promoter of Mr. Charlotte of the Hiberfield family... Such a great and glorious job is unshirkable.

On the square, in front of everyone there is a [Hiberfield Book of Truth].

A green-haired guy in the audience was disdainful.

He is the youngest spy trained by the Navy Headquarters and a man with a strong mind.

"Hiberphilus Book of Truth!"

Hariri looked at the unnamed books in front of him and despised them in his heart. These were all fancy things.

Returning the Book of Truth is such a big statement.

He spent three months perfectly blending into a group of orphans and used this as an opportunity to infiltrate the Hiberfield family.

Because of his flawless performance, he entered the Hibernian Military Academy with everyone very easily and smoothly.

This military base is full of mystery. Now Hariri has entered this military base as never before.

Looking at Mitis on the high platform again, Hariri sneered in his heart.

Mitis looked at the new and young faces in the audience, feeling extremely excited.

The Hiberfield family is really getting stronger and stronger, and more people should understand the greatness of Mr. Charlotte.

The ideal hometown will surely illuminate the world!

He, Mitis, held the book in one hand and immediately activated his Devil Fruit ability.


In an instant, using the Hebrew Book of Truth as a medium, a book was suspended in the air.

"Everyone, please cover your hands!"

Mitis' voice sounded calmly.

Hariri's eyes flashed.

This was the ability of Mitis' superhuman-type Shushu fruit. He felt a little panicked for a moment. He wasn't sure what the ability of this devil fruit was.

After all, the Silberfeller family has always been very mysterious. Although they know what Mitis' Devil Fruit is, there is not much information about its actual abilities.

It's really hard to tell whether he has special abilities or not.

However, everyone around him touched the book with one hand as he was told and closed their eyes instantly.

Seeing this, Hariri knew that if he refused, his identity would be easily exposed, and his mission would be a complete failure.

Thinking of this, Hariri gritted his teeth and did as Mitis said, putting his hands on the book.

Everyone who touched the book fell into silence, and everyone in the square directly entered some kind of illusion.

Seeing everyone seem to be sleeping, Mitis smiled.

His method was inspired by Mr. Charlotte.

You must know that Mr. Charlotte told him to try to use the power of Devil Fruit to form an illusion through the content of the Bible as a means of baptizing people's spirits.

He remembered it very carefully.

Now this is the new ability he has developed.

The fruit of his book itself can transform the contents of the book into the power of dreams, making people fall deeply into it, and can even materialize everything in dreams, which is quite terrifying.

And those who fall into it will be powerless to resist, just like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Today, he uses [Heberfiler Book of Truth] as a medium to develop the illusion of spiritual baptism, with the purpose of allowing more people to subtly undergo spiritual baptism.

Plant the glorious concept of "Ideal Land" deep in your heart.

This is his Metis ideological weapon, specializing in all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Mitis opened the [Heberphele Book of Truth] and began his impassioned speech... Oh no, it was just brainwashing.

It can be said that this developed ability is similar to the power of the Washing Fruit to wash people's souls.

Hariri completely fell into a peaceful dream with his eyes close to the outside world.

There was a dreamy and peaceful atmosphere all around, and the originally anxious mood suddenly became completely quiet.

Various dream bubbles appeared around him.

Those dreamlike bubbles flashed away, and they seemed to be the memories of many people. It was like watching a replay, which looked very interesting.

Hariri couldn't help but poke it with one hand, and the scene changed instantly...

On this road of life, everyone's life experiences are different. In a world without fairness, those meaningless deaths are the way back for most people.

In this world that will leave at any time, we don’t even have time to say goodbye. Those words that cannot be said and things that are too late to do finally turn into the bitterest tears before the grave.

And fate is like time that cannot be turned back, unstoppable like a torrent. You will never know what fate is waiting for you in the next second in a world without human rights and fairness.

Hariri listened to these whispers, and his body kept changing without realizing it. He seemed to feel the life of another person...

Hariri was wearing heavy shackles and shackles, which were heavy and oppressive. His scarred body was covered with horrific scars left by his master's whipping.

How sad it is to be a slave and not be able to decide between life and death.

In the luxurious-looking garden square, a group of elegantly dressed nobles chatted and laughed easily, while in the corner was a group of ragged slaves waiting like livestock!

Suddenly, a familiar figure came into his numb eyes, and he whispered in an incredible voice, "Dad!"

The father and son met briefly and had mixed feelings for a while. Hariri carefully hid the scars behind his back and seemed unwilling to worry his father.

Even as a slave, Hariri's father still forced himself to smile, hoping to bring a ray of warmth to his children in the cold life.

"Dad, I miss you very much. Master is very good to me. Don't worry. How is mom? Is she here?"

The young Hariri's voice was childish, but his eyes shone with light, as if his parents were still there, so he was not an orphan, even as a slave.

Hariri’s father smiled with tears in his eyes and gently stroked his son’s head, “Your mother is dead!!!”

At this moment, the strong Hariri couldn't bear it anymore. Even if he bit his lip tightly, he still couldn't stop the tears from pouring out like a spring.

"Don't be sad, you are more blessed to die than to live in this kind of life! Hariri."

Hariri's father said through tears, thankful that his wife was out of this hellish life.

"Hariri, you have to remember that light will always come. Don't lose hope. The [Ideal Land] exists, where there is peace, freedom, and happiness... They will definitely come to the world and save the suffering people."

However, Hariri was still in tears. The death of his mother was an unimaginable blow to a child.

As the words fell, his father burst into tears and danced happily while forcing a smile on his face. His strong body looked a bit funny. He endured the grief of his wife's death and gave his son the hope of living strong.


There was a piercing gunshot, and his father's tall figure slowly fell to the ground. Blood flowed all over the ground. The scarlet blood completely made Hariri collapse.

"Damn lowly slave, what are you doing so loudly?"

The furious nobleman casually threw down the gun in his hand, looking dissatisfied that the slave had disturbed his mood.

Hariri watched his father leave with a smile, his mind went blank.

His tears couldn't stop flowing, but when his loved ones passed away, he couldn't even cry aloud...

“A dream town!!!”

Hariri's numb expression still remembered his father's last words.

The scenes keep changing, each tragic story is full of cruelty, sadness, injustice...

The world is already full of injustice and tragedy, and those living in hell live in numbness for years.

There is no longer any expectation for tomorrow.

Mitis stood on the high platform, looking at the tearful children in the square, and murmured in a low voice.

"Only in this way can you truly understand how great Mr. Charlotte's idea of ​​an ideal country is."

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