One Piece Super Convenience Store

Chapter 156 Recruiting troops!

Bonney blushed, and then seriously said to Jiang Shan: "Sabaody Archipelago currently has 500 million Baileys in one month's tax revenue, after deducting some necessary expenses, there are still 300 million Baileys left, and another 100 million Baileys are reserved, you can still Get 200 million Bailey in taxes."

After Jiang Shan heard this, he was a little dissatisfied.


Bonney was startled when he saw Jiang Shan's attitude.

"You are not satisfied?"

"I was a little excited when I saw your appearance, but after hearing about the tax, it's really not that good." Jiang Shan said flatly.

Bonney was instantly angry!

"If you don't do anything for a month, you will earn 200 million! Besides, the trade of this island is increasing by "140", and your future harvest is destined to be more and more!"

"What you earn in a year is enough to catch up with us pirates finding a treasure!!

Jiang Shan helplessly scratched his ears, then patted Bonney on the shoulder seriously.

"You are a businessman now, and you can only be regarded as half a pirate. Don't limit your eyes to this small profit in the future."

"When the island will be able to share my one-billion-a-month tax in vain, no matter how happy it is, it will not be too late."

Jiang Shan's words completely beat Bonney to the core.

As for Ace on the side, he lowered his head and thought seriously.

Jiang Shan walked over and couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking?"

"I was wondering how much money Dad would have if he did what you did."

After Jiang Shan heard Ace's words, he helplessly shook his head.

"That's why I say Whitebeard is stupid, he can dominate one of the Four Emperors! One quarter of the Master's New World, many of the islands are far richer than this Sabaody Archipelago."

"But your father, who doesn't ask for asylum, doesn't know how much disaster this will cause to the rule."

Ace surprisingly did not refute Jiang Shan's words.

"You are right. I have been on this island for many days these days. Although they have paid taxes, they all live happily, and we also have a huge income."

Jiang Shan shook his head helplessly.

"Look further afield. My 200 million income is invested in the construction of this Sabaody Archipelago. Next month, I will see 400 million for me!"

Jiang Shan felt that it was necessary to promote the healthy and powerful development of the island as soon as possible.

Of course, his goal is not only these 400 million!

You must know that a small town with a truly developed business can generate more than 50 billion tax revenue a year, or even over 100 billion!

Some real megacities can even collect trillions of dollars in taxes!

In other words, a month is one hundred billion in taxes!

Jiang Shan hopes that this place will become such a super metropolis in the future, so that he will not come to this world in vain.

"It's a long way to go.

Only when Bonney and Ace heard what Jiang Shan said, they were almost scared to death!

"Store manager, you are dreaming! Even the Holy Land of Red Line may not be able to reach this level!"

Jiang Shan shook his head slightly.

"Even if it is the World Government, it is not qualified to compare with me!!

What he said was very confident, and the people around him also believed in his actions.

"The longer I stay with the store manager Jiang Shan, the more powerful he becomes!"

Jinbei nodded seriously.

Soon, Jiang Shan personally arranged the fishmen who came here, and even found many people who could build houses for them.

After all, these murlocs are all future rich men. As long as more murlocs are attracted, his Sabaody Archipelago will become more prosperous.

"Next, I think it's time to do something meaningful...

Jiang Shan turned his head to look at Ace and Bonney.

"Now you should obviously feel that there is not enough manpower."

Bonney nodded earnestly.

"It's true. After all, the number of pirates under us is limited, and most of the management of this island is governed by a group of people elected by the people."

"It seems that I need to make this island more formal.

"What are you going to do, sir?"

"Raising our own sailors."

Ace frowned.

"The best sailors have become pirates!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Shan's mouth.

"Pirates? I can do the same!"

"As long as it falls into my hands, it can only be like mud, let me do whatever I want."

Ace couldn't help asking Jiang Shan.

"What are you going to do, sir?"

"What pirates do, after all, is money and freedom! Let's talk about money!"

"It's better to come to me and earn a salary in a down-to-earth way than to hunt for treasures and beat them to death."

"Pirates have always been sitting on the ground to divide the spoils and pay salaries... 2.8"

"30,000 Bailey per person? How about it?"

So much "many!" even Bonney exclaimed.

"If there are 1,000 people, it will cost 50 million Baileys a month, and 10,000 people will need 500 million Baileys!"

"100,000 people need 5 billion Baileys a month, this is simply burning money!"

Jiang Shan pondered slightly.

"It seems that we can't support 10,000 people for the time being, so let's come to 1,000 people! All expenses will be paid from the tax of Sabaody Archipelago!"

"Soldiers are better, not more!"

ps is so stupid! I wrote it for a long time, and found that I didn't upload it.

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